Extracted from 'Ji Shan Pian'
Literal Translation & Interpretation:-
We have covered various ways of examining the strength of elements in the chart. Now, we shall apply it in the subject of Health.
There are five illnesses listed in the Ji Shan Pian. We shall examine it one by one for the following days.
Number 1 金弱遇火炎之地、血疾无疑。
In term of body parts, Metal represents our bones or bone marrow.
Before proceed further on the possible dieases pertaining to metal, let us find out more about the functions of Bone Marrow.
Bone marrow is the flexible tissue found in the hollow interior of bones. In adults, marrow in large bones produces new blood cells. It constitutes 4% of total body weight, i.e. approximately 2.6 kg (5.7 lbs.) in adults.
There are two types of bone marrow: red marrow (consisting mainly of hematopoietic tissue) and yellow marrow (consisting mainly of fat cells). Red blood cells, platelets and most white blood cells arise in red marrow. Both types of bone marrow contain numerous blood vessels and capillaries.
Diseases involving the bone marrow
The normal bone marrow architecture can be displaced by malignancies or infections such as tuberculosis, leading to a decrease in the production of blood cells and blood platelets. In addition, cancers of the hematologic progenitor cells in the bone marrow can arise; these are the leukemias.
When the fire is being too strong, it would bring harm to the energy of metal (namely, bone marrow). This may give rise to metal related illnesses or diseases, such as cancer.
If you are the metal person, strong fire (i.e. Authority Deities) in the chart symbolizes work pressure. Do remember to relex, eat healthy and take up regular exercises.
Remember = Preventive is definitely better than Corrective
To be without some of the things you want is an indispensable part of happiness.
Hi Master Goh,
As Bazi is so dynamic, how to one determine the "problem" element are related to health, and not Kinship, working, legal (as per your example Metal DM)
Wei Kee
Though they are dynamic and (seemingly) confusing, they are (in fact) inter-related :)
As mentioned, Fire (in this instance) represents aggressiveness & work related pressure, & this is the primary causes for the cancer & other major illnesses. In turn, it affects family life & relationship as well.
Hi Master Goh,
I think what Weikee meant was... (e.g) if 'gui' water gets attacked, how can we pinpoint the exact problem at hand?
For instances, when 'gui' water is attacked and 'gui' water also represent wife star, can we say that wife is getting attacked & DM urinary system is affected as well?
Master Goh, in your experience of consulting bazi, have you come upon cases such as this and DM happened to experience both together (wife & urinary?) I went through some charts of my friends and mostly, I would get either this or that.
Look forward to your insights on this.
Indeed, it is difficult to pinpoint exactly what event might take place :(
To enhance the accuracy, we have to consider the age of the DM as well.
For instance, if the chart is belonging to a middle age female (say, age 45 +/-), if could be due to medical reason as quoted in your case - Gui water being attacked.
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