Thursday, July 8, 2010

Bazi Daily - 09/07/2010

For the past nine months (from Sept 2009 till date), I have been sharing with you on the subject of Bazi.  Since all the Chinese Metaphysics have its origin from the Theory of Yin & Yang, Ba Gua (八卦) and Yi Jing (易经).   They are inter-related.   I am thinking of approaching the bazi from the subject of Ba Gua (八卦) & Yi Jing (易经 ~ The Book of Change).   

My plan is to share with you on the information pertaining to Ba Gua (八卦) & Yi Jing (The Book of Changes).    With this understanding, we would be able to gain more perspective on the concept of Bazi.  Of course, we can also extend our knowledge to the field of fengshui & Yi Jing.

Today, I shall commence it with the name of Eight Trigrams.

Eight Trigrams    =  八卦 (pronounced as 'Ba Gua') ;

乾卦 = Pronounce as Qian Gua

坤卦 = Pronounce as Kun Gua

震卦 = Pronounce as Zhen Gua

坎卦 = Pronounce as Kan Gua

艮卦 = Pronounce as Gen Gua

巽卦 = Pronounce as Xun Gua

离卦 = Pronounce as Li Gua

兑卦 = Pronounce as Dui Gua


Learning is like rowing upstream; not to advance is to drop back”

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Self Discovery.....

Knowing yourself, knowing the peoples surrounding you ....