Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Bazi Daily - 20/01/2010

秃顶人八字标志 = 柱中干透庚、辛金,水、木少,逢旺金之运主此人秃顶。

Literal translation & interpretation :-

This is an interesting subject -

who is most likely to be the potential candidate for hair loss or, possibly, having a bald head?

I have tried & tested it in a number of occasions, the result is satisfactorily :p

First of all, we have to ascertain which of the five elements that represent hair.     

Yes, you are right!  Hair is being represented by Wood.   Naturally, when the energy of wood is weak due to the presence of strong metal, the hair loss is highly possible.   This is especially so if the DM is in the luck cycle of strong metal.

Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake.
~  Henry Daivd Thoreau ~


Anonymous said...

Hi Master Goh,

Does the same concept applies if the chart is too hot? ie. Too much fire burning wood.

Thank you.


weikee said...

I got lots of metal, and bit of wood, true enough i am very "botak" :|

Do Yin Wood represent hair too? and how about DM without wood element in the bazi chart? my daughter got no wood in her chart...

Guan Leong, GOH said...


Good association & linkage :)

The guiding principle is the enviornment is poor for wood (i.e. hair) to grow healthily.

Guan Leong, GOH said...


Yes, Yin Wood represents hair too.

As mentioned above, as long as the environment is poor, the wood could not grow properly.

However, if the environment is conducive (for instance, with water), even in the absence of wood, the person can still have a beautiful hair :)

weikee said...

Cnyelie, maybe too hot turn the hair to brown :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Master Goh & Wei Kee,

Any idea or solution to cure baldness? ;P

Anonymous said...

Master Goh. I don't agree. I got a few cases and dont suppor this theory . By Gary Chan

joey said...

me and my dad are good examples,he got bald at 18.but what can we do about that? Eat lettuce green veg?

dad chart
ji bing gui xin
hai zi si wei
me ding ding xin xin
wei wei chou chou

Self Discovery.....

Knowing yourself, knowing the peoples surrounding you ....