Saturday, November 7, 2009

Combinations & Clashes - Part 06

Combinations & Clashes
Part 06

Just a quick recap on the information I have covered so far on the subject of combinations :-
  1. the combining elements have to be adjacent ;
  2. if the combination involves the Day Master, with or without transformation, the DM will still remain its original nature.

Condition 3 that I am going to share today is similar to condition 2 whereby if the combination involves the Month Branch, with or without transformation, the Month Branch will still remain its original season.

For instance,

X X  X 

X 酉 巳 丑

It is clear from the above that Si - You - Chou combined and transformed to become the energy of metal (take note the presence of Xin metal in the heavenly stem that acts as a catalyst for such transformation).

However, regardless of the newly transformed element, the DM is still considered to have born in the season of summer.

In short, both the DM & Month Branch will remain its original nature even if the transformation takes place.


Anonymous said...

Thank you. The comment re: seasonality is very helpful. Otherwise the entire chart dynamics would change :)

Would the (Metal Frame) transformation result in Xin or Geng in the three branches? I think it will transform to Xin as the stem (catalyst) is Xin.

Also, how will the new chart be written after the transformation? What will be in the branches?


Guan Leong, GOH said...


Would the (Metal Frame) transformation result in Xin or Geng in the three branches? I think it will transform to Xin as the stem (catalyst) is Xin.

Agreed !

Also, how will the new chart be written after the transformation? What will be in the branches?

Don't quite get what you mean :-(

However, I do not assign any 'new' identity (i.e. deity) to such transformation. In this instance, I merely recognise the fact that the energy of metal becomes very strong. The influence can be good or bad depends on whether it is favourable or unfavourable.

Self Discovery.....

Knowing yourself, knowing the peoples surrounding you ....