Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Bazi Daily - 05/11/2009

"Competitive Deity / Amiable Deity wrestles for Wealth" (比劫夺夫)

Since we are in the subject of the relationship between Competitive / Amiable Deity & Wealth Stars, I would like to continue to introduce the above subject that most ladies show keen interests in knowing more about it.

“Competitive Deity wrestles for Wealth”and“Amiable Deity Contends for Husband”refers to the situation whereupon another (or numerous) Amiable or Competitive Deity appears in one’s chart or luck cycle and competes with the DM to combine with Proper Authority or Conventional Wealth.

Example (Female chart)

X 庚 乙 where 庚 is the Spouse Star

When the abovementioned configuration appears in the chart or luck cycle, this is usually related to marriages and relationships. It could be : -

- triangular relationship ; or
- the spouse star being combined (meaning cohabitation) with other element (other woman) ;
- worse situation is where the spouse star is being transformed to some other identity :-(


Anonymous said...

Dear Master Goh,

"worse situation is where the spouse star is being transformed to some other identity"

Could you please provide an example?


Guan Leong, GOH said...


Below is the example that I can think of :-)

Male Chart :

X 丁 辛 丙 
X X  亥 X

Xin metal is the spouse star to Ding DM. However, with the combination that take place between Bing & Xin, the Xin (spouse star) changes its original identity from metal to water.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Master Goh.

Does the chart now become?

X 丁 壬 壬
X X 亥 X

If so, the spouse star transforms from Conventional Wealth to Proper Authority? As the DM is weak, does it mean that a spouse now begins to exhibit negative characteristics associated with Proper Authority instead? Also, as a result of the transformation, water has become overwhelmingly strong in this chart, making DM even weaker? If other conditions are met, could the chart change from a common to passive type?


Guan Leong, GOH said...


==> Does the chart now become?

X 丁 壬 壬
X X 亥 X

Absolutely not in this manner :-(

As I had mentioned before in some other postings that we do not change it the way you have listed above.

Both the Bing & Xin combined & transformed to become strong water.

Since the newly transformed water is too strong for DM, meaning that DM is suffering when the wife chose to end the relationship.

Anonymous said...

Thanks. I had not read your previous answer before posing this question.

Is it correct to assume that in case of both stame and branch transformations, one merely needs to interpret the result without physically changing the deity (and possibly changing the chart type as well)?

Also, (1) as the combo occurred between the month pillar and the year pillar, could it also mean that this loss had occurred before ages of 52? (2)Does it also mean that this DM may not meet another match if there is no other Metal element (Xin or Geng) in the chart? (3) As this transformation is in the natal chart, could this transformation occur again in life, or does it only happen once in a lifetime?


Guan Leong, GOH said...


==> ...transformations...merely needs to interpret the result without physically changing the deity...

Yes !!!

Also, (1) as the combo occurred between the month pillar and the year pillar, could it also mean that this loss had occurred before ages of 52?

I would say the relationship and marriage is not stable before age 34.

==> ... does it also mean that this DM may not meet another match if there is no other Metal element (Xin or Geng) in the chart?

You are thinking too much & too liitle :-(

Thinking too much in the way you have 'added' so many variables that, at times, beyond our comprehension.

Thinking too little where you have overlooked the impact of Luck & Annual Cycle.

It is extremely dangerous to decipher an individual marriages or other aspects in this manner :-)

==> ... transformation ..in the natal chart, could occur again in life, or does it only happen once in a lifetime?

As mentioned above, need to consider the impact of both the Luck & Annual Cycle.

Anonymous said...

Yes, of course. How could I have overlooked the impact of LPs? :)

Self Discovery.....

Knowing yourself, knowing the peoples surrounding you ....