Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Bazi Daily - 16/02/2011

The Impact of Wealth Deity For a Strong DM (Cont'd)

01) With strong Resources, Strong output, and weak wealth element.

Scenario ONE (1) = Strong DM
Scenario TWO (2) = Weak DM

We have touched on the subject of Flow of Qi for both scenarios.  Now, we shall examine on the impact of the flow on the Wealth Element.

Strong Output   =>  Weak Wealth ElementImplication is that the person has a lot of ideas, but the OBJECTIVE is not clear & concrete.

Below Quotation does help the DM with this bazi configuration :-

Without some goals and some efforts to reach it,
no man can live.
- John Dewey

02) Coming to indirect output Luck Pillar for the above person (with above bazi configuration)

Since the energy flow is unsmooth in the natal chart, the addition of Indirect Output blocks the flow even more :)

Implication may be that can generate a lot of unique ideas, but no action! 

If that is the case, there is a need to constantly remind oneself on 'the importance of put plan into action'.    


weikee said...

Hi Master Goh,

Very true, I am still finding my purpose of life.

Thank you for the quote too. Human action play major role.


Wei Kee

Anonymous said...

thanks for sharing this. of course wealth is an interesting topic to all. =)

庚 丙 戊 己
寅 寅 辰 未

although i have only 1 IW in my heavenly stem but i am action person ans will see things through.


Guan Leong, GOH said...


In bazi, there is such an important concept known as THE PRINCIPLE OF PROXIMITY. Put it simply, the nearer the elements to the DM,the greater the impact.

Unconventional Wealth Deity is located directly beside the DM, Yin Wood (being the Growth Stage) acts as a pushing force.

This is the fun of learning metaphysics! A slight change in element or position would change the entire story.

Anonymous said...

Great Post!

This post hits the nail on the head for me...

戊 戊 丙 庚
午 寅 戌 申

So my chart has 1 IW in 申 and it is far away from the DM. Strong resource, DM and output. What is the implication when it is 'far away' from the Dm?


Anonymous said...

Great Post!

This post hits the nail on the head for me...

戊 戊 丙 庚
午 寅 戌 申

So my chart has 1 IW in 申 and it is far away from the DM. Strong resource, DM and output. What is the implication when it is 'far away' from the Dm?


Self Discovery.....

Knowing yourself, knowing the peoples surrounding you ....