Sunday, February 28, 2010

Bazi Daily - 01/03/2010 - Health (Part 5)


Extracted from 'Ji Shan Pian'

Literal Translation & Interpretation:-

Number 5     下元冷疾、必是水值火伤。

We normally associate urinary system with water.   Naturally, when the energy of fire is strong, water would be evaporated to nowhere.   In the way, the water is hurt & would give rise to disease related to urinary system.


~ C. P. SNOW ~

The pursuit of happiness is a most ridiculous phrase, if you pursue happiness you'll never find it.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Bazi Daily - 28/02/2010 - Health (Part 4)


Extracted from 'Ji Shan Pian'

Literal Translation & Interpretation:-

Number 4   眼昏目暗、必是火遭水克

In term of body parts, fire & wood can be used to represent eye.  It is related to eye-sight and vision.   Should a person have poor eye sight or blur vision.   It might be the fire was being hurt by the strong water.



Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle,
and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Bazi Daily - 27/02/2010 - Health (Part 3)


Extracted from 'Ji Shan Pian'

Literal Translation & Interpretation:-

Number 3   筋疼骨痛、盖因木被金伤。

Wood represents tendon & muscle.  

A tendon (or sinew) is a tough band of fibrous connective tissue that usually connects muscle to bone[1] and is capable of withstanding tension. Tendons are similar to ligaments and fascia as they are all made of collagen except that ligaments join one bone to another bone, and fascia connect muscles to other muscles. Tendons and muscles work together and can only exert a pulling force.

However, when the energy of weak wood is being attacked by the strong metal, it may give rise to various forms of tendinopathies or tendon injuries.   These types of injuries generally result in inflammation and degeneration or weakening of the tendons, which may eventually lead to tendon rupture.


Happiness comes when your work and words are of benefit to yourself and others.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Bazi Daily - 26/02/2010 - Health (Part 2)


Extracted from 'Ji Shan Pian'

Literal Translation & Interpretation:-

Number 2   土虚逢木旺之乡、脾伤定论
Earth represents our digestive system, stomach & spleen.  

The stomach produces protease enzymes and hydrochloric acid which kills bacteria and gives the right pH for the protease enzyme to work. The word stomach is derived from the Latin stomachus which is derived from the Greek word stomachos, ultimately from stoma (στόμα), "mouth". The words gastro- and gastric (meaning related to the stomach) are both derived from the Greek word gaster (γαστήρ). The stomach churns food before it moves on to the rest of the digestive system.

In the event where the Earth is 'healthy' (i.e. moderately strong), it provides necessary nutrients to our body.

However, when the energy of wood become too strong, Earth would be attacked & gave rise to stomach related illness such as stomach ulcer.



The happiness that is genuinely satisfying is accompanied by the fullest exercise of our faculties and the fullest realization of the world in which we live.

My Cute Little Boy

~ True Happiness ~

Content & Be Happy With What We Have 

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Bazi Daily - 25/02/2010 - Health (Part 1)


Extracted from 'Ji Shan Pian'
Literal Translation & Interpretation:-
We have covered various ways of examining the strength of elements in the chart.   Now, we shall apply it in the subject of Health.

There are five illnesses listed in the Ji Shan Pian.   We shall examine it one by one for the following days.

Number 1          金弱遇火炎之地、血疾无疑。
In term of body parts, Metal represents our bones or  bone marrow.  

Before proceed further on the possible dieases pertaining to metal, let us find out more about the functions of Bone Marrow.

Bone marrow is the flexible tissue found in the hollow interior of bones. In adults, marrow in large bones produces new blood cells. It constitutes 4% of total body weight, i.e. approximately 2.6 kg (5.7 lbs.) in adults.

There are two types of bone marrow: red marrow (consisting mainly of hematopoietic tissue) and yellow marrow (consisting mainly of fat cells). Red blood cells, platelets and most white blood cells arise in red marrow. Both types of bone marrow contain numerous blood vessels and capillaries.

Diseases involving the bone marrow

The normal bone marrow architecture can be displaced by malignancies or infections such as tuberculosis, leading to a decrease in the production of blood cells and blood platelets. In addition, cancers of the hematologic progenitor cells in the bone marrow can arise; these are the leukemias.

When the fire is being too strong, it would bring harm to the energy of metal (namely, bone marrow). This may give rise to metal related illnesses or diseases, such as cancer.

If you are the metal person, strong fire (i.e. Authority Deities) in the chart symbolizes work pressure.  Do remember to relex, eat healthy and take up regular exercises.

Remember =    Preventive is definitely better than Corrective


To be without some of the things you want is an indispensable part of happiness.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Bazi Daily - 24/02/2010


Extracted from 'Ji Shan Pian'

Literal Translation & Interpretation:-

The above subject is best explained by Mr TH Teo in one of his SMSs to me on the same caption.


Wood represents Benevolence, whilst Metal represents Justice.  With the existence of controlling relationship between the two opposing elements within a given chart, the individual can behave otherwise.   He/she can be aggressive & offensive.



