Friday, May 21, 2010

Bazi Daily - 22/05/2010

Star of Romance
(桃花 ~ Tao Hua)

Below are some of the well-known characteristics of Star of Romance in Four Pillars

In term of Positive Aspects, individuals with the Stars of Romance are :

-  good looking, passionate and expressive.
-  The women are charming and alluring while the men are generous and sociable.
-  they attract the opposite sex easily and vice versa. In addition,
-  it also rules intelligence, wisdom and talent.

Such individuals shall be munificent and gracious.

Negative Aspect:

Regardless of gender, individuals whose arrangements of the four pillars is less than satisfactory, these individuals will possess exceedingly high sexual drives. They are likely flirts or womanisers.


A great obstacle to happiness is to anticipate too great a happiness.

- Euripides

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Knowing yourself, knowing the peoples surrounding you ....