Extracted from 'Ji Shan Pian'
Literal Translation & Interpretation:-
The 'advancement' of technology shorten the distance between people. However, more interactions creates more disagreements. Agree ? People seems so close (physical) and, yet, can be very distant (mentally).
In the past, people were afraid of tiger & other wild animals. Nowadays, the times have changed. We are more alert to the 'scheming individuals' (commonly known as Little Person).
Can we, then, tell from a bazi chart which type of person is more likely to be a scheming individual?
The answer is, of course, affirmative.
As a quick guide & reference, those chart with a lot of (negative & unfavorable) aggressive Deities (such as Explicit Talent, Unconventional Wealth, Secondary Resources, Imposing Authority & Competitive Deities) may be the possible candidates.
However, according to this classics ('Ji Shan Pian'), do not be deceived by the star (i.e. the deities) that you have seen in the chart.
It is possible for a scheming individual to have a chart that possess non-aggressive deities such as Proper Authority & Primary Resources Deities.
Likewise, a true gentlemen can also have a chart that are filled with aggressive deities such as Star of Aggression & Imposing Authority.
Personally, I do agree with both sides of thoughts. The guiding principle is simply the favorability of the deities and not so much on the 'types' of deities that appeared in the chart.
~ Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn ~
One should never direct people towards happiness, because happiness too is an idol of the market-place. One should direct them towards mutual affection.
A beast gnawing at its prey can be happy too, but only human beings can feel affection for each other, and this is the highest achievement they can aspire to.
Master Goh,
Would it be more appropriate to say, an individual is capable of being scheming if those deities exist?
I don't completely view it as a negative quality depending on for what purpose the individual may act on.
For an example, a person may have a calculative/ scheming nature but the person does not take advantage of people or act on it. I suppose you can say the person's nature is controlled, authority diety is favorable vs the opposite.
Is this view valid?
How would we view if one is selfish? Also there are two types of these, one type, their nature is quite obvious, the second type, not so obvious. So should we look at the HS vs the Branch?
I have no objection if you want to view that as a form of capability :) Afterall, it is important to choose the correct 'words' during the conversation with the DM.
As for whether is it negative or positive have to depend on the situation. Or put it this way, these are the individuals that dare to make bold & unconventional decisions.
With the existence of Authority Deities & Resources Deities in the natal chart (favorable), he/she can exercise self - discipline and refrain from doing things that is unethical.
As a quick guide, those with very strong DM is normally the person that is self-opinionated.
Of course, HS & EB can be used as one of the gauges to identify it.
Hi Master Goh,
Do you have any books on 渊海子平?
Could you share with us also any good titles on 渊海子平?
I do have books on 渊海子平. It is a book written by the ancient scholars.
Any title would be the same. So far, have not come across any book that can interpret it precisely :(
Master Goh,
So, would your third book on Advanced Bazi focus on interpretation of the Classics?
My third book would be on Name Analysis (八字姓名学).
If everything runs smoothly, would be available in the month of May 2010 :)
I am interested in writing. Analysing & Interpreting classics are my interests. However, the publisher may not agree to publish it as the market would be too narrow (& focus).
Instead, I am thinking of writing E-Book. Just wondering how is the response?
personally and honestly, i think i will prefer the interpretation of classics more than the name analysis.
but its true, the general public may not be interested in too heavy detail.
but judging from your first two books, i'll probably get both anyway :)
if you write an eBook on the Classics, you can count at least one buyer here... :)
Master Goh,
I think many people will be interested in the ebook on the classics, including myself. These are rare treasures, especially in english and readily available as I'm sure your readers are global. Though you will still have to figure out a way to resolve the intellectual property issue and prevent unauthorized distribution with compensation. :)
i looking forward to master goh new book too.
Master Goh,
I will buy your book! English please...
If you want to write e-book, u can consider getting software that requires installation to view. That way, it cant be circulated.
My company uses this method to protect it's pdf publication, so only those with installation key can view it on their PC.
It's called 'FileOpen'.
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