Date Selected by Andy : Jan 25th @ Ren Wu hour.
乙 壬 丁 己
巳 申 丑 丑
己 庚 辛 壬 癸 甲 乙 丙
巳 午 未 申 酉 戌 亥 子
From Andy :-
The DM of Ren sitting on Shen is strong, due to the Ren being born in winter, added to drawing power by virtue of sitting on a resource. A Ren Shen Day Pillar is therefore strong enough to accept the control of the three Ji. And Sitting on a resource, this might indicate someone with the ability to have a good career as a government officer or corporate bigwig.
To Andy :-
Whether or not this is a strong water DM is very subjective & is arguably. Some school holds that as long as there is a Resource Deity (especially the Growth Stage ~ 长生) to support the DM, it could be a strong DM.
I, however, would think it otherwise. I would view it as a Weak Water DM.
Nonethess, I think there is one thing that we are both agreed with : that is this is a cold chart. So fire is needed.
From Andy :-
And the Ding on its right hand side will be his wealth, just for good measure. The Hour Pillar selected is Yi sitting on Si. Yi is to provide some wood that is otherwise missing, and Si brings some Bing to warm up a winter chart.
乙 壬 丁 己
巳 申 丑 丑
To Andy :-
You suggested to warm up the chart by using Si fire. But, there is a combination relationship between Si & Shen into water. Furthermore, double Chou & Si is awaiting for the presence of You (酉) to form strong metal chart. The energy of the Fire would be disappeared during Ding You LP (i.e. Gui conquers Ding, You & Si-Chou forms tri - combination chart).
Personally, I do feel that there is not enough warm in this chart
Master Goh,
Thanks for your pointers, especially about the strength of DM. I do feel that this most 'basic' skill of Bazi is still the most tricky, subjective, and tough to master.
I truly thought that a water born in winter, further boosted by a resource, would be able to withstand anything. Thanks for pointing out the intricacies of determining DM strength.
The tricky part of this question seems to be the inescapable Three Ji, cold and muddy. They threaten to either excessively boost the DM to over-stubbornness, or smother the DM altogether and kill it.
And thanks for the lessons on EB combinations.
And Master Goh, may I enquire a bit further... if I truly had made this suggestion in real life, is this bazi that I selected 'average', 'below average', or 'disastrous'?
I would view it as 'below average' for the following reasons :-
~ the chart is too cold ;
~ 1st LP of Zi combine with Shen to form strong water & hurting the Si & Ding fire.
~ 2nd LP of Hai clashes directly with the favorable element - Si fire.
~ 4th LP of You combines with Si & Chou to form strong metal for the period of 10 years.
~ 5th LP of Shen further disturbing the Si (i.e. competing for combo with Shen at the Day Branch).
Thanks Master Goh, for providing these learning opportunities and pointers... :)
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