Saturday, May 15, 2010

Bazi Daily - 16/05/2010

Star of Benevolence
(天德贵人 ~  Tian De Gui Ren)

The skill of analysing Compound Stars is relatively easy as compared to the elemental analysis.  

First of all, you need to identify the stars correctly.   Next, you need to know whether the star is favorable or unfavorable to the DM.   If it is favorable, all the postive traits of the star would surface, the converse is also true if the star is unfavorable.

Today, let's take a look of the Star of Benevolence.

Identifying Star of Benevolence :-

Determination: With Month Branch as focus, the respective appearances of any of the following heavenly stems or earthly branches signify the Star of Benevolence

Month Branch       Stem / Branch
Yin (寅)                                 Ding
Mao (卯)                               Shen
Chen (辰)                               Ren
Si  (巳)                                Xin
Wu  (午)                              Hai
Wei  (未)                             Jia
Shen  (申)                           Gui
You  (酉)                            Yin
Xu  (戌)                              Bing
Hai  (亥)                             Yi
Zi  (子)                                Si
Chou (丑)                               Geng


Learning is like rowing upstream; not to advance is to drop back


weikee said...

Master Goh,

And reason why this star sometime is HS, sometime is EB?


Wei Kee

Anonymous said...

Master Goh,

With the Thomas Cup currently going on in KL, my attention was drawn to a Chinese player with the name 陈金. My first thought was that this guy must really lack the metal element in his chart. True enough, his chart is:-


1. Is the practice of incorporating the missing element in one's name effective?

2. If it is, why is 金 chosen over water and fire? (It could be that water and fire exist in the hour pillar; but if we work on the three available pillars only, is metal more favorable than water and fire?)


Anonymous said...

Hi Master Goh

What if a chart has Zi month branch but instead of having Si branch in the chart:

1. Has 2 Bing stems whereby,

2. 1 sits on Zi and 1 on Wu branch (Wu & Zi separated by one other pillar) does Tian De still 'exist' in the chart then?



Anonymous said...

Master Goh

Is the Star of Benevolence or any other compound stars considered as present in the natal chart if the respective HS representing the Star is hidden?


Anonymous said...

Master Goh

What are the factors to determine whether the specified Compound Star is favourable to the DM or not?


Guan Leong, GOH said...

Wei Kee,

There is no explanation from the classical text on the derivation of such Compound Star :(

Guan Leong, GOH said...


For the purpose of study & illustration, we temporarily ignore the hour pillar and focus merely on the first 3 pillars in identifying the favorable element.

陈金 is one of the famous MALE badminton players from China.

His luck cycle should be in the 'reversed manner', namely, 子,亥,戌,酉,申,...

If we were to view it from this angle, the selection of favorable element would be different, agree?

Guan Leong, GOH said...


You have stretched your imagination too far :)

Guan Leong, GOH said...


Make it simple, ignore the hidden stem as Compound Star.

Guan Leong, GOH said...


For identifying the favorable or unfavorable element, you have to go back to your fundamental.

Don't forget, we cannot treat compound in isolation with the rest of the theory.

Guan Leong, GOH said...


For identifying the favorable or unfavorable element, you have to go back to your fundamental.

Don't forget, we cannot treat compound in isolation with the rest of the theory.

Lydia said...

Master Goh,

What if there isn't a star of benovelence in the bazi chart, but the luck pillar has it? does that star bring prosperity etc if its favorable?

Having Wu at the Month Branch
and going through a Gui/Hai water pillar?

Assuming the water element is favorable to the chart.


Guan Leong, GOH said...


If it is favorable, the journey during that LP would be smooth :)

Self Discovery.....

Knowing yourself, knowing the peoples surrounding you ....