Bazi & The Theory of Personality
The 'D' Personality Types of The DISC Behavioral Model (Part 01)
Today, I am going to share with you on the personality type that is closely related to Imposing Authority Deity ~ i.e. The "D" Personality Type (Direct, Decisive, Driven)
If you are a D personality type (i.e. Imposing Authority Deity), you are concerned about RESULTS.
• You enjoy solving problems, getting things done, and achieving goals.
• You want to be in charge. You dislike being told what to do.
• You set high standards for performance (your own and other people's).
• You trust your ability to produce results.
• You enjoy challenges and competition.
• You are willing to take risks, challenge the status quo, and break the rules.
• You make decisions quickly.
• You are impatient with people who "waste time" by talking or planning, who you think are incompetent, or who resist change.
• You don't mind telling people they're wrong. You value "telling it like it is." You can be blunt.
• You bore easily.
• You get angry quickly (and you get over it quickly).
Dear readers, can you see & feel the linkage between the D type & Imposing Authority Deity? If not, go back to take a look of the information of Imposing Authority Deity again.
The perfection of wisdom, and the end of true philosophy is to proportion our wants to our possessions, our ambitions to our capacities, we will then be a happy and a virtuous people.
Hi Master Goh,
Agreed. Type D & Imposing Authority share alot in common.
Despite being a type 'C' person, I am also a type 'D' person. I think I have dual personality but type 'D' is also my trueself. Switching from type 'C' to type 'D' and vice versa is quite bizarre. Like Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde :)
Master Goh,
Does JieCai also share the attributes of 'D'?
Yes, it is possible when the DM is strong with Jie Cai.
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