Friday, July 30, 2010

Bazi Daily - 31/7/2010

Ding Fire (丁火)

Ding Fire is a small and tranquil fire that warms those who surrounds it.

•  Hence, he/she is gentle, conservative and polite.

Light from a torch is directed at areas we wish to illuminate.

• he/she can be interpreted as focused, meticulous and prudent, akin to the sharp concentration of the light rays.


Push. One of two things mainly conducive to success. The other is Pull.

Ambose Bierce

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Bazi Daily - 30/7/2010

Ding Fire (丁火)

Ding refers to Yin Fire and is associated with illuminations from the candle or the torch.

Try to stretch your imaginative mind and link it in term of personality?
One of the advantages of being disorderly is that one is constantly making new discoveries.

A.A. Milne

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Bazi Daily - 29/7/2010

Bing (丙火)

Now, we shall move to Bing fire. 

Bing refers to Yang Fire and is associated with the Sun.

Fire is akin to that of the Sun that permeates in all directions, hence, he/she is :-

• easy-going, straightforward, passionate and generous. Does not dwell on petty matters. Is frank and has a clear view on life.

• energetic and inquisitive. Demonstrates enthusiasm to all manner of things. Can be impulsive at times and blow issues out of proportion or be extremely busy with no returns at the end.


It is, in fact, nothing short of a miracle that the modern methods of instruction have not entirely strangled the holy curiosity of inquiry.

Albert Einstein

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Bazi Daily - 28/7/2010

Yi Wood (乙木)

The implication of flora and plants sway to the direction of the wind.

On a positive note, flexibility is demonstrated. However, the opposite suggests being realistic and obsequious.


The aim of education is the knowledge not of fact, but of values.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Bazi Daily - 27/7/2010

Yi Wood (乙木)

Have you ever observe flora and plants sway to the direction of the wind. When the wind blows over, they return to their original position.

What can we say about a person character through this observation?


Leadership Rule: Take time to confer with yourself and tap your supreme thinking power.

The successful person uses solitude to do his super-thinking.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Bazi Daily - 26/7/2010

Yi Wood (乙木)

Yes, Yi is yin wood and, therefore, it is associated with flowers and plants.

Flowers and plants are soft in texture as they continue their growth.  Hence, we can deduce that the individual is gentle and mild in character.  He/she exercises tactful approach to management.
If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn't thinking.

George Patton

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Bazi Daily - 25/7/2010

Yi Wood (乙木)

We associate Jia Wood with big tree, what can we associate Yi wood with?  Also, what is the implications?


Imagination is more important than knowledge.

Albert Einstein

Friday, July 23, 2010

Bazi Daily - 24/07/2010

Today, I shall share my view with you on the question posted by Andy :)

=>  is there a simplified procedure that will enable us to quickly drill down to the important aspects of an individual's personality?

Human being is a complex creature that, up to now, pyschologists still trying their very best to 'understand' human nature.

Of course, there are simplified ways of ascertaining a person's characters.  But, that could only 'outline' his/her brief and surface character. 
Personally, it is my preference to do a more comprehensive analysis than a simple one.

=> For example, if we are scanning candidates for a casual vacancy, we might not be interested in their marital prospects or family relationships, just want to quickly know if their personality can fit.

If it is only a casual vacancy (i.e. short term employer-employee relationship), I wouldn't want to go into analysing his/her bazi.  Face reading and observing body languagues would be good encough.

However, if it is a permanant & important position, comprehensive analysis (including marital prospects or family relationships) is required.

By saying so, judging whether a person is suitable for certain position by merely based on the study of his/her birth data (i.e. bazi) is not acceptable in most of the countries.

Be careful if you choose to do so.  Do & evaluate it quietly!
==> For this purpose, would looking at the day stem be enough? Or do we always need to look at 10D too?

Whether it is a simple or a comprehensive analysis, I would consider both the Day Stem and the 10 Deities.

==> In your opinion, what is the minimum factors in a bazi we must look at in order to reach an accuracy (personality wise) of, say, 70%?

The energy of 5 elements & 10 deities within the natal chart.   To further enhance the accuracy, you may want to include Compound Stars & 12 Life Stages as well.