Action may not always bring happiness,
but there is no happiness without action.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Bazi Daily - 23/02/2010


Extracted from 'Ji Shan Pian'
Literal Translation & Interpretation:-
You maybe wondering the purpose of investigating the strength of the DM (namely, Bing & Ji) for the past 2-day postings.  
Personally, I discovered that most of us are rather uncertain or lack of confident in determining the strength of DM.  The recent postings (including today) shall provide you with better insight on the subject.
Instead of elaborating & explaining what render a Weak DM, I shall give examples for ease of understanding :-
Illustration 1  Weak Geng DM
X        丙     X
X    X          X
Illustration 2  Weak Yi DM
X       辛     X
X    X         X

Happiness belongs to the self-sufficient

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Bazi Daily - 22/02/2010


Extracted from 'Ji Shan Pian'

Literal Translation & Interpretation:

We have touched on the subject of how the presence of Shen metal & Ren Water in affecting the strength &, therefore, the heath of the Bing DM in my previous posting.

Today, we shall continue to examine the impact of Hai Water & Yin (阴) Wood to the energy of the Ji Earth DM.

According to the theory stated above, if the Ji Earth DM born in the month of Hai & with the Yin (阴) Earth sitting next to it, the strength of the Ji Earth DM is endangered.  This can negatively affect his/her health, especially in the area of stomach & digestive system.

Illustration :-

X          乙     X
X      X          X



The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere where they can be quiet, alone with the heavens, nature and God.
Because only then does one feel that all is as it should be and that God wishes to see people happy, amidst the simple beauty of nature.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Bazi Daily - 21/02/2010


Extracted from 'Ji Shan Pian'

Literal Translation & Interpretation:

When I first started learning bazi, I was stuuned by some of the 'incorrect & threatening' conclusions.  The above conclusion is one of those.

If we were to strictly translate the above statement character by character, portion of it may scare you to death if your chart happened to fulfil the stated conditions.

According to the above statement :-

Bing Fire person whose born in the month of Shen metal (i.e. Autumn) are not be able to enjoy good health or longevity if there is a presence of Ren Water (either in the natal chart or during the luck cycle).

Scenario 1

X    壬  X
X  X        X

Scenario 2

X    X         X                         (LP / ALP)
X  X        X        X

Instead of deducing individuals with the above chart pattern would not enjoy good health, I deeply & firmly believe that was not the initial deduction / intention of our ancestors.

The statement is being used to examine the strength of the Bing DM in Shen month & with the presence of Ren Water.  Please refer to below explanation :-

~ According to the theory of 12 Natural Life Cycle of Heavenly Stems (十二长生历程), Shen is the Death Stage for Bing fire (meaning, the fire is weak during the month of Shen).

~ During the month of Shen, Water gains strengths & attacks the weak DM (i.e. Bing).

Hence, do not be over-sensitive if your chart fulfilled the conditions stated above.  

I would, however, like to cautious you to pay more attention to your health that is related to fire (namely, heart & small intestine), reason being that the fire is rather weak under such circumstance.



The Grand essentials of happiness are:
something to do,
something to love, and
something to hope for.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Bazi Daily - 20/02/2010


Extracted from 'Ji Shan Pian'

Literal Translation & Interpretation:-
We tend to associate the Chinese character '杀' negatively with the terms such as killings, relentlessness. 
There is a saying :-
When the energy of DM is weak, strong Imposing Authority (七杀) Deity would do great harm to DM for the entire life.
Ignorantly, most people (especially those with strong Imposing Authority Deity in their chart) feel discomfort & respond negatively with the term 'Imposing Authority'.   Hence, we prefer to have Proper Authority Deity (正官) in our chart than Improper Authority Deity (七杀).
In actual fact, there is no such thing as good or bad (auspicious or inauspicious) deity.   If the energy of certain deity becomes overly strong, even though it may bear 'softer & more acceptable' name (such as Proper Authority), it still causes fluctuation in luck.
Hence, when the DM is very weak, the detrimental effect of Proper Authority Deity is equally harmful.
However, when the DM is strong, Imposing Authority Deity represents great achievement.  


Why not let people differ about their answers to the great mysteries of the Universe?
Let each seek one's own way to the highest, to one's own sense of supreme loyalty in life, one's ideal of life. Let each philosophy, each world-view bring forth its truth and beauty to a larger perspective, that people may grow in vision, stature and dedication.

This entry continued ...

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Bazi Daily - 19/02/2010


Extracted from 'Ji Shan Pian'

Literal Translation & Interpretation:-
We have touched on the subject of how to identify a scheming individual from the bazi chart.     We can, of course, do the reverse to examine what are the main characteristics of the bazi chart that constitute kind-heartedness.
According to the Ji Shan Pian, the chart are characterized by :-
~ the presence of favorable Resources Deity ; 
~ the presence of favorable Star of Benevolence (天德) ;
Not only he/she is caring & kind-hearted, he/she can be spiritual or religious & healthy.   The individual with such a chart pattern can be a vegetarian.    
There is neither happiness nor misery in the world;
there is only the comparison of one state to another, nothing more.
He who has felt the deepest grief is best able to experience supreme happiness.
We must have felt what it is to die, that we may appreciate the enjoyments of life.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Bazi Daily - 18/02/2010


