Saturday, November 7, 2009

Combinations & Clashes - Part 07

Combinations & Clashes
Part 07

Personally, I very much enjoy studying & writing information pertaining to the subject of Combinations & Clashes. It is very fulfilling personally & theoretically.

However, if too much of information were to release, this can simply cause more confusions to the beginners.

Try your best to understand the context within what were written here. Add on personal interpretation only when you have gained certain level of proficiency.

If you do not, at this moment, entirely comprehened the theory, re-visit this topic again some other times.

The concept of ‘Being Combined Away’ (合去)

Combination would affect the original identity (or nature) of the involving elements. If the condition is highly conducive for transformation to take place, the involving element(s) would change its original nature altogether to form a new identity (i.e. new element). In this situation, the element involved is being combined away (合去).

Example : Female Chart (坤造)

X  庚 辛 丙
X  X  丑 子

Bing fire (the spouse star) is extremely weak in the winter season. During the process of combination with Xin metal, Bing can easily be transformed to some other element (in this scenario, water).

The conclusion, in this example, is simply the lost of husband to another woman.

Important Note :

The above is merely takes an easy way out to serve as an illustration. If, in any way, the above illustrated bazi resemble your bazi, don’t worry as there are more factors to consider before we can confidently draw such conclusion.


Anonymous said...

What impact Fu Yin have on chart?

Sarah Tan said...

Dear Master Goh,

What if instead it was Ding Fire, which combine with Ren it will transform to wood if the conditions are met, correct?

If it does transform into wood, what outcome will it have to the Female Geng metal?

Sarah Tan

Guan Leong, GOH said...

Sarah Tan,

The information on hand is insufficient to deduce the outcome, good or bad :(

If the Geng DM is strong enough, it is good as wood is the wealth to Geng DM.

Self Discovery.....

Knowing yourself, knowing the peoples surrounding you ....