Thursday, February 4, 2010

Bazi Daily - 05/02/2010



Literal Translation & Interpretation:-
Do not be offended or over-reacted by today caption if the structure of your bazi chart fit into the description that I am going to share.
The Caption :   How to identify Stupidity from bazi chart?
According to the above theory, those with 'thick Earth' (i.e. a lot of Earth) in the natal chart are normally inflexible, slow in response & are not able to adapt to environment swifty.
Personally, instead of viewing it as Stupidity, I would deem it as stubborn, refusal to accept constructive advice.  Hence, they are not able react to external environment as promptly as other elements.
The difference between a smart person and a wise person is that
a smart person knows what to say ; and
a wise person knows whether or not to say it.

~ Quote found on the wall of a recreation center office in Berkeley, California ~


weikee said...

That is so sad to read.. it reflex on me :(



Anonymous said...

Which earth wld be considered thick/thickest then? Xu, Wei, Chen or Chou?

Wld it be earth with lots fire i.e. earth hardened by fire, or dried earth (Wei, Xu) or

Swampy earth like Chou, and Earth tht hold moisture like Chen?

Pls illuminate, GGL..



Guan Leong, GOH said...


Two ways to look at it :-

1. all the Yang Earth (戊,辰,戌) are thicker than the Yin Earth.

2. regardless of Yin & Yang, as long as there is plentiful of Earth, it would be deemed as thick.

Of course, it is nothing wrong to classify or view Wei & Xu as thick earth and vice versa. However, I feel more comfortable in viewing it as either Wet or Dry Earth :)

Anonymous said...

Thks, Mastr GGL - alwys fun to chat bazi w. you :D

I've read in some forums tht Chen earth is considered 'thin' cos' it's spring and wood roots are embedded, also due to it being a storage for 'water'.

Any thoughts, M. GGL?

Thks again


Guan Leong, GOH said...


Bazi has its origin from The Book of Changes (易经). And the central theme for Yi Jing is such that : Things (including stems & branches) subject to changes.

It is not so much on whether you view Chen as thin, thick or wet earth. Rather, under different circumstances (i.e. chart with different configuration), it changes its original form.

For instance, if the Chen Earth is in the month of Xu, its becomes thick earth. If it is in the month of Zi, it becomes wet earth. If it is in the month of Yin or Mao, it may become thin earth.

One of my observations from my teaching is that students has the tendency to 'fix' the variables to their convenient or for ease of comprehension. BUT, this is an obstacle for learning :)

Anonymous said...

Indeed, an eye opener - what you have just divulged, M. GGL.

It's given me yet another dimension to viewing earths thru' the seasons.

Appreciate it, thks..


blogastrológico said...

Hitler had a lot of earth output
ding bing wu ji
you yin chen chou

Self Discovery.....

Knowing yourself, knowing the peoples surrounding you ....