So far, I have received 4 different dates selected by Lugrey (2), Nelson & Andy. Thank you very much :) Below are the dates selected & the reasons given. Would like to encourage the rest to either participate in date selection or to give your comments on the selected dates :-
A Date Selected by Lugrey : Jan 23rd @ Gui Hai hour.
癸 癸 丁 己
亥 酉 丑 丑
己 庚 辛 壬 癸 甲 乙 丙
巳 午 未 申 酉 戌 亥 子
Reasons Given :-
The Yr and Month already contained a great deal of Earth. With the 21st or 24th creating more earth I was concern with the arrival of the Chou-Wei-Xu penalty. The 22nd, leaves me worrying about their old age period. The 25th makes me worry about their health and their dependency on others due to a weak chart. Though these days could very much lead to very accomplished people. For the 23rd, I considered two birth times, Yi Mao and Gui Hai but decided on Hai instead of Mao due to the better support of Water for the Gui DM. I think the date and time chosen had good LPs compare to the other days/hrs overall with minimal downs.
B Date Selected by Lugrey : Jan 25th @ Gui Hai hour (correction : should be Ding Hai Hour).
丁 乙 丁 己
亥 亥 丑 丑
己 庚 辛 壬 癸 甲 乙 丙
巳 午 未 申 酉 戌 亥 子
Reasons Given :-
There's a full Winter Combo with Hai-Zi-Chou and Gui stem at the hr pillar. The Gui stem right next to Yi supporting it. Hai is helpful as well, so wife will be supportive. Earth represents wealth, I think he will be strong enough to handle wealth with all the support. LPs mostly contains Water and Metal throughout, starting in the Water frame, then Metal frame(midlife), old age has earth and fire. I think life should be good.
C Date Selected by Nelson : Jan 25th @ Ren Wu hour.
壬 乙 丁 己
午 亥 丑 丑
己 庚 辛 壬 癸 甲 乙 丙
巳 午 未 申 酉 戌 亥 子
Reasons Given :-
21st Jan(辛未)is not suitable as the day pillar is in conflict with the month pillar (both HS and EB)
As the boy would be born in winter month(丑), the chart would be cold. We would like to warm up the chart if possible. So I would pick 午 hour, as it would be the hottest time during winter.
(1) 壬,癸 DM (22&23Jan)would be in conflict with HS of month pillar
(2) 乙 DM would have the support from 壬and甲 hidden in 亥
(3) there is a productive cycle in the HS, ie primary resource壬supports DM, DM produce implicit target丁 which in turn produce unconvention wealth己
Metal is a bit lacking in the chart, but can be found frozen in the hidden stems of 丑. However DM would undergo metal luck cycle from his twenties to fifties.
D. Date Selected by Andy : Jan 25th @ Ren Wu hour.
乙 壬 丁 己
巳 申 丑 丑
己 庚 辛 壬 癸 甲 乙 丙
巳 午 未 申 酉 戌 亥 子
Reasons Given :-
For the range between 21-25 Jan 2010, the Ding Fire and Three Ji Earths are inescapable.
The DM of Ren sitting on Shen is strong, due to the Ren being born in winter, added to drawing power by virtue of sitting on a resource.
A Ren Shen Day Pillar is therefore strong enough to accept the control of the three Ji. And Sitting on a resource, this might indicate someone with the ability to have a good career as a government officer or corporate bigwig.
And the Ding on its right hand side will be his wealth, just for good measure.
The Hour Pillar selected is Yi sitting on Si. Yi is to provide some wood that is otherwise missing, and Si brings some Bing to warm up a winter chart.
Hi Master Goh,
I personally feel the date selection for child birth is not really a good idea. We sometime got to give the mother nature to decide the path of the new born rather than we pre select the destination.
I personally have some experience of date selection for child birth, but it end up mother nature have decide the date for my baby. And I have couple of friend who try get the good date, but due to uncontrol situation, the date can't be used. I have conclude that something is best let mother nature decide the Heaven, and we work on the human aspect.
I agreed with your full-heartedly. As mentioned in my previous posting, I personally don't do so unless there is a need, such as medical reasons.
By saying so, I would like to take this opportunity to urge the rest do not attempt to select a date for such purpose unnecessrily. This is especially so if the competency level is still low & unstable.
Don't ever forget that by selecting the birth date, we are, effectively, influencing their future for the entire life.
Don't ever make use of others' life (& future) to polish our skill.
My apologies if the tone sounds too strong.
Hi Master Goh,
For study purpose ok lah :)
I am a person strongly believe if we want to give our children the future that we think is good. it all come from our nurture and not control.
we are just doing this as a mental exercise. since the date in question already past, and the baby also already born, so it doesn't influence anything anymore...
Master Goh, the hour pillar i chose is Yi Si, not Ren Wu... :-p
Master Goh,
For my selection B. Jan 25th @ Gui Hai hour with the hr corrected to Ding Hai hr: I must have gotten my dates/hrs mixed up. I intended to choose the Zi hr and thought the stem was Gui. But the only valid hrs for the 25th seems to be between Ding Hai vs Wu Zi hr. I would have wanted the Zi branch but Ding Hai would be better since there are 2 Chou branches, though either hrs would still be good.
Master Goh,
Chart with 2 Chou is not dry as Chou is wet Earth. For my 25th date selection, Month and Hr are Ding stems providing warmth or the hr pillar combine to produce Wood, helping to strengthen the Yi DM. Bing stem for the hr might have been good to but Bing might be too hot when old age LP pillars arrive. For the 25th, only Bing Xu would be valid. Again, my concern is the Xu-Chou-Wei penalty. So with Xu hr, there maybe conflicts between siblings or children and parents/grandparents.
Just thinking out loud :)
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