Sunday, October 4, 2009

Conflict - Avoidance vs Resolution

Everybody runs from conflict as it makes us feel bad. We try our very best to avoid it, hoping that it will somehow resolve itself. However, you may be disappointed to find out that it never does.

If we were to view it from another point of view, 'conflict is nothing more than an opportunity for greater growth and a deeper personal connection'. Every conflict carries within it a chance for you to learn a powerful lesson and to grow as a human being.

So, don't run from conflict. Don't send the email when you know you need to speak some truth face to face. Leadership is about balancing compassion with courage. And though it can feel so messy, in truth it's a gift.

Embrace it. Relish the potential it carries.

Celebrate it. It can serve you so well.

Extracted from : The Greatness Guide by Robin Sharma

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Self Discovery.....

Knowing yourself, knowing the peoples surrounding you ....