Thursday, February 11, 2010

Selection of Date for Caesarian Birth - Reply to Lugrey 01

Date Selected by Lugrey : Jan 23rd @ Gui Hai hour.

癸    丁  己
亥  酉    丑

己 庚 辛 壬 癸 甲 乙 丙
巳 午 未 申 酉 戌 亥 子

1st Comment from GGL to Lugrey :  

In your original posting, you have listed the LP in reverse sequence.   Traditionally, the LP is arranged from the Right to the Left. 

Reasons Given by Lugrey :-

The Yr and Month already contained a great deal of Earth..... I was concern with the arrival of the Chou-Wei-Xu penalty. The 22nd (壬申), leaves me worrying about their old age period. The 25th (乙亥) makes me worry about their health and their dependency on others due to a weak chart. 

2nd Comment from GGL to Lugrey :

I am glad that you have taken into consideration the abundancy of Earth.   Also, I like your way of considering it not merely from the natal chart itself, you took a long term view :)   That is good & commendable.

Reasons Given by Lugrey :-

For the 23rd (癸酉), I considered two birth times, Yi Mao and Gui Hai but decided on Hai instead of Mao due to the better support of Water for the Gui DM. I think the date and time chosen had good LPs compare to the other days/hrs overall with minimal downs.

癸  癸  丁  己
亥  酉  丑  丑

3rd Comment from GGL to Lugrey :

One of the central themes for the study of metaphysics is to maintain the Balance between the Yin & the Yang.

Yang = strong, hot, proactive, ....
Yin = weak, cold, passive,.....

To me, the chart is being TOO YIN in TWO (2) aspects :-

- The chart is too cold.  There is only one miserable Ding Fire in the entire chart.   How can a fire survive in such a winter season.  Without wood, Ding Fire is subject direct clash from Gui of Hour Pillar ; 

- The entire chart is made up of Yin Stems & Branches.

In short, the Yin & Yang is totally out of balance.

The LP would add more COLDness to the natal chart.

If I were the parents, I would not want to consider this date & hour :(

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