Extracted from 'Ji Shan Pian'
Literal Translation & Interpretation:-
The 'advancement' of technology shorten the distance between people.   However, more interactions creates more disagreements.  Agree ?    People seems so close (physical) and, yet, can be very distant (mentally).
In the past, people were afraid of tiger & other wild animals. Nowadays, the times have changed.   We are more alert to the 'scheming individuals' (commonly known as Little Person).
Can we, then, tell from a bazi chart which type of person is more likely to be a scheming individual?
The answer is, of course, affirmative.   
As a quick guide & reference, those chart with a lot of (negative & unfavorable) aggressive Deities (such as Explicit Talent, Unconventional Wealth, Secondary Resources, Imposing Authority & Competitive Deities) may be the possible candidates.
However, according to this classics ('Ji Shan Pian'), do not be deceived by the star (i.e. the deities) that you have seen in the chart.
It is possible for a scheming individual to have a chart that possess non-aggressive deities such as Proper Authority & Primary Resources Deities.
Likewise, a true gentlemen can also have a chart that are filled with aggressive deities such as Star of Aggression & Imposing Authority.
Personally, I do agree with both sides of thoughts.   The guiding principle is simply the favorability of the deities and not so much on the  'types' of deities that appeared in the chart.
~ Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn ~ 

One should never direct people towards happiness, because happiness too is an idol of the market-place. One should direct them towards mutual affection.
A beast gnawing at its prey can be happy too, but only human beings can feel affection for each other, and this is the highest achievement they can aspire to.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Bazi Daily - 17/02/2010


Tip shared by TH Teo

Literal Translation & Interpretation :-

During our old school days, teachers appointed class monitor or monitress to assist in the running of the class.  Have you noticed that those who had been appointed are normally those that behaved appropriately during the class.   They are well behaved & able to set good examples.

Hence, in those days, those with Proper Authority Deity in the Year Pillar (of course, have to be favorable) have higher chances of being appointed as monitor & monitress.

However, with the emphasis on the creativity & the ability to be able to express well in our educational system, the above doctrine may not be applicable in modern society.

Instead, those with Talent Deities (creative & able to express) are more likely to be selected as monitor & monitress.

What do you think ?


I don't know what your destiny will be, but one thing I do know:
the only ones among you who will be really happy
are those who have sought and found how to serve.


Monday, February 15, 2010

Bazi Daily - 16/02/2010



Literal Translation & Interpretation:

Readers & students have been very interested & keen in understanding more about the significance & impact of HHS to the chart & DM.   If you are also the one, today posting would provide you with some insight into it ;)

According to the theory, the day pillar of Gui Si (癸巳) is considered to be auspicious as it encompasses both the Wealth & Authority Deities within the Snake.

Hr             Day                        Month            Year
X                癸                             X                   X
X                巳                             X                   X
                   丙 = Weatlh Deity
                   戊 = Authority Deity
                   庚 = Resource Deity

It is without doubt that the Snake includes Wealth (money), Authority (career) & Resource (reputation) deities.   But, we have to ask ourselves a simple question : 

Is the Si fire favorable or unfavorable to the chart?

If it is favorable, it is of course beneficial to the DM in term of materials wealth & recognization.  However, if it is unfavorable, the reverse is also true.

Hence, when analysing & interpreting classics, extra care have to exercise.


Happiness is nothing more than good health and a bad memory.


Sunday, February 14, 2010

Bazi Daily - 15/02/2010



Literal Translation & Interpretation:

Besides 'Yuan Hai Zi Ping' (渊海子平), 'Ji Shan Pian' (《继善篇》) is also considered to be one of the widely recognized classics acknowledged by scholars & practitioners.  

From today onwards, I shall extract some of the useful 'strokes' for sharing purpose.  I shall first touch on the significance of Wealth Deity that appears in the Hour Stem.

According to the theory, when the Unconventional Wealth Deity appears in the Hour Stem, the most undesirable deity to Unconventional Wealth Deity would be the Amiable & Competitive Deities.  

You may be wondering why is that so?  

Unconventioal Wealth symbolizes wealth accumulated from non-traditional sources (such as investment). It is  unstable as compared to Conventional Wealth. 

It can be an 'easy' flow of income that coming in with abundant out of nowhere.   However, the reverse is also true, this form of wealth can 'flow out' easily without noticing it.   And the Amiable & Competitive Deities are the primary culprit, theoretically.

Come to think about it (from the perspective of human behaviours), those with Unconventional Wealth in the Hour Stem are normally the person that is bold and uninhibited.   They can be wasteful and behave sumptuously. They treasure friendship more that material wealth. 

Eventually, this may leads to poverty if it is in the extremely poor luck cyle.


Success is not the key to happiness.
Happiness is the key to success.
If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.


Saturday, February 13, 2010

Bazi Daily - 14/02/2010 Prediction for the Year of Golden Tiger (Final)

己                 戊        庚
卯        酉                 寅

To-date, prediction had been made on the areas of health & economics.  Using the same set of bazi chart, we can even apply it to a larger & macro scales, such as international relations.

The chart is predominantly made up of Wood & Metal energy.  Wood represents East (i.e. China) & Metal represents West (i.e. USA).  

In the absence of Water energy, Metal conquers Wood directly.  You may ask : 'What pushes Metal to conquer Wood?'  It is none other than the Earth (i.e. Wealth). 

Yes, it is due to the Money Matters (Wealth Deities) that put both the super power countries into direct conflicts.  Hence, intense trade disputes can be expected for the year of Tiger.


Wisdom is the supreme part of happiness.

