Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Case Study

Below is the bazi chart of a lady born in the year of 1973, Singapore : -

甲   己   庚   癸     坤
子   亥   申   丑

64  54  44  34  24  14  4
丁 丙 乙 甲 癸 壬 辛
卯 寅 丑 子 亥 戌 酉

Based on what we have learned from the past few days, what can you say about her health?


Anonymous said...

Hi Master Goh,

In the following chart:

甲 己 庚 癸
子 亥 申 丑

This is a weak DM.

Ji Earth is at Stage-2 (Bath) in the month of Shen. Ji is rooted, but weakened by surrounding Proper Authority and Explicit Talent deities.

Metal and Water are strong in this chart. Fire is entirely missing. Wood is relatively weak (Stage-2 in pillar Jia Zi).

The DM is currently going through the Jia Zi LP.

From a health perspective, the DM likely has weak eyesight (Strong Water weakens Fire), heart (minimal or no Fire), and muscles/tendons (strong Metal weakens Wood). In terms of appearance, this DM is likely to be on the chubby side.


Anonymous said...

Hi Master Goh

DM is female
甲 己 庚 癸
子 亥 申 丑
going through LP 甲 子

DM Ji earth born in the season of autumn when earth is weak and wood is dead. Therefore DM Ji earth is weak and favours fire and earth.

From the natal chart
a)strongest element is water due to
子 亥 丑 directional combo to form water
子 申 combo to form water
both above are successful
b) weakest element is wood due to season of autumn
c) missing element is fire (so no impact)

Since fire is missing and water is too strong from the natal chart, therefore earth element is greatly impact and weaken.

DM is going through Jia Zi luck pillar, potential health related issues
a) earth related (too much water will loosen the earth)
digestive system stomach and spleen

b) wood related (too strong metal will attack the weakest wood)
tendon and muscle

c) water related (too strong water)
urinary system

Thank you for giving us an opportunity to attempt this exercise.

Guan Leong, GOH said...

Sanjay & Yen,

Both of your have identified some of the critical illnesses, such as:

- weak eyesight
- weak heart
- poor digestive system
- urinary related illness.

She wanted to have baby, but couldn't conceive :(

Since her digestive is not functioning well, she is skinny instead of being chubby.

Instead, she suffered from depression since young, though now is better.

Given that the wealth deity is extremely strong, she chases after material wealth and neglect her health.

Health ~ Wealth ~ Hell

They look different yet closely related.

BTW, she is my cousin :(

Anonymous said...

Hi Master Goh,

Is this considered a special chart?
I thought this because it fulfills many criteria as below:-
- DM extremely weak.
- No supporting element (chou is combined away)
- Strong seasonal combination to form water

Please enlighten me if it isn't.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Master Goh for sharing this case study!!!


Anonymous said...

Master Goh,
Do you mind elaborate on the depression part?


Guan Leong, GOH said...


Theoretically, it does fulfil the requirements to be a special chart person.

However, this doesn't automatically qualify her to be the special chart.

Some school of thoughts (which I subscribe to) hold that we need to scrutinize a person family background in addition to theoretical aspect.

She wasn't come from a promising family. Her father was a gambler :(

Guan Leong, GOH said...

Just imagine yourself in the winter season with cold weather, no sunlight. How can a person be happy :(

TH TEO said...

DM JI Earth is above a big pool of water亥子丑(3 combo), and we can say that the Ji earth has become very dirty and muddy.

It indicate that she need to take note of her stomach problem example diarrhea.

In the 5 element theory ,water element belong to wisdom and fear
In this case,i think this lady is very timid because her bazi's water is too strong and is unfavourable to her.

That why she will think so much and get herself worry more.

Anonymous said...

Both Water and Metal are strong and unfavorable to the DM. These elements make a person emotional. As the chart is devoid of Fire, a heightened emotional state can also lead to depression.

I really like Master Teo's comment on Ji residing on a pool of water (seasonal combo), which can lead to stomach related issues. Muddy water can also lead to a confused mind and contrinute to depression.

Thanks for this lovely case study. Now, we have to find a way to help this dear lady.

What should be some of the recommendations?


Guan Leong, GOH said...

Sanjay & the rest,

Why don't we do a brain storming in gathering the feasible remedies for my cousine :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Master Goh,

Here are some thoughts:

1) As Fire is a critical misssing component, it would be helpful for the DM to move to a warmer and drier climate. Perhaps Australia!

2) Increase spiritual practice.

3) Work in Fire or Earth related industry.

4) Spend more time in nature (open spaces) and leave windows open while at home. This will strengthen the Wood element.

5) Associate with people with a positive, optimistic, and nurturing/supportive view point.

6) DM should be willing to seek help and share her thoughts with others, or perhaps a good counselor.


Guan Leong, GOH said...


Agreed with what you have mentioned.

This is a chart with strong wealth, meaning the person with strong materials & economics urge. However, the earth (i.e. the DM) is not strong enough to command & control it :(

She has to find ways to cut down on those unnecessary monetary thoughts, the source of her dissatisfaction & the causes of the depression...

Anonymous said...

Hi Master Goh

She could consider
1) seek treatment - TCM (traditional chinese medicine) to stablize her qi flow
2) take extra care on her nutrition
organic food, fruits, fresh juices
3) exercises
meditation, a walk close to nature (forest, reservoir, parks etc), scream loudly by the river or in the car
4) self help books
to find her inner self


Guan Leong, GOH said...

Yen & Sanjay,

Come to think about it, all the remedies that we have proposed are logical, constructive and workable.

However, somehow or rather, they may not take the advice :(

Though it sounds religious, it is her karma :)

Anonymous said...

Hi master,

can you post the western date in your examples, thanks


Unknown said...

Hi Master,
She's definitely a weak DM with strong wealth deities, which are unfavourable to her. In your opinion, what's her chances of getting rich when 'Earth' element appear in her LP ?

Self Discovery.....

Knowing yourself, knowing the peoples surrounding you ....