Thursday, February 25, 2010

Bazi Daily - 26/02/2010 - Health (Part 2)


Extracted from 'Ji Shan Pian'

Literal Translation & Interpretation:-

Number 2   土虚逢木旺之乡、脾伤定论
Earth represents our digestive system, stomach & spleen.  

The stomach produces protease enzymes and hydrochloric acid which kills bacteria and gives the right pH for the protease enzyme to work. The word stomach is derived from the Latin stomachus which is derived from the Greek word stomachos, ultimately from stoma (στόμα), "mouth". The words gastro- and gastric (meaning related to the stomach) are both derived from the Greek word gaster (γαστήρ). The stomach churns food before it moves on to the rest of the digestive system.

In the event where the Earth is 'healthy' (i.e. moderately strong), it provides necessary nutrients to our body.

However, when the energy of wood become too strong, Earth would be attacked & gave rise to stomach related illness such as stomach ulcer.



The happiness that is genuinely satisfying is accompanied by the fullest exercise of our faculties and the fullest realization of the world in which we live.


Anonymous said...

Master Goh

If a natal chart has strong earth element but no wood element to control the earth - what health issues should one be paying attention to? Thank you.


Anonymous said...

Master Goh

How about if a natal chart has very strong metal element but weak fire element - what health issues should one take note.
Thank you.


Guan Leong, GOH said...


=> Strong Eath, No Wood

If earth is overly strong + with the support from strong fire =
take note of digestive system, urinary system & kidney related health issue.

=> Very Strong Metal + Weak Fire

Heart related health issue. This is especially so if there is presence of water to further weaken the already weak fire.

Anonymous said...

Hi Master Goh,

I came across this chart recently. It belongs to a new born baby boy. He is very chholic and has a number of gastro-intestinal issues.

辛 壬 丁 己
丑 午 丑 丑

The chart is a very strong Water DM. Chart lacks Bing necessary to warm the chart. Chart is also lacking Jia Wood for a winter birth. So Ji is wet, and dominates the chart. I think this could explain stomach and GI related issues.

The chart also has excessive Metal. Ding is at burial stage in the month of Chou and therefore very weak. However, Ding in Wu provides some support.
Could this baby also have a weak heart?

Would you agree with my assessment Master Goh?


Guan Leong, GOH said...


Agreed with you full heartedly :)

This is a very cold chart. Luckily, fire is rooted. However, without the wood to support the fire, the fire subject to the attack from water & can be extinguished easily. This is especially so where the first few of his luck cycles are the water.

Naturally & logically, fire (& therefore, heart) is weak.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Master Goh.

I have recommended the parents move the child to drier and warmer climates such as those found in Arizona and Nevada.

What else can be done to add (Yang) Wood related Qi to a baby boy's chart?


Guan Leong, GOH said...


1. Open the window of the room for air-circulation reason ;

2. Perform gentle body (especially to the stomach) massage for the baby ;

3. Can introduce favorable color & direction based on your analysis for the placement of bed ;

4. The baby needs more sunshine

5. Last but not least, the parents need to have positive mindset :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the insight. I like the idea of using Xun gua to provide Wood Qi :)


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Knowing yourself, knowing the peoples surrounding you ....