~  Sophocles ~

Friday, February 12, 2010

Bazi Daily - 13/02/2010 Prediction for the Year of Golden Tiger (Part 5)

己                        戊             庚
卯            酉                         寅

If we were to examine the above bazi chart more closely, we should be able to tell that the Earth is extremely weak :-

~ direct attack from strong wood ; &
~ energy being exhausted by metal. 

If we were to take into consideration the impact of current year fengshui, whereby both the inauspicious stars (five yellow & two black ~ 五黄、二黑) are located at the South West & North East, respectively.  And, for your information, both sectors belong to Earth.

Weak Earth (bazi chart) + Inauspicious Energy at Earth Sectors (fengshui)

Hence, additional care need to be taken on the internal organs represented by Earth (i.e. Stomach & Digestive System).   This is especially so for :-

~ those whose bazi chart is weak in Earth ;
~ elderly woman or younger kids.

Be happy
Stay Healthy


There is no duty we so underrate as the duty of being happy.
By being happy we sow anonymous benefits upon the world.

~ Robert Louis Stevenson ~

Happy Chinese New Year

May you and your family
enjoy peace and good health throughout the new year.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Bazi Daily - 12/02/2010 Prediction for the Year of Golden Tiger (Part 4)

偏财                     正财
  己                     戊         庚
  卯           酉                   寅
比肩       七杀     劫财     劫财

We have been discussing the same subject for the past few days.  

By now, we understand that there is a high risk involved in the face of opportunities.   However, despite the warning given, impulsion & temptation is strong to confuse & mislead us to the wrong decision.

Why is that so?

~ Greed (the presence of both Wealth Deities) ;
~ Impulsion & the temptation to take risky venture is high (the presence of Imposing Authority)
~ 'Die Hard' spirit & persistency (the presence strong Amiable & Competitive Deities)
~ Un-peaceful state of mind (the presence of a lot of clashes)

Last words of caution (in term of investment) :-

It is a misconception that 'High Risk will lead to High Return'.  

To be more exact, 'High Risk will lead to High Expected Return'.   Hence, take only 'calculated risk' that is within your mean.


People spend a lifetime searching for happiness; looking for peace.
They chase idle dreams, addictions, religions etc, hoping to fill the emptiness that plagues them.
The irony is the only place they ever needed to search was within.

~  Ramona L. Anderson ~

Selection of Date for Caesarian Birth - My Selection

I have analysed & made some comments on the dates selected Lugrey, Nelson & Andy.   Below is the date selected by me for your reference.  Of course, comments are welcomed :)

丙  丁 己   乾(24/1/2010)
寅 戌  丑

庚 辛 壬 癸 甲 乙 丙
午 未 申 酉 戌 亥 子

Reasons :-

-  The first two pillars (Year & Month) already formed the cold environment.   Hence, fire & wood is needed.

-   21/1 is the day of Xin metal.  Given that there is abundance of earth, it could easily resulted in 'Thick & Cold Earth Burying the Metal'.  I dropped it.

-  22/1 & 23/1 are the day of Ren & Gui.   Given that the Earth controls Water, to counter balance it (i.e. to strengthen the water), I have to introduce metal & water.   However, it couldn't resolve the issue of Coldness.  I dropped it as well.

- 24/1 & 25/1 are the day of Wood (Jia & Yi), as long as I could select an hour of wood as the Hour Pillar, it should be able to assist the DM in conquering the strong earth.    Hence, I have selected either Yin or Mao hours.    Which mean to say, I have to select either 24/1 or 25/1.

25/1 is the day of Yi Hai.  Once the Zi comes into the picture, it would turns into a strong water chart, I dropped it.

24/1 is the day of Jia Xu (甲戌) with Bing Yin (丙寅) as hour pillar.   With the support of Yin hour, Wood DM is being strengthened.   Yin gives birth to Bing (the Sun), serves to brighten up the entire chart.   

丙  丁 己  

寅 戌  丑

Some may feel that the Earth is too strong.   I do agreed.   However, Xu (being the Dry Earth) is needed to control the strong water for the first 2 LP where the water is strong & cold.
This is the reality that we have to face when selecting the for Caesarian.  We can't get good of both sides.  To some extent, we may have to weigh & make compromises. 
One last pointer : 
Caesarian Session involves mother.  Do not neglect the Bazi Chart of the Mother as well.  The day & the hour may be auspicious for the baby, but may not be auspicious to the mother that is undergoing the operation.

Selection of Date for Caesarian Birth - Reply to Andy

Date Selected by Andy : Jan 25th @ Ren Wu hour.

乙  丁 己
巳 申

己 庚 辛 壬 癸 甲 乙 丙
巳 午 未 申 酉 戌 亥 子

From Andy :-

The DM of Ren sitting on Shen is strong, due to the Ren being born in winter, added to drawing power by virtue of sitting on a resource.  A Ren Shen Day Pillar is therefore strong enough to accept the control of the three Ji.  And Sitting on a resource, this might indicate someone with the ability to have a good career as a government officer or corporate bigwig.

To Andy :-

Whether or not this is a strong water DM is very subjective & is arguably.   Some school holds that as long as there is a Resource Deity (especially the Growth Stage ~ 长生) to support the DM, it could be a strong DM. 

I, however, would think it otherwise.  I would view it as a Weak Water DM. 

Nonethess, I think there is one thing that we are both agreed with : that is this is a cold chart. So fire is needed.

