Friday, February 5, 2010

Bazi Daily - 06/02/2010



Literal Translation & Interpretation:-
Want to make a guess which of the 10 deities would definitely take a revenge seroiusly towards the people offended he/she?
It is none other than the Imposing Authority Deity (七杀).   This is especially so if the energy of Imposing Authority is strong & belongs to the energy of metal.
We do not see things as they are; we see things as we are.

~ Talmud ~


Anonymous said...

How abt Earth? Wld tht mean the person is just keepin scores instd of doin s'thg abt it..LOL! since earths are 'collector' of sorts.


Guan Leong, GOH said...


Logical deduction :)

Anonymous said...

Dear Master Goh & Ethereal,

Thank you for the guidance today.
Hv a great weekend~


Anonymous said...

Wow..sounds like a time bomb, Mastr GGL. LOL! Better hold our abated bazi breaths for charts tht indicate impending clashes of the 'earthy' kind i.e. chou-chen, chen-xu, wei-chou.

Btw, does wei-xu clash and if they do, shld we expct expounding of Ding since Xin likely shreds Yi and gts scorched by ding (?)

Heheh..nt bein cheeky, jus enjoyin Bazi abstracts


Guan Leong, GOH said...


Not forgeting that Earth is rather passive. They may have the thought or intention, but may not be taking any action :)

As for the second half of your message, I feel that it is too complicated. I always emphasize simplificity.

Morgan said...

Dear Master Goh,
Could you kindly enlighten us on the characteristic of the Water 7k (Qisha) to a Fire day master?

E.g Ren(壬)Water to Bing(丙)Fire. I have read that the Ren Water expounds beauty of the Sun (Bing). ;)


Guan Leong, GOH said...


Indeed, there is a saying on the effect of Ren Water to the Bing Fire (the Sun).

But, there are conditions to be fulfilled before the Ren can expound the beauty of the Sun.

This is where the energy of the Bing Fire have to be strong by itself. So that the image (i.e. the energy) of the Fire is doubled.

Morgan said...

Hi Master Goh,
Thank you for replying.

- As such, can the Ren Water be considered a 'non-revengeful' 7k to the Bing Fire? Since instead of causing direct harm, it's helps the Bing.

- Will a Weak Bing benefit from the 'positive' effect of Ren Water?



Guan Leong, GOH said...


Of course, if the Bing (DM) is strong, Ren water multiplies its energy.

This beneficial energy, however, does not apply to a weak Bing fire person.

Self Discovery.....

Knowing yourself, knowing the peoples surrounding you ....