Friday, October 9, 2009

Bazi Daily - 10/10/2009


Literal translation :

To tell whether a person prefers staying at home or not, we have to examine the root of the Day Master.

Generally speaking, if it is not rooted (ie there is no supportive energy from the earthly branches to the Day Master), the person seldom stay at home or won't stay home for too long.

Contributed by TH Teo, the Bazi Expert


Anonymous said...

will there be any difference rooted at different pillars? e.g Hour, Day, Month or Year pillar?

Guan Leong, GOH said...

It is difficult to answer such a question without any elaborate explanation that may be too long winded :-(

But as a guide, the 'root' signifies the stability of the DM. The stronger the root, the more stable would be the DM's character. However, if the root is too strong, the DM can exhibit strong personality, to the extend of being stubborn & self-opinionated.

If the only root appears in the year branch & is the favorable element, we can confidently conclude that DM receives strong support from the year branch. What does year branch (or year pillar) represent?

Yes, it represents grandparents/parents. Therefore, we can expect DM get strong supports from them.

You can apply the same principle/theory to the other pillars. The answer would be evidently clearly.

Sunny said...

Hi Master Goh,

When you say the root signifies the stability of the DM, does it mean to be the same HS with the DM found in the HHS of the EB? Or does it include those that support the DM (If DM is Bing, and Yi is found in EBs, DM is considered rooted)?


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