From Andy :-

And the Ding on its right hand side will be his wealth, just for good measure.   The Hour Pillar selected is Yi sitting on Si. Yi is to provide some wood that is otherwise missing, and Si brings some Bing to warm up a winter chart.

丁 己

巳 申

To Andy :-

You suggested to warm up the chart by using Si fire.   But, there is a combination relationship between Si & Shen into water.    Furthermore, double Chou & Si is awaiting for the presence of You (酉) to form strong metal chart.    The energy of the Fire would be disappeared during Ding You LP (i.e. Gui conquers Ding, You & Si-Chou forms tri - combination chart).

Personally, I do feel that there is not enough warm in this chart

Selection of Date for Caesarian Birth - Reply to Nelson

Date Selected by Nelson : Jan 25th @ Ren Wu hour.

丁 己
午 亥

己 庚 辛 壬 癸 甲 乙 丙
巳 午 未 申 酉 戌 亥 子

From Nelson :-

- 21st Jan (辛未) is not suitable as the day pillar is in conflict with the month pillar (both HS and EB)
- 壬,癸 DM (22&23Jan) would be in conflict with HS of month pillar

To Nelson :-

Great!  As far as possible avoid choosing the day whereby the entire pillar is clashing with one another.

From Nelson :-

As the boy would be born in winter month (丑), the chart would be cold. We would like to warm up the chart if possible. So I would pick 午 hour, as it would be the hottest time during winter.

-  乙 DM would have the support from 壬and甲 hidden in 亥
-  there is a productive cycle in the HS, ie primary resource壬supports DM, DM produce implicit target丁 which in turn produce unconvention wealth己

To Nelson :-

Well done!   You have considered how to balance the Yin & Yang by introducing fire element.   Also, good observation of the productive cycle in the HS.

From Nelson :-

Metal is a bit lacking in the chart, but can be found frozen in the hidden stems of 丑. However DM would undergo metal luck cycle from his twenties to fifties.

To Nelson :-

Since the chart is cold, metal is not needed.  I wouldn't be bothered with the lacking of such element.  Anyway, metal is going to do harm to the DM.

To conclude :-

You have attended the issue of Coldness by introducing Fire to counter balance it.  That is commendable.

However, I still feel that the Wood is too weak.   Yes, you did mention that DM is supported by Ren & Hai, but it would ended up 水多木漂.  Don't neglect the fact that it is in the season of Winter.   Also, the Jia wood hidden inside the Hai maybe too wet to produce 'good' fire.

One last pointer :  Avoid choosing the combination that subject to formation of either full Seasonal Combination (三会) or full Tri Combination (三合).   As in your case, once the Zi comes, the entire chart would become extremely strong water chart.   Who will suffers?   The fire hour that you have selected :(

壬 乙 丁 己

午 亥 丑 丑

Selection of Date for Caesarian Birth - Reply to Lugrey 02

2nd Date Selected by Lugrey : Jan 25th @ Ding Hai hour

丁    丁  己
亥  亥    丑

己 庚 辛 壬 癸 甲 乙 丙
巳 午 未 申 酉 戌 亥 子

From Lugrey : 

I'm not too familiar with special charts but perhaps Jan 25th @ Gui Hai Hr is a very good one.

To Lugrey :-

I guessed your initial idea was to select a Speical Chart for the boy.   However, I don't feel quite comfortable when you mentioned that you are not too familiar with Special Chart, yet you have selected one for this  case.

My 1st advice to you is to select the day (& hour) that you are confident.   If not, the cost would be too high for the boy to bear for his entire life :(

My 2nd advice is to select the day (& hour) with Normal Chart configuration.  Special Chart goes 2 extremes ~ either very good, if not, very bad.

From Lugrey :-

There's a full Winter Combo with Hai-Zi-Chou and Gui stem at the hr pillar. The Gui stem right next to Yi supporting it. Hai is helpful as well, so wife will be supportive. Earth represents wealth, I think he will be strong enough to handle wealth with all the support. LPs mostly contains Water and Metal throughout, starting in the Water frame, then Metal frame(midlife), old age has earth and fire. I think life should be good.

To Lugrey :-

As you have mentioned, the chart had been erected wrongly.   Hence, there is no seasonal combination (i.e. Hai-Zi-Chou) in this chart.    Be more careful in future when erecting bazi chart for any purpose :)

But, if, let's say, the seasonal combination is valid as per your original deduction, your deduction and conclusion here seems to be contradictory.   Because, with the establishment of Seasonal Combination, the energy of the Chou Earth (i.e. the wealth in this case) would disappear.  They are, in fact, competing for wealth.

There is a term that we are familiar with ~ "水多木浮", namely, the Wood (DM) floats with strong water.   If given this chart, he would be a person that is indecisive.  Decision keep on floating & couldn't make up his mind.   

FYI, even if the Seasonal Combination is valid as in your original deduction, it still belongs to a Normal Chart Category.

From Lugrey :-

Chart with 2 Chou is not dry as Chou is wet Earth. For my 25th date selection, Month and Hr are Ding stems providing warmth or the hr pillar combine to produce Wood, helping to strengthen the Yi DM.

Bing stem for the hr might have been good to but Bing might be too hot when old age LP pillars arrive. For the 25th, only Bing Xu would be valid. Again, my concern is the Xu-Chou-Wei penalty. So with Xu hr, there maybe conflicts between siblings or children and parents/grandparents.

