2nd Date Selected by Lugrey : Jan 25th @ Ding Hai hour
丁 乙 丁 己
亥 亥 丑 丑
己 庚 辛 壬 癸 甲 乙 丙
巳 午 未 申 酉 戌 亥 子
From Lugrey :
I'm not too familiar with special charts but perhaps Jan 25th @ Gui Hai Hr is a very good one.
To Lugrey :-
I guessed your initial idea was to select a Speical Chart for the boy. However, I don't feel quite comfortable when you mentioned that you are not too familiar with Special Chart, yet you have selected one for this case.
My 1st advice to you is to select the day (& hour) that you are confident. If not, the cost would be too high for the boy to bear for his entire life :(
My 2nd advice is to select the day (& hour) with Normal Chart configuration. Special Chart goes 2 extremes ~ either very good, if not, very bad.
From Lugrey :-
There's a full Winter Combo with Hai-Zi-Chou and Gui stem at the hr pillar. The Gui stem right next to Yi supporting it. Hai is helpful as well, so wife will be supportive. Earth represents wealth, I think he will be strong enough to handle wealth with all the support. LPs mostly contains Water and Metal throughout, starting in the Water frame, then Metal frame(midlife), old age has earth and fire. I think life should be good.
To Lugrey :-
As you have mentioned, the chart had been erected wrongly. Hence, there is no seasonal combination (i.e. Hai-Zi-Chou) in this chart. Be more careful in future when erecting bazi chart for any purpose :)
But, if, let's say, the seasonal combination is valid as per your original deduction, your deduction and conclusion here seems to be contradictory. Because, with the establishment of Seasonal Combination, the energy of the Chou Earth (i.e. the wealth in this case) would disappear. They are, in fact, competing for wealth.
There is a term that we are familiar with ~ "水多木浮", namely, the Wood (DM) floats with strong water. If given this chart, he would be a person that is indecisive. Decision keep on floating & couldn't make up his mind.
FYI, even if the Seasonal Combination is valid as in your original deduction, it still belongs to a Normal Chart Category.
From Lugrey :-
Chart with 2 Chou is not dry as Chou is wet Earth. For my 25th date selection, Month and Hr are Ding stems providing warmth or the hr pillar combine to produce Wood, helping to strengthen the Yi DM.
Bing stem for the hr might have been good to but Bing might be too hot when old age LP pillars arrive. For the 25th, only Bing Xu would be valid. Again, my concern is the Xu-Chou-Wei penalty. So with Xu hr, there maybe conflicts between siblings or children and parents/grandparents.
To Lugrey :-
I doubt that the strength of the TWO (2) little & miserable candle (i.e. Ding fire) can provide sufficient warmth to the entire chart. This is especially so where there is no wood to produce & support the fire.
It is good that you took a long term view. However, this is a chart that required Wood & Fire urgently. Fire, in fact, is good for him.
Also, even if the Fire is unfavorable, but that could only surface during his 7th LP. The important thing is to resolve "currenct situation" first.
One last pointer :
- Avoid choosing repetitive branch, especially if there is a Self - Punishment (自刑) such as Hai-Hai.
All in all, this chart is not well selected, hope that you don't mind.
Master Goh,
First and foremost, thank you immensely for you generous guidance. I’ve learned a great deal from this challenge. My participation is strictly for learning purposes. I guess you can say I’m the type that loves to learn but does not always have the need for application. When it comes to matters that will impact other lives, I will only act if I’m 100% confidence after weighting out the risk of what is at stake. On selecting a date for the birth of a child, regardless of the reason, even for medical purposes I do not agree with it. For myself, I feel I could never take up such a responsibility that would impact someone’s life to such a degree. I’ve learned the best intentions do not always yield the best results. I feel birth timing is something so uncertain and beyond my (man) control.
When I stated that I am not that familiar with special charts, I meant that I am unable to better fully view the outcome in comparison to a normal chart. Yes, I’m aware that outcome can be extremes which was I originally chosen a normal chart (Jan 23rd @ Gui Hai hour) but couldn’t resist. I still wanted to try with a special chart (Jan 25th @ Ding Hai hour).
On the LP in reverse sequence, I have no proper training so I’ve come to westernized too many things. I neglected to remember that Chinese was read right to left. Will correct this habit, thanks for pointing this out.
Overall, I should take the following in consideration.
1. Temperature – hot /cold, wet/dry
2. Polarity – yin/yang
3. Qi energy stages
4. Balance Needed Elements, check for combos
5. Check for clash (chong), punishment (xing), harm (hai), destruction (po)
6. Review 4 pillars and then the LPs for all of the above to get the full view
Should there be anything else I should consider?
For the Wu branch, is it considered Yang Fire (Bing) and hidden stems are Yin Fire (Ding) and Yin Earth (Ji)? I sometimes find it written without the HS Ji.
Many Thanks,
Master Goh,
I take it as I'm on the right mindset with my considerations. ;)
Many Thanks,
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