Friday, August 20, 2010

Bazi Daily - 21/08/2010

Ji Earth

The fertile soil absorbs sufficient water and contains plenty of minerals that are ideal for farming.  At the same time, like Mother Earth, Ji Earth has the strongest maternal instinct.

Based on the above understanding, what can we infer about the characters of the person with Ji Earth as DM?


Andy said...

a geng dm who has ji as primary resource will have double helping of motherly instinct? or ji dm with heavy primary resource also will have motherly instinct amplified?

Kikuchiyo said...

Based on MAster Goh's statement, I would say that Ji Earth DM possess a natural humanitarian side or Animalitarian side at that.

Since Ji earth can absorbs water and contains hidden minerals, I can say that Ji earth DM has natural ability to attract money and they can absorb wealth easily and having minerals, it means they are multi talented that is yet to be found.

However, since they easily absorb things, I can say that Ji EArth DM may be easily corrupted in their mind.

My 2 Centavos.



Guan Leong, GOH said...


Hahaha! "...corrupted in theiir mind...". Hahaha...

Very imaginative :) BUT, there are some truth in it :) Keep trying....

Guan Leong, GOH said...


Collectively, I would deem that both the Primary Resource & the Ji Earth to possess a motherly instinct. This is especially so if it is favorable to the DM.

Self Discovery.....

Knowing yourself, knowing the peoples surrounding you ....