Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Bazi Daily - 13/05/2010

So far, I have completed sharing the information on DISC Personality Types & its association with the Theory of 10 Deities.   I would like to confess the fact that it would be quite boring if one doesn't persevere and could not see the relevant between both the theory.

Anyway, from today onwards, I shall be sharing with you on the Theory of Compound Stars (神杀). 

What is Compound Stars?

Compound stars are not spirits or gods. In fact, they are the fruits of years of our ancestors’ research and labour that can specifically determine if something is promising or ominous.

Compound stars or otherwise known as symbolic stars (Shen Sha) describe fixed configurations of heavenly stems and earthly branches, which are either auspicious or inauspicious.

In Chinese culture, Shen are deemed lucky stars while Sha are unlucky ones.

There are many types of compound stars. Among which, I shall introduce the more commonly used ones which include :-

1. Star of Aid (Tian Yi Gui Ren ~ 天乙贵人)

2. Star of Benevolence (Tian De 天德贵人)
3. Star of Kindness (Yue De Gui Ren 月德贵人)
4. Academic Star (Wen Chang Gui Ren ~ 文昌贵人)
5. Star of Romance (Tao Hua ~ 桃花)
6. Star of Arts (Hua Gai ~ 华盖)
7. Voyager Star (Yi Ma ~ 驿马)
8. Commanding Star (Jiang Xing ~ 将星)
9. Star of Aggression (Yang Ren ~ 羊刃)
10. Star of Prospects (Shi Gan Lu ~ 十干禄)


“Learning is not child's play; we cannot learn without pain”


weikee said...

Hi Master Goh,

i notice you post new updates around 00:00 is this automated :D

I like to learn more about Shen Sha too. I read few difference books some have difference method of finding shen sha. like using only Year for xxx shen sha while other say Year and Day for the same xxx shen sha identification.

Wonder which one to take?


Wei Kee

Guan Leong, GOH said...

Wei Kee,

Since you asked the issue of whether to use Year or Day Pillar in identifying the Shen Sha, I would like to share with you some of the history pertaining to Bazi.

Before Song Dynasty, Year Stem was being used to represent the owner of the bazi chart.

Which mean to say, persons born in same year would have the so-called "Year Master" :)

It was Mr Xu Zi Ping (徐子平) who was decisive & smart enough to change the focal point from Year to Day. Hence, in order to memorize his great contributiion, Bazi is also known as Zi Ping Ba Zi (子平八字).

The erection of Shen Sha, therefore, create some confusion as to whether to use Year or Day.

Personally, I use both :) The result is satisfactory.

Unknown said...

Hi Master Goh,

Interpreting Shen Sha in a chart is
not an easy task...hopefully you will give a more detail explanation on how to interprete shen sha in your next book (will there be another book?)


Guan Leong, GOH said...


My next book on Chinese Name Analysis will be published in the month of June 2010.

weikee said...

By any chance you got a copy now? I'll be in lion land this weekend :D


Wei Kee

Guan Leong, GOH said...

Wei Kee,

Thanks for your interest :)

However, it is only available in the month of June 2010.

weikee said...

ok, maybe is a good date in jun to launch :D


Wei Kee

weikee said...

BTW, is the book print print in English or Chinese?


Wei Kee

Guan Leong, GOH said...

Wei Kee,

As usual, my books are always available in both the Chinese & English.

Anonymous said...

Hi Master Goh,

I love this topic.

May I ask, what is the implication when 2 types of compound star is represented by the same thing? For example, Bing heaven stem is star of benevolence and star of kindness for chart with Xu month.


Anonymous said...

Master Goh

Would you also be introducing the Star of Void?


Guan Leong, GOH said...


It is not uncommon for a single branch to represent more than one Compound Stars.

In your instance, it is 'double protection' :)

Guan Leong, GOH said...


I won't be touching Star of Void (空亡).

It is a simple concept. However, bazi enthusiasts tend to complicate it. I do not intend to introduce it for the current moment.

If you have my 1st book, you may want to take a look.

Anonymous said...

U're very right Master Goh. Unfortunately, I'm one of those who got bored (can't relate) with your DISC analysis. That shows my power is not enough yet...:(

Anonymous said...

Hi Master Goh, can I know what is the implications of Tian YI Gui Ren in one's Bazi chart? Thanks

Alvin Chua said...

Dear Master Goh,

What if the compound stars appears in the Liu Nian (current year) instead of in the natal bazi chart, are there a set of different interpretations to it instead?

Guan Leong, GOH said...


One of the interpretations is that help from noble man can be expected during that yearly luck cycle.

Self Discovery.....

Knowing yourself, knowing the peoples surrounding you ....