Sunday, October 4, 2009

Personality of Imposing Authority (七杀) - Part II

By now, we should have a better understanding of personality traits of the individual with Imposing Authority (七杀) in the bazi chart.

If the Imposing Authority is favourable to Day Master, we can conclude that he/she is a born leader, a pioneer or a crusader. He/she is the person that can get things done, either by himself or as a group leader.

They are bold and adventurous. More importantly, they can mobilize people to solve a problem, confront an enemy, or achieve a goal.

However, when the energy of Imposing Authority is too strong and is unfavourable to the bazi chart, below is also true :-

- Be blunt to the point of being rude.
- Be hypercritical, demanding, and short-tempered.
- Make rash and reckless decisions.
- Explode when don't get his way.

At the very worst, he/she can be a bully, a loud mouth, or even a tyrant.

Do you have friends / colleagues / bosses that exhibit the above-mentioned personality trait?

Written & Copyrighted by Guan Leong, GOH


Anonymous said...

My husband has a very strong presence of Imposing Authority in his chart.

True, his is a problem solver and at time can be very resourceful and smart to the point of astonishing. Fortunately, the Imposing Authority is favourable to him, I guess, because he is quite demure and very patient too.

Anonymous said...

I have a female colleague who is sort of squeezed by imposing authority. She has both the left and right side of her DM and her day pillar earthly branch is a cow, with hidden imposing authority "gui water". Her DM is strong. Thus i suppose the imposing authority is good for her. She loves solving problems and can be counted on to lead. I'm not big fan of her but these are her positive traits~

Self Discovery.....

Knowing yourself, knowing the peoples surrounding you ....