Monday, August 23, 2010

Bazi Daily - 24/08/2010

Ji Earth

Yes, on the one hand, such individuals are very adaptable and will adjust well to any situation.   However, he/she can be conservative and has no standpoint of his own.  Therefore can be effortlessly manipulated or persuaded.

We shall proceed with the Geng Metal (Yang Metal) on the following postings.


Lilian said...

Yi earth needs to be farmed & cultivated before it can bear fruits. So Yi earth people need other people to work on them before able to produce anything. Positive : productive, resourceful
negative : lack of clear opinion and undecided.
Yi earth being "mother earth" has maternal instinct to protect & look after people
Postive : intuitive, helpful, sacrificial
Negative : over protective/possessive.(esp to their children)

Guan Leong, GOH said...


That is great :) Well done!

I like it.

Point to note, however, that it is Ji Earth (not Yi earth)

Self Discovery.....

Knowing yourself, knowing the peoples surrounding you ....