Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Bazi Daily - 15/12/2010


Sinews (tendons) depend on Liver Blood to moisten and nourish them so they can contract and relax as needed (smooth movement of joints and good muscle action).

Deficient Liver Blood leads to lack of nourishment in the tendons, which leads to contractions, spasms, impaired extension/flexion, numbness of limbs, cramps, tremors, muscle weakness, etc.

The Liver controls the Sinews (tendons), or the contractile aspect of the muscles.

The Spleen controls the muscles, or the mass or bulk.

= Liver imbalances are more likely to affect movement , and
= Spleen weakness affects flaccidity, atrophy, etc.


The finger and toe nails are the outgrowth of sinews and are influenced by Liver Blood. When Liver Blood is deficient, the nails will lack nourishment and become dark, indented, dry, cracked, brittle, etc.

There is no short cut to achievement.
Life requires thorough preparation -- veneer isn't worth anything.
- George Washington Carver

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