Monday, February 28, 2011

Bazi Daily - 01/03/2011

4 Pillars & its Representations

4 Pillars of Destiny is formed by 4 different pillars, namely :-

Year, Month, Day & Hour Pillars.

Each of the different pillar can present different things.  For instance, 

Year Pillar      = Represents Age Range inbetween 1 - 16 year-old
Month Pillar   =  Represents Age Range inbetween 17 - 34 year-old
Day Pillar       = Represents Age Range inbetween 35 - 51 year-old & 
Hour Pillar      = Represents Age Range 52 year-old & above.  

Heavenly Stems   = represents Outer Behaviours
Earthly Branches  = represents Inner Self

The list goes on....

Appreciate if you want to share more....

The good life is inspired by love and guided by knowledge.
- Bertrand Russell


weikee said...

Hi Master Goh,

my 2 cents.

Month and Year pillar are external (like work related, friends, business, environment, relatives)

Hour, and Day pillar are internal ( house, spouse, parent(s), children(s) )

Wonder where is sibling fall under?


Wei Kee

Maureen said...


Year Pillar - ancestors
Month pillar - parents, siblings
Day Pillar - you and your spouse
Hour Pillar - your children

Guan Leong, GOH said...

Wei Kee,

Thanks for the sharing :)

BTW, the external factors can also be represented by Year & Hour Pillars.

Why is that so? View the Day Pillar is surrounded by Year & Hour :)

Sibling falls under Month Pillar.

Guan Leong, GOH said...


Thanks :)

In addition, Year & Month Pillars represent Left side & Day & Hour Pillars represent Right side.

There are more.....

Maureen said...

Hi Master Goh,

Can we say healthwise,

Year pillar - head
Month pillar - chest
Day pillar - abodomen
Hour pillar - lower body/limbs

Anonymous said...

hi Master Goh
My earth is all in the branches and cannot be found in the stems,same for water.What does that say about me? Dont be afgraid to tell the truth

ding ding xin xin
wei wei chou chou

and isnt cold weather better for weak fire as it helps keep the heat?

Maureen said...


All yin pillars, extreme yin turn yang, too much earth also mean the person likes to procastrinate and tend to be secretive?

Guan Leong, GOH said...

Paul & Maureen,

Heavenly Stem represents outer behaviours ;

Earthly Branches represents inner thought or inner self.

Maureen have correctly pointed the yin aspect of the chart that make a person to be secretive.

Earth in Paul chart represents talent & expression and are hidden deep inside the EB (keep it to himself), this is how I view it :)

hy said...

shi fu......

this is mine bazi
all the fire element is at the earthly branch...could you enlighten me what is the significance behind this??

gui xin ji geng
si si chou wu

Self Discovery.....

Knowing yourself, knowing the peoples surrounding you ....