Thursday, October 15, 2009

Bazi Daily - 15/10/2009

Combinations & Personality

Too often, I observe that many bazi enthusiasts place unnecessary emphasis over the effect of combinations such as will the transformation (化) take place, what is the resulted element ....

For sure, combinations (& clashes) is one of the major subjects in the science (& art) of bazi. But, instead of placing much of our attention on transformation & the likes, we can view it from other perspective as well, such as below:-


Literal translation :-

What is the implication where there is quite a numbers of combinations in the bazi chart?

It connotes indecisiveness.


Anonymous said...

Dear Master Leong,

Does your BaZi book explain clashes and combinations and their rules for transformation in detail? Also, the result on a chart thereof?


Guan Leong, GOH said...

No! It is just an introduction to various types of clashes & combinations.

It is fun to teach & learn on the theoretical aspects, but will only create more confusions & doubts if the readers do not have sufficient practical experiences.

Personally, it is more appropriate to leave it to the higher level.

Self Discovery.....

Knowing yourself, knowing the peoples surrounding you ....