To Lugrey :-

I doubt that the strength of the TWO (2) little & miserable candle (i.e. Ding fire) can provide sufficient warmth to the entire chart.   This is especially so where there is no wood to produce & support the fire.

It is good that you took a long term view.   However, this is a chart that required Wood & Fire urgently.   Fire, in fact, is good for him.

Also, even if the Fire is unfavorable, but that could only surface during his 7th LP.   The important thing is to resolve "currenct situation" first.

One last pointer :

- Avoid choosing repetitive branch, especially if there is a Self - Punishment (自刑) such as Hai-Hai.

All in all, this chart is not well selected, hope that you don't mind.

Selection of Date for Caesarian Birth - Reply to Lugrey 01

Date Selected by Lugrey : Jan 23rd @ Gui Hai hour.

癸    丁  己
亥  酉    丑

己 庚 辛 壬 癸 甲 乙 丙
巳 午 未 申 酉 戌 亥 子

1st Comment from GGL to Lugrey :  

In your original posting, you have listed the LP in reverse sequence.   Traditionally, the LP is arranged from the Right to the Left. 

Reasons Given by Lugrey :-

The Yr and Month already contained a great deal of Earth..... I was concern with the arrival of the Chou-Wei-Xu penalty. The 22nd (壬申), leaves me worrying about their old age period. The 25th (乙亥) makes me worry about their health and their dependency on others due to a weak chart. 

2nd Comment from GGL to Lugrey :

I am glad that you have taken into consideration the abundancy of Earth.   Also, I like your way of considering it not merely from the natal chart itself, you took a long term view :)   That is good & commendable.

Reasons Given by Lugrey :-

For the 23rd (癸酉), I considered two birth times, Yi Mao and Gui Hai but decided on Hai instead of Mao due to the better support of Water for the Gui DM. I think the date and time chosen had good LPs compare to the other days/hrs overall with minimal downs.

癸  癸  丁  己
亥  酉  丑  丑

3rd Comment from GGL to Lugrey :

One of the central themes for the study of metaphysics is to maintain the Balance between the Yin & the Yang.

Yang = strong, hot, proactive, ....
Yin = weak, cold, passive,.....

To me, the chart is being TOO YIN in TWO (2) aspects :-

- The chart is too cold.  There is only one miserable Ding Fire in the entire chart.   How can a fire survive in such a winter season.  Without wood, Ding Fire is subject direct clash from Gui of Hour Pillar ; 

- The entire chart is made up of Yin Stems & Branches.

In short, the Yin & Yang is totally out of balance.

The LP would add more COLDness to the natal chart.

If I were the parents, I would not want to consider this date & hour :(

Selection of Date for Caesarian Birth ~ Invitation to Participate

So far, I have received 4 different dates selected by Lugrey (2), Nelson & Andy.  Thank you very much :)  Below are the dates selected & the reasons given.    Would like to encourage the rest to either participate in date selection or to give your comments on the selected dates :-

A   Date Selected by Lugrey : Jan 23rd @ Gui Hai hour.

癸    丁  己
亥  酉    丑

己 庚 辛 壬 癸 甲 乙 丙
巳 午 未 申 酉 戌 亥 子

Reasons Given :-

The Yr and Month already contained a great deal of Earth. With the 21st or 24th creating more earth I was concern with the arrival of the Chou-Wei-Xu penalty. The 22nd, leaves me worrying about their old age period. The 25th makes me worry about their health and their dependency on others due to a weak chart. Though these days could very much lead to very accomplished people. For the 23rd, I considered two birth times, Yi Mao and Gui Hai but decided on Hai instead of Mao due to the better support of Water for the Gui DM. I think the date and time chosen had good LPs compare to the other days/hrs overall with minimal downs.

B   Date Selected by Lugrey : Jan 25th @ Gui Hai hour (correction : should be Ding Hai Hour).

丁    丁  己
亥  亥    丑

己  庚  辛  壬  癸  甲  乙  丙
巳  午  未  申  酉  戌  亥  子

Reasons Given :-

There's a full Winter Combo with Hai-Zi-Chou and Gui stem at the hr pillar. The Gui stem right next to Yi supporting it. Hai is helpful as well, so wife will be supportive. Earth represents wealth, I think he will be strong enough to handle wealth with all the support. LPs mostly contains Water and Metal throughout, starting in the Water frame, then Metal frame(midlife), old age has earth and fire. I think life should be good.

C   Date Selected by Nelson : Jan 25th @ Ren Wu hour.

壬     丁   己
午   亥     丑

己 庚 辛 壬 癸 甲 乙 丙
巳 午 未 申 酉 戌 亥 子
Reasons Given :-

21st Jan(辛未)is not suitable as the day pillar is in conflict with the month pillar (both HS and EB)

As the boy would be born in winter month(丑), the chart would be cold. We would like to warm up the chart if possible. So I would pick 午 hour, as it would be the hottest time during winter.

(1) 壬,癸 DM (22&23Jan)would be in conflict with HS of month pillar
(2) 乙 DM would have the support from 壬and甲 hidden in 亥
(3) there is a productive cycle in the HS, ie primary resource壬supports DM, DM produce implicit target丁 which in turn produce unconvention wealth己

Metal is a bit lacking in the chart, but can be found frozen in the hidden stems of 丑.  However DM would undergo metal luck cycle from his twenties to fifties.

