Thursday, May 6, 2010

29 - Liao Fan 4 Lessons

Liao-Fan: When we perform a kind deed, it is best if we can do it out of our inner most sincerity, not seeking rewards or noting in our minds how much we have done. If we practice thus, then all our good deeds will reach fulfillment and success. If, instead, we always think of the deeds we have performed, looking for a reward of some kind, then no matter how diligently we practice in an entire lifetime, the deeds will still be considered as half goodness.

Narrator: For example, when we donate money to the poor, we can practice what is called 'pure donation'. In this type of giving, we do not linger on the thought of 'I', who is giving; or dwell on the importance of the object I am giving away; or think of who the receiver is. We are simply giving, and it is out of true sincerity and respect. When we give with 'pure donation', then one dou of rice can bring boundless fortune, and the merit from giving one cent can wipe away the sins from a thousand kalpas.

Liao-Fan: If we always keep in mind the good we have done, and expect rewards for our actions, then even a donation of two hundred thousand gold pieces would still not bear us the reward of a fully good fortune. This is another way of explaining half goodness and full goodness.

Liao-Fan: What is big goodness and small goodness? Once there was a high ranking official named Jung-da Wei, who was led into the spirit world to be judged for his good and bad deeds. The judge there ordered for his records of good and evil to be brought out. When the records arrived, Jung-da was astounded at the courtyard full of his bad records, and at the single scroll which contained his good deeds. The official then ordered for the two to be weighed on the scale. Surprisingly, the bad records which had filled the courtyard were lighter than the single scroll of good deeds, which was only as thin as a chopstick. Jung-da asked the judge:

Jung-da: I'm barely forty years old, how could I have committed so many wrongdoings?

Liao-Fan: The judge answered him, saying:

Judge: When you give rise to a single thought that is improper, it is considered a bad offense there and then, it does not have to be carried out through action to be counted as a wrong. For example, when you see a pretty lady and give rise to improper thoughts, that is considered an offense.

Liao-Fan: Jung-da then asked him what was recorded in the single scroll of good deeds which outweighed the evil deeds. The judge replied:

Judge: Once the Emperor planned to build a great stone bridge, and you proposed against the project due to the hardship and toil it would cause the tens and thousands of people needed for the work. This is a copy of your proposal to the Emperor.

Liao-Fan: Jung-da said:

Jung-da: I did make the proposal, but the Emperor dismissed it and began the project anyway. My proposal had no effect on the matter at all, how can it bear so much weight against my numerous offenses?

Liao-Fan: The judge replied:

Judge: Although the Emperor did not take your suggestion, that one thought of kindness you bore for the tens and thousands of people was very great. If the Emperor had listened to you, then the good performed would be even greater.

Liao-Fan: Therefore, when one is determined to do good for the benefit of all people, then a small deed can reap great merits. If one thinks only about benefiting oneself, then even if many deeds of kindness are performed, the merit would still be small.

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