Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Bazi Daily - 16/07/2010

I have showed you the pictorial representation of the 8 trigrams.  For the beginners, you may have to invest some of your personal times in remembering these trigrams. 

Ancient Chinese came out with a beautifully written poem to assist us in memorising it :-

乾     乾三连(Read as 'Qian San Lian'

坤     坤六断(Read as 'Kun Liu Duan'

震     震仰盂(Read as 'Zhen Yang Yu'

艮     艮覆碗(Read as 'Gen Fu Wan'

离     离中虚(Read as 'Li Zhong Xu'

坎     坎中满(Read as 'Kan Zhong Man'

兑     兑上缺(Read as 'Dui Shang Que'

巽     巽下断 (Read as 'Xun Xia Duan'

For those who has difficulties with the Chinese characters, I shall explain it in the coming posting.


Creative minds always have been known to survive any kind of bad training.

-Anna Freud

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