D.    Date Selected by Andy : Jan 25th @ Ren Wu hour.

乙      丁   己
巳   申      丑

己  庚  辛  壬  癸  甲  乙 丙
巳  午  未  申  酉  戌  亥  子

Reasons Given :-

For the range between 21-25 Jan 2010, the Ding Fire and Three Ji Earths are inescapable.

The DM of Ren sitting on Shen is strong, due to the Ren being born in winter, added to drawing power by virtue of sitting on a resource.

A Ren Shen Day Pillar is therefore strong enough to accept the control of the three Ji. And Sitting on a resource, this might indicate someone with the ability to have a good career as a government officer or corporate bigwig.

And the Ding on its right hand side will be his wealth, just for good measure.

The Hour Pillar selected is Yi sitting on Si. Yi is to provide some wood that is otherwise missing, and Si brings some Bing to warm up a winter chart.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Bazi Daily - 11/02/2010 Prediction for the Year of Golden Tiger (Part 3)

After listening to the good news on the plentiful of opportunities lying ahead, I also gave my fore-warning to cautious you that :-

High Return involves High Risk!

This is particularly true for the year of Geng Yin (庚寅).

偏财                       正财
己                        戊             庚
卯            酉                         寅
比肩                      劫财         劫财

From the perspective of the theory of Bazi, High Risk arises as a result of :-

1.  Yin Wood (寅) controlling the Wu Earth (戊).

Though Yin Wood (寅) is the Growth Stage to Wu Earth (i.e. Conventional Wealth), it also the risk factor to Wu Earth as Yin Wood conquers Earth.

2.  With the presence of strong Wood energy (Mao & Yin Wood), the strong wood is going to dilute the limited pool of resources (i.e. wealth).

Hence, keen competitions can be expected from all over the places. 

My advice is to : 

Stay Calm &
Do you home before making any risky venture.

It is, however, easy to say than done for the year of Tiger.   We shall continue with it tomorrow!


Love is a condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.
~  Robert Heinlein ~

Test Your Skill - Selection of Date for Caesarian Birth

Had been approached by a customer to select a date for a Caesarian Birth for his baby boy.

Personally, I do not encourage Caesarian Session as I do believe the beauty of Nature.   However, due to the medical reason on the part of the mother, I have selected a date for the family.

I would like to invite you to select an auspicious date for the baby. 

Below is the information given by the family :-

1.  Baby Boy ; 
2.  Select any day & time inbetween 21/1/2010 - 25/1/2010.

For those that is trying to workout the above & is willing to share with the rest, please erect the full bazi chart  (including the Luck Pillars) & explain the reason(s) for choosing the date & time.  

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Bazi Daily - 10/02/2010 Prediction for the year of Golden Tiger (Part 2)

As mentioned, there are a lot of clashes found in the chart erected based on the date of 'Beginning of Spring'.  We can, therefore, logically, associates it with fluctuations, challenges & instability.

Today, I am going to convey a piece of good news to you.   Behind the curtain of such instability, there are also plenty of opportunities for us to explore.

The picture would be clearer & evident if we add in more information to the chart :-

 偏财                 正财
   己                戊        庚
   卯        酉                寅

Yes!  Both the Wealth Deities (Conventional & Unconventional) appears in the Heavenly Stems, symbolizing plenty of opportunities ahead.

And the source of wealth & opportunities can come from both the tranditional source (i.e. Conventional Wealth Deity) &/or unexplored/unexpected fields (Unconventional Wealth Deity).
If you are familiar with the concept of 12 Natural Stages of Heavenly Stems (十二长生历程), you should be able to identify Yin wood (寅) is also the  Growth Stage (长生) to Wu Earth (i.e. Conventional Wealth Deity).  Hence, you may want to consider to focus your attention on the exploration of the opportunities from existing/traditional source of income first. 

Traditionally, we were being told that 'High Risk leads to High Return'.   But, being a business graduate, I want to cautious you that the reverse is also true, i.e. :-

High Return involves High Risk!

Shall let you know tomorrow how is it so from the perspective of the theory of bazi.


What is happiness except the simple harmony between a man and the life he leads?
~ Albert Camus ~

Monday, February 8, 2010

Bazi Daily - 09/02/2010 Prediction for the Year of Golden Tiger (Part 1)

From today onwards, I shall be sharing with you some of the predictions made for the year of Golden Tiger (Year 2010).

己        戊    庚
卯    酉        寅

The above bazi chart was erected based on the date of Beginning of Spring (立春).   At a quick glance, what have you observed ?

Yes, there are a lot of clashes within the chart :-

-  庚 clashes with 寅
-  寅 clashes with 戊
-  酉 clashes with 乙
-  卯 clashes with 己
-  乙 clashes with 戊 & 己
-  卯 clashes with 酉

With the existence of so many clashes, we can expect the forthcoming year to be very happenings & challenging.  Severe & frequent conflicts & fluctuations would be the main theme for the year of Tiger.

My apologies if the above prediction disappoint you :)

Do not be discouraged as there is a saying : -

High Risk leads to High Return

We shall continue to explore is there any opportunities lie ahead.


You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of.
You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.

~ Albert Camus ~ 

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Bazi Daily - 08/02/2010


Literal Translation & Interpretation :-

The above statement had been used by Destiny Analysts of the olden days in deducing the marriages for females.

