Monday, December 21, 2009

Bazi Daily - 23/12/2009


Literal Translation & Interpretation :

In the study of career, we associate Resource Deities & Authority Deities with the career. Hence, should there be any clashes with the Resource Deities &/or Authority Deities, it symbolises changes to the career.

In the event the above-mentioned deities is/are being 'seriously clashed away', it implies the possibility of leaving the company.

Tip shared by TH Teo


Anonymous said...

Hi Master Goh, and Teo,

If Resources are not the Favor element to the DM, will this impact the working enviroment of this DM?


Anonymous said...

Hi Master Goh,

How do we define a serious clash? For example, in 2010, would a Shen-Yin or You-Mao clash be considered serious?


Guan Leong, GOH said...


Of course, if it is unfavorable to DM, it does affect the DM unfavorably.

The good news, however, is that the detrimental effect bring upon by the Unfavorable Resource Deity is not as harmful as un unfavorable Imposing Authority.

Guan Leong, GOH said...


Below are some of the scenarios that I can think of :-

- clashes with the favorable element(s);
- the whole pillar is being clashed simultaneously.

Anonymous said...

Hi Master Goh

Are you saying that
when Shang Guan meets Zheng Guan means lost/change of job (read somewhere here)

and now
when resource clashes with authority deities also mean
lost/change of job?

BTW, if Xin is female, secondary resource is Mother and
if Xin is male, primary resource is Mother?

Could you please elaborate? Thank you.

Guan Leong, GOH said...


No, not when Resource clashes with Authority Deity. They do not have such a clashing relationship.

It is when Resource or Authority Deity is being clashed by the opposing element / deity.

Collectively, Resource Deity (in general) can be used to refer to the mother.

However, to be more specific, we can further classify it (such what you have mentioned).

Why is that to be so?

Secondary Resource is where the Yin element giving birth to the Yin DM (or Yang element giving birth to the Yang DM). Since, both are of the same polarity (i.e. same nature, same gender...), it (therefore) refer to the mother for female DM.

Anonymous said...

Hi Master Goh

Ok, understand about the clashes to resource or authority deity.

My understanding from your above statement means
a) by nature - Xin is yin
b) by gender
i) yin ie female, secondary resource Ji(yin) is mother
ii) yang ie male, primary resource Wu(yang) is mother

So for clarity, i would need to chart out the 10 deities by male and female for each heavenly stem.

Please confirm, thank you.

Guan Leong, GOH said...


Example :

Male DM = 己 Earth

His Mother would be represented by 丙 fire (i.e. Primary Resource ~ different in yin-yang polarity).


Male DM = 戊 Earth

His Mother would be represented by 丁 fire (i.e. Primary Resource ~ different polarity)

For a female DM

Female DM = 戊 Earth

Her Mother would be represented by 丙 fire (i.e. Secondary Resource Deity ~ same polarity).

Anonymous said...

Hi Master Goh

Thank you for your detailed explanations.

Finally got it!
1) Primary Resource (different polarity)
a) If Yin will produce Yang DM
b) If Yang will produce Yin DM

2) Secondary Resource (same polarity)
a) If Yang will produce Yang DM
b) If Yin will produce Yin DM

Thank you very much.

Self Discovery.....

Knowing yourself, knowing the peoples surrounding you ....