Monday, February 15, 2010

Bazi Daily - 16/02/2010



Literal Translation & Interpretation:

Readers & students have been very interested & keen in understanding more about the significance & impact of HHS to the chart & DM.   If you are also the one, today posting would provide you with some insight into it ;)

According to the theory, the day pillar of Gui Si (癸巳) is considered to be auspicious as it encompasses both the Wealth & Authority Deities within the Snake.

Hr             Day                        Month            Year
X                癸                             X                   X
X                巳                             X                   X
                   丙 = Weatlh Deity
                   戊 = Authority Deity
                   庚 = Resource Deity

It is without doubt that the Snake includes Wealth (money), Authority (career) & Resource (reputation) deities.   But, we have to ask ourselves a simple question : 

Is the Si fire favorable or unfavorable to the chart?

If it is favorable, it is of course beneficial to the DM in term of materials wealth & recognization.  However, if it is unfavorable, the reverse is also true.

Hence, when analysing & interpreting classics, extra care have to exercise.


Happiness is nothing more than good health and a bad memory.



Anonymous said...

It seems to me that the qi flow of gui si is not encouraging...if taken by itself (which of course it never should be!)

- devadog

Anonymous said...

i'm glad to hear that it's auspicious as i'm born on that day of gui si. my chart is somewhat balance being gui hai hr, gui si day, jia chen month, and ding si yr. it has 3 fire and 3 water, 1 wood and 1 earth. the major factor would be that i'm born in a late spring which makes fire more stronger so i would be weak water. not that weak but enough to have fire being unfavorable. this is a tough one for me. sometimes the Si is favorable and