According to the theory, those who day pillar is Wu Shen 戊申 (i.e. Earth Monkey) would have more than one marriages.   And those who day pillar is Xin Hai 辛亥 (i.e. Golden Pig) would have difficulties in getting marriage.

The above-mentioned ways of deduction can be categorised under the Theory of Compound Stars (神杀), that is the deduction made without considering the entire configuration of the natal chart.  

Personally,  I would view the Theory of Compound Stars as a supplementary to the Theory of Elemental Analysis.  

Hence, do not be over-reacted or demoralized when the day pillar of your bazi chart resemble the above-statement.

Despite the above (so-called) warning, those females with the Day Pillar of Xin Hai (Golden Pig) do face 'more challenges' in term of their marriages.


Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get.

~ Dave Gardner ~

Case Studies - Identifying Favorable Elements (02)

Hi, morning!   Try to identify the favorability of elements for the below female chart (born in the year of 1973).

己    庚  癸   坤
酉  辰    丑

66 56 46 36 26 16 6
丁 丙 乙  癸 壬 辛
卯 寅 丑  亥 戌 酉

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Bazi Daily - 07/020/2010



Literal Translation & Interpretation:
Today, we shall proceed to identify which of the elements possesses strong feeling of nostalgia (怀旧).
As a quick & simple guide, those charts with strong energy of Fire & Earth are normally fond remembrance of times past.    He/she enjoys listening to old folk songs, enjoys visiting to old buildings & old places, cherishes antique or old items that meant a lot to them psychologically.
Security is mostly a superstition.
It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it.
Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure.
Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.
~ Helen Keller ~

Friday, February 5, 2010

Bazi Daily - 06/02/2010



Literal Translation & Interpretation:-
Want to make a guess which of the 10 deities would definitely take a revenge seroiusly towards the people offended he/she?
It is none other than the Imposing Authority Deity (七杀).   This is especially so if the energy of Imposing Authority is strong & belongs to the energy of metal.
We do not see things as they are; we see things as we are.

~ Talmud ~

Case Study - Identifying Favorable Elements

Below is the Bazi Chart of a newly born baby Girl :-

戊       丁    己        Female
申   丑        丑

Who want to try on identifying the favorable & unfavorable for this little girl ?

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Bazi Daily - 05/02/2010



Literal Translation & Interpretation:-
Do not be offended or over-reacted by today caption if the structure of your bazi chart fit into the description that I am going to share.
The Caption :   How to identify Stupidity from bazi chart?
According to the above theory, those with 'thick Earth' (i.e. a lot of Earth) in the natal chart are normally inflexible, slow in response & are not able to adapt to environment swifty.
Personally, instead of viewing it as Stupidity, I would deem it as stubborn, refusal to accept constructive advice.  Hence, they are not able react to external environment as promptly as other elements.
The difference between a smart person and a wise person is that
a smart person knows what to say ; and
a wise person knows whether or not to say it.

~ Quote found on the wall of a recreation center office in Berkeley, California ~

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Bazi Daily - 04/02/2010



Literal Translation & Interpretation:-
The Chinese New Year is drawing near & it is our tradition to clean our house (commonly known as Spring Cleaning 新春大扫除) before the festive.
You may be surprised how many stuff you have to tidy or even throw away.  But for a particular group of person, it is extremely difficult to convince them to throw or give away the stuff.
Want to make an intellectual guess?  
I suppose you already know the answer.  Yes, the individuals with much of the Pool (库) & Earth in the natal chart are normally the 'die hard' collectors。
The only ones among you who will be really happy
are those who will have sought and found how to serve.

~ Albert Schweitzer ~

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Bazi Daily - 03/02/2010 - Flower of Romance (桃花)

Implications of Flower of Romance (桃花)

Flower of Romance influences :

the emotions, desires, charisma, courtship and marriage
 of an individual.

From the olden times, people had always associated the Flower of Romance with the sexual desires of men and women.

In fact, it really refers to the good and bad social relations between people. Individuals whose eight characters include Tao Hua or the Flower of Romance are inclined to have much better social interactions as compared to others.

Many high-ranking officials actually bear the Flower of Romance in their four-pillar charts. For instance although the Qing emperor, Qian Long, held the four major Stars of Romance, he was disciplined and cultured too which made him an extremely revered figure.

Therefore, the competent use of the Star of Romance shall generate beneficial social relations, which can reap exceptional rewards.

Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed.
Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace and gratitude.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Bazi Daily - 02/02/2010 - Flower of Romance (桃花)

As per the request from one of the readers to share the information on the subject Flower of Romance (桃花), I shall briefly introduce some of the distinct features of the Flower of Romance.

First & foremost, we need to know how to locate the Flower of Romance from our natal chart :-


With Year Branch or Day Branch as focus, the respective appearances of any of the following earthly branches signify the Flower of Romance

Year Branch or Day Branch       Flower of Romance
Yin or Wu or Xu              卯 (mao)
Shen or Zi or Chen             酉 (you)
Hai or Mao or Wei             子 (zi)
Si or You or Chou              午 (wu)

Tomorrow, we shall examine some of the implications of the Flower of Romance.



Gratefulness is the key to a happy life that we hold in our hands, because if we are not grateful, then no matter how much we have we will not be happy -- because we will always want to have something else or something more.

Self Discovery.....

Knowing yourself, knowing the peoples surrounding you ....