Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Bazi Daily - 30/12/2010

Function of Heart (Part 01)

Governs the Blood

1.  Transformation of Gu Qi (谷气 - Food Qi) into Blood occurs in Heart

2.  Responsible for smooth flowing of Blood

Heart must be healthy for proper supply of Blood to all tissues. When Heart Qi impaired, i.e., Heart Blood or Qi is deficient, circulation of Blood is affected (hands cold).

(IN BAZI, it is when the Water is strong or born in the month of Winter)

Controls the Blood Vessels

Blood Vessels (not same as in Western Medicine) depend on Heart Qi and Blood, i.e., if Heart strong and Blood plentiful, pulse will be full and regular.

If Heart Qi or Blood is weak, pulse may be irregular/weak (choppy).

Life is not measured by the breaths you take,
but by its breathtaking moments.
- Michael Vance


LadyGaga said...

Hi Master Goh,

What about 'very warm' hands (like having a fever)? Red colour palm. Is it a good sign?

I've yet another friend with red palm, but always sweaty... What triggers that? Is it bad?

Both are in generally good health and good shape (not obese nor thin).

Guan Leong, GOH said...


From the descriptions, I believe that his/her chart is hot & dry. A person with strong fire (represents small intestine) are normally good in their digestion. They eat a lot and the strong fire burn (digest) it quickly, and they get hungry easily. Hence, this expalined they are in good shape.

If the palm is too warm or too red, one of the possibilitiy that I can think of is High Blood Pressure.

Why don't you analyse their bazi and share with us on your findings.

Anonymous said...

Hi Master Goh,

My birth chart is very hot & dry. I eat alot, get hungry easily but hardly put on weight (normal size). I have red palms n rosy complexion lol. I also drink alot of water.

I love to exercise but I tend to get tired easily. Is this the negative side of strong fire whereby energy burns out too quickly? Any cure?


Guan Leong, GOH said...


How are you? Have not been hearing from you for quite sometimes.

When the fire is strong & the earth is dry, which element would suffer?

Lungs (metal) suffer. So, what is the primary function of lungs? It is responsible for the respiratory system of our body.

Metal also represents large intestines which responsible for passing the motion. Given that the chart is hot and dry, one can get out of breath & constipation easily.

You may want to improve on your lungs &, therefore, resiporatory system by consuming more water, control your breathing thru' meditation. Also, you may want to massage the acupuncture point (named 阴陵穴 in Chinese). This is the acupuncture point that connects 3 yin meridian (经络). By pressing and massage it, you are effectively activating your 'yin' energy :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Master Goh,

I am doing well. Thanks for your concern. I still visit your blog occasionally.

Nice analysis. I drink alot of water is because my throat get sore easily. I guess throat is part of respiratory system too. Drinking plenty of water also helps to prevent constipation.

Despite having a chart with excessive yang energy, in reality I felt quite yin. My body is always in state of resting & conserving energy. Due to this reason, I look a few yrs younger than my actual age but I get tired easily(not serious). How does yin energy dominate in yang chart?


Guan Leong, GOH said...


I don't quite get you when you mentioned about the yin energy :(

To me, other than the yin & yang aspects of 5 elements, when can classify 10 deities into yin & yang as well.

I would classify Proper Authority, Primary Resource, Amiable Deity, Implicit Talent & Conventional Wealth Deity as Yin.

The remaining are yang.

LadyGaga said...

Hi Master Goh,

I don't have their bazi charts. They were just introduced to me at a party. Haha!

Anyway, here I would like to wish you and your family a Very Happy New Year 2011!:)

Anonymous said...

Hi Master Goh,

Sorry to make you confuse. Yin -relax, calm, soft, etc whereas Yang -energetic, alert, aggressive, etc.

I thought of what you mentioned too, 10 deities splitting into yin and yang. I have strong proper authority and conventional wealth which makes me more yin incline. It makes sense now. Thanks for sharing.

Happy New Year n best wishes.


Self Discovery.....

Knowing yourself, knowing the peoples surrounding you ....