Basically, you have to include all :)

==> Do you think this simplified method of reading is sufficient to hit an acceptable level of accuracy if we only want to know about personality?

Your analysis of the cited case is on the right track.   BTW, I do not have any idea on the identity of individual (male or female ??)

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Bazi Daily - 23/7/2010

Jia Wood

Leaves provide shade, thence lending the virtue of benevolence

Therefore, when the energy of Jia Wood DM is balance, he/she kind and compassionate.   It is just akin to a big tree that protects and shelters, is understanding and empathetic. Will give a helping hand to those in need.


A leader is a person with a magnet in his heart and a compass in his head.


Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Bazi Daily - 22/7/2010

Jia Wood

Besides being upright, it is also observed that the roots (of the tree) grasp the soil firmly and establish the foundation.   This signifies : -

Positive aspect =    The individual is down to earth and stable

Negative aspect =  But, he/she can be too stubborn and rigid


A measure of a leader's true worth is how much he would be worth if he lost his position.


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Bazi Daily - 21/7/2010

As mentioned, bazi is an art of studying human behaviours.  Besides 10 deities, 10 Heavenly Stems can also be used to describe & examine human behaviours.

From today onwards, I shall introduce it to all of you :)

Jia Wood (甲木)

As we know, tree (i.e. Jia Wood) grows in an upright direction, we can, therefore, deduce that : -

From Positive aspect =

The Individual is industrious and motivated.   They are righteous and straightforward personality

However, from the Negative aspect =

He/she can be inflexible and obstinate about personal principles

Food for Thought

Make everything simple, but not simpler

Albert Einstein

Monday, July 19, 2010

Bazi Daily - 20/07/2010

The Yin & Yang of Earthly Branches & Heavenly Stems

It is obvious that the Heavenly Stem represents the Yang & the Earthly Branches represents the Yin aspect.

(明暗两面 = 四天干 = 为明 ; 四地支 = 为暗)

Yang represents things that are obvious & Yin represents things that are hidden, indirect.  Hence, for instance, clashes in the HS & EB have different meanings. 

Food For Thought

It was a high counsel that I once heard given to a young person,
"Always do what you are afraid to do."

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Bazi Daily - 19/7/2010

It seems that the information on Ba Gua is not quite well received by the readers, though (to me) it is extremely important in better understanding the subject of bazi  :)

We have heard of the theory Yin & Yang.  BUT do you notice that we can differentiate & classify Heavenly Stems & Earthly Branches into Yin & Yang.

Want to make a guess on which is yin & which is yang?   Also, what is the implication of such classification?

Food For Thought

The future depends on what we do in the present. -

Mahatma Gandhi

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Bazi Daily - 18/07/2010

Ba Gua Vs Heavenly Stems & Earthly Branches

The Theory of Yin & Yang, 5 elements, HS & EB, Ba Gua .... are all belongs to the school of Yi Jing.  They are interrelated.   

Today, I shall share with you the relationship between Ba Gua & HS vs EB.   In each of the ba gua, it contains both the HS & EB. 

Gen (艮) Gua   =     Consists of  丑,艮,寅

Zhen (震) Gua  =     Consists of 甲,卯,乙

Xun  (巽) Gua   =     Consists of 辰,巽,巳

Li (离) Gua       =      Consists of 丙,午,丁

Kun (坤) Gua    =     Consists of 未,坤,申

Dui (兑) Gua     =      Consists of 庚,酉,辛

Qian (乾) Gua    =     Consists of 戌,乾,亥

Kan (坎) Gua    =     Consists of 壬,子,癸

As when have learned, 8 trigrams represents 8 different directions.  Since each of trigram can further be divided into 3 sectors, we can conclude that there are, in total, 24 directions.   It is known as 24 mountains (二十四山) in the school of fengshui.


The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.

-Walter Bagehot

Friday, July 16, 2010

Bazi Daily - 17/07/2010

As promised, today I shall translate the poem describing the 8 trigrams "-

乾 乾三连(Read as 'Qian San Lian')
      Qian Gua is formed by 3 straight & continuous lines

坤 坤六断(Read as 'Kun Liu Duan')
      Kun Gua is formed by 6 broken & discontinued lines

震 震仰盂(Read as 'Zhen Yang Yu')
      The shape of the Zhen Gua resembles an upward facing container
艮 艮覆碗(Read as 'Gen Fu Wan')
      The shape of the Gen Gua resembes a downward facing bowl or cup

离 离中虚(Read as 'Li Zhong Xu')
      The centre line (i.e. Yao) of the Li Gua is a Empty or broken line

坎 坎中满(Read as 'Kan Zhong Man')
      The centre line (i.e. Yao) of the Kan Gua is a Fully straighten line 

兑 兑上缺(Read as 'Dui Shang Que')
      There is a deficiency (i.e. broken line) at the top of Dui Gua
巽 巽下断 (Read as 'Xun Xia Duan')
      The bottom line of Xun Gua is a broken one.

To be very frank, the chinese poem is still the best :)


Everything comes to the man who hurries while waiting.

-Thomas Edison

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Bazi Daily - 15/07/2010

Ba Gua & its pictorial Representation

Each of the Ba Gua is being formed by a Yin & a Yang line.  In Chinese, it is known as 阴爻 (Yin Yao) & 阳爻 (Yang Yao).

Yang Yao is essentially a STRAIGHT Line, whereas Yin Yao is formed by 2 broken line.

Yin Yao (阴爻)               Yang Yao (阳爻)

With the interaction between Yins & Yangs, the ba gua evolves :-


I hear and I forget; I see and I remember; I do and I understand.

Chinese Proverb

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Bazi Daily - 16/07/2010

I have showed you the pictorial representation of the 8 trigrams.  For the beginners, you may have to invest some of your personal times in remembering these trigrams. 

Ancient Chinese came out with a beautifully written poem to assist us in memorising it :-

乾     乾三连(Read as 'Qian San Lian'

坤     坤六断(Read as 'Kun Liu Duan'

震     震仰盂(Read as 'Zhen Yang Yu'

艮     艮覆碗(Read as 'Gen Fu Wan'

离     离中虚(Read as 'Li Zhong Xu'

坎     坎中满(Read as 'Kan Zhong Man'

兑     兑上缺(Read as 'Dui Shang Que'

巽     巽下断 (Read as 'Xun Xia Duan'

For those who has difficulties with the Chinese characters, I shall explain it in the coming posting.


Creative minds always have been known to survive any kind of bad training.

-Anna Freud

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Bazi Daily - 14/07/2010

Ba Gua & Family Relationships

In the study of family relationship, bazi has to make use of 10 deities in establishing the kinship.  Ba Gua, however, represents different family members.

乾卦(Qian Trigram)      =  Father

坤卦(Kun Trigram)       =  Mother

震卦(Zhen Trigram)      =  Eldest Son

坎卦(Kan Trigram)       =  Middle Son

艮卦(Gen Trigram)       =  Youngest Son

巽卦(Xun Trigram)      =  Eldest Daughter

离卦(Li Trigram)         =  Middle Daughter

兑卦(Dui Trigram)      =   Youngest Daughter


All wish to possess knowledge, but few, comparatively speaking, are willing to pay the price.
A man only learns in two ways, one by reading, and the other by association with smarter people.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Bazi Daily - 13/07/2010

Ba Gua & Nature

Based on the characteristics of the ba gua, we can classify them according to the 'physical nature' :-

乾卦(Qian Trigram)       Nature: Heaven

坤卦(Kun Trigram)        Nature: Mother Earth

震卦(Zhen Trigram)       Nature: Thunder

坎卦(Kan Trigram)        Nature: Water, the Moon

艮卦(Gen Trigram)        Nature: Mountain

巽卦(Xun Trigram)        Nature: Wind

离卦(Li Trigram)           Nature: Brightness, the Sun

兑卦(Dui Trigram)         Nature: Marsh


We could learn a lot from crayons;
some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull,
while others bright, some have weird names,
but they all have learned to live together in the same box.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Bazi Daily - 12/07/2010

Ba Gua & its Directions

Like five elements, each trigram has a corresponding direction :-

乾卦(Qian Trigram)  =  Northwest

坤卦(Kun Trigram)   =  Southwest

震卦(Zhen Trigram)  =  East

坎卦(Kan Trigram)   =  North

艮卦(Gen Trigram)   =  Northeast

巽卦(Xun Trigram)  =   Southeast

离卦(Li Trigram)     =   South

兑卦(Dui Trigram)   =   West


Learning is not child's play; we cannot learn without pain

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Bazi Daily - 11/07/2010

Ba Gua & its represented Body Parts

Five elements can be used to represent different body parts.  Since Ba Gua has its own representational elements, it can be used to represent body parts as well.

乾卦(Qian Trigram)    =  Head, Lungs

坤卦(Kun Trigram)     =  Abdomen

震卦(Zhen Trigram)    =  Throat

坎卦(Kan Trigram)     =   Kidneys, Ear, Urinary System

艮卦(Gen Trigram)     =   Hands, Spine

巽卦(Xun Trigram)     =   Hips & Buttocks

离卦(Li Trigram)        =    Eyes & Heart

兑卦(Dui Trigram)      =    Mouth


Learn to laugh at your troubles and you'll never run out of things to laugh at

Friday, July 9, 2010

Bazi Daily - 10/07/2010

Ba Gua & its Elements

Each of the trigrams has an elemental relationship. These elements can interact in productively or dominating.

乾卦(Qian Trigram)   =   Metal

坤卦(Kun Trigram)   =    Earth

震卦(Zhen Trigram)  =    Wood

坎卦(Kan Trigram)   =    Water

艮卦(Gen Trigram)    =   Earth

巽卦(Xun Trigram)   =  Wood

离卦(Li Trigram)       =  Fire

兑卦(Dui Trigram)     =  Metal


“When a man is pushed, tormented, defeated, he has a chance to learn something”

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Bazi Daily - 09/07/2010

For the past nine months (from Sept 2009 till date), I have been sharing with you on the subject of Bazi.  Since all the Chinese Metaphysics have its origin from the Theory of Yin & Yang, Ba Gua (八卦) and Yi Jing (易经).   They are inter-related.   I am thinking of approaching the bazi from the subject of Ba Gua (八卦) & Yi Jing (易经 ~ The Book of Change).   

My plan is to share with you on the information pertaining to Ba Gua (八卦) & Yi Jing (The Book of Changes).    With this understanding, we would be able to gain more perspective on the concept of Bazi.  Of course, we can also extend our knowledge to the field of fengshui & Yi Jing.

Today, I shall commence it with the name of Eight Trigrams.

Eight Trigrams    =  八卦 (pronounced as 'Ba Gua') ;

乾卦 = Pronounce as Qian Gua

坤卦 = Pronounce as Kun Gua

震卦 = Pronounce as Zhen Gua

坎卦 = Pronounce as Kan Gua

艮卦 = Pronounce as Gen Gua

巽卦 = Pronounce as Xun Gua

离卦 = Pronounce as Li Gua

兑卦 = Pronounce as Dui Gua


Learning is like rowing upstream; not to advance is to drop back”

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Bazi Daily - 07/07/2010

Domineering Chart Style

The unique feature of this kind of four-pillar chart is the unrestrained strong dominance of another element that is similar to the day master. Therefore, the day master will become exceedingly powerful as a result.

In other words, Domineering Chart Style relates to the solo supremacy of the element of the day master.

There are five domineering chart styles altogether as there are only five elements, namely, Metal, Water, Wood, Fire and Earth.

Metal Domineering Chart Style (从革格)
= Solo dominance of Metal that is not checked by other elements.

Water Domineering Chart Style (润下格)
= Solo dominance of Water that is not checked by other elements
Wood Domineering Chart Style (曲直格)
= Solo dominance of Wood that is not checked by other elements
Fire Domineering Chart Style (炎上格)
= Solo dominance of Fire that is not checked by other elements
Earth Domineering Chart Style (稼穑格)
= Solo dominance of Earth that is not checked by other elements


A cynic is a man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing.

Virus Attack?? Or what is the problems ??

It seems to me that something is wrong with this blog.  I have posted some replies and was missing in the air :(

I couldn't find my replies at all.  Do you all encounter the same technical problems ??

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Bazi Daily - 08/07/2010

The opposite of Domineering Chart Pattern is Passive Chart Style.

Passive chart style connotes the idea of submission. Since the day master is extremely weak in the eight characters, he has to yield to the dominant energy of his four-pillar chart to get by.

There are three passive chart styles, namely :-

= Wealth Submissive Chart Style (从财格);
= Authority Submissive Chart Style (从官杀格) ; and
= Output Submissive Chart Style (从儿格).


Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember that
nothing that is worth knowing can be taught.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Bazi Daily - 06/07/2010

Today, I shall begin to introduce the characteristics of Special Chart Pattern.

Characteristics of Amiable Chart Style (建禄格):

The individual is full of confidence about life and has his own opinions as well as ideas.

With firm beliefs, he stays focused to achieve his goals through sheer diligence. He is a hard person to persuade or influence too due to his strong sense of pride. Thus he will not surrender or give in unless the other party proves to be more capable.

Characteristics of Aggressive Chart Style (羊刃格):

The individual is determined. He is highly competitive and does not concede defeat readily.

Tough and decisive, his combative spirit gives him a proud aura. He is flexible and opportunistic. Nonetheless, his contradictory behaviour and lack of emotional control can offend others easily.


Fashion is merely a form of ugliness so unbearable that
we are compelled to alter it every six months.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Bazi Daily - 05/07/2010

Today, we shall complete the remaining 2 chart patterns :-

Primary Resources Chart Style (正印格)

The individual is patient, kind and upright. He is compassionate, gracious and polite. His serious and benevolent virtues make him suitable as a tutor or for charity work, such as a teacher, religious worker or scholar.

Secondary Resources Chart Style (偏印格)

The individual has good comprehension skills and is flexible. He is observant, sharp and alert, which may come across as overly suspicious at times. Cool by nature, he does not reveal his emotions and dislikes social activities.


Knowledge is a process of piling up facts; wisdom lies in their simplification.

Martin Fischer

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Bazi Daily - 04/07/2010

Proper Authority Chart Style (正官格)

The individual is upright, gentle and kind. Besides being humble and polite, he is also reliable, down-to-earth, disciplined and helpful. His sense of responsibility earns him respect.

Imposing Authority Chart Style (七杀格)

The individual is vigorous, brave and decisive. He is not afraid of hardships and likes challenges. Additionally, he upholds justice and has a high tolerance for external pressures. However, his thirst for challenges can render him to be rather imposing and daunting, which others may find offensive.


The dumbest people I know are those who know it all.

Malcolm Forbes

Friday, July 2, 2010

Bazi Daily - 03/07/2010

Today, we shall continue to explore the other 2 chart styles.
Conventional Wealth Chart Style (正财格)

The individual is down-to-earth, trustworthy and careful with finances. Family vales are important to him. Not one who take short cuts, he also prefers simplicity and builds up his wealth through sheer diligence and perseverance.

Unconventional Wealth Chart Style (偏财格)

The individual is apt at management and can also frequently grasp opportunities to reap profits. He is flexible, alert and sociable. In addition, he is decisive and generous. Speed is of the essence rather than procrastination. He exudes the style of an entrepreneur.


It is the tension between creativity and skepticism that has produced
the stunning and unexpected findings of science.

Carl Segan

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Bazi Daily - 02/07/2010

We have learned how to correctly identify the Chart Pattern.  Now we shall carry on to better understand the 8 major common chart patterns.  To be very frank, the level of understanding of Chart Patterns is directly link to your understanding of 10 deities.

We shall explore its main characteristics for the following days.

1. Implicit Talent Chart Style

The individual prefers freedom and a carefree lifestyle. He is optimistic, loves poetry and dance, possesses artistic inclination, and likes to go about doing what he enjoys. Being gentle and introverted by nature, he dislikes pressure and confrontations.

2. Explicit Talent Chart Style

The individual is energetic, competitive, ambitious and driven. He learns fast, has quick reflexes and his principles are based on his preferences. Personal benefits take precedence over benefits to others. His strong desires plus wilful and arrogant personality make him unsuitable for a vocation in the civil service.


Progress is the activity of today and assurance of tomorrow.


Self Discovery.....

Knowing yourself, knowing the peoples surrounding you ....