Saturday, July 17, 2010

Bazi Daily - 18/07/2010

Ba Gua Vs Heavenly Stems & Earthly Branches

The Theory of Yin & Yang, 5 elements, HS & EB, Ba Gua .... are all belongs to the school of Yi Jing.  They are interrelated.   

Today, I shall share with you the relationship between Ba Gua & HS vs EB.   In each of the ba gua, it contains both the HS & EB. 

Gen (艮) Gua   =     Consists of  丑,艮,寅

Zhen (震) Gua  =     Consists of 甲,卯,乙

Xun  (巽) Gua   =     Consists of 辰,巽,巳

Li (离) Gua       =      Consists of 丙,午,丁

Kun (坤) Gua    =     Consists of 未,坤,申

Dui (兑) Gua     =      Consists of 庚,酉,辛

Qian (乾) Gua    =     Consists of 戌,乾,亥

Kan (坎) Gua    =     Consists of 壬,子,癸

As when have learned, 8 trigrams represents 8 different directions.  Since each of trigram can further be divided into 3 sectors, we can conclude that there are, in total, 24 directions.   It is known as 24 mountains (二十四山) in the school of fengshui.


The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.

-Walter Bagehot


Anonymous said...

Master Goh

There are no heavenly stems Ji and Wu earth, is there a reason?


Guan Leong, GOH said...


Ji & Wu of Heavenly Stems are the 'central' earth.

Self Discovery.....

Knowing yourself, knowing the peoples surrounding you ....