Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Bazi Daily - 26/11/2009

Freedom Fighter vs Restlessness vs Movements

I have touched on the subject of restlessness that is due to the strong presence of Implicit & Explicit Talents (please refer to the Bazi Daily – 25/11/2009).

Today, I shall continue the subject by introducing some other factors that associate with movement & restlessness.

1. The presence of Traveling Horse (驿马)

The term itself is already self explanatory – it denotes ‘movement’, search for freedom & seldom stay at home.

According to my practical experiences, movement can refer to either :-

- physical movement (i.e. move from place to place, company to company, etc) ; &/or
- psychological movement (unsettled mind, i.e. the mind can wander around without noticing)

2. Clashes between pillars, stems &/or branches

Clashes will change the property of the involved elements (stems & branches).

For instance, if the wood is being clashed / conquered by the metal, the energy of the wood will be weakened. That is to say, there is a CHANGE due to such a clash.

Hence, too much of clashes denotes instability and, therefore, contributes to restlessness.


Anonymous said...

Hi Master Goh,

In the presence of Traveling Horse, what are the indications in the bazi that shows that the Traveling Horse will effect
the person psychologically rather than physically?

Thank you.


Guan Leong, GOH said...


Have we ever ask ourselves : why can't a person sits still for long & have to move here & there from moment to moment?

One of the main reasons is that 'the mind is wandering & can't readily focus a single thing for too long (especially things that is repetitive)'. In response to such a state of mind (psychological movement), the person have to 'move around' physically to temporarily get away from the routine. I think Wei Kee (with strong Geng metal as his Explicit Talent) should be able to share with us on his personal experiences :-)

My point is that our physiological state would affect & influence our pyschological state. The reverse is also true.

Even though, we can still decipher whether it is due to mental or physical by looking at the Resource Deity.

Why is it so? That is my treat to you today - Food for thought :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Master Goh,

Thank you for quoting me in your comment :) I am a person with lots of interest, but when my heat cool down, i sometime totally forgot i was into that things before. I can pickup new interest very fast, and lost interest very fast too.. :D

BTW, If the DM have the travelinng horse that not belong to the DM and is clash, how would the Traveling horses "YIMAs" in this person chart impact the DM? (e.g. Si, shen, and Yin inside this person 8z and Luck pillar, but is not belong to the DM) since Si Shen Yin form a clash.


Anonymous said...

Hi Master Goh,

Is it because Resource can represent the quality of thinking? So if Resource is strong...more likely the person will have more internal debate? :D

How about if a person is force to make a physical move? Is this more likely be indicated by a clash at Travelling Horse?

Thank you.


Guan Leong, GOH said...

Wei Kee,

Don't make it too complex by differentiating you or mine, within or without :-)

As long as the Traveling Horse appears, there is a possibility of movement (physical &/or mental).

The more the numbers, the more movement it would be.

Clashes denotes changes and, hence, movement. Therefore, if the clashes involve Traveling Horse, the movement & change is even more obvious.

If the clashes is caused by the Luck Cycle or Annual Luck Cycle, we can conclude that more movements & changes can be expected during that period of time.

Guan Leong, GOH said...


I like the term you used 'internal debate'. Yes, you are right :-)

As for the physical movement, why don't you think & share with us?

For sure, clashes (need not to be with the Traveling Horse) is one of the aspects that we would like to consider.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Master Goh,

You should write a book on the Shen Sha, it will be interesting.


Anonymous said...

Hi Master Goh,

When a bazi chart has strong presence of explicit or implicit talent which are incidentally travelling horses, can the tendency towards movement and restlessness be intensified?

Thank you,


Guan Leong, GOH said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Guan Leong, GOH said...


Yes, it is highly possible :-)

Movement & restlessness can be caused by many other factors, such as :-

- when the chart is too hot ;
- when the water is too strong and flow freely.

You can continue to expand your imaginations based on what I have introduced so far....

Anonymous said...

Hi Master Goh,

Can't think anymore...can give clues?

Thank you.


Anonymous said...

Master Goh,

Thanks for sharing your wisdom. Looking forward to reading more of your blog writings and books.


Self Discovery.....

Knowing yourself, knowing the peoples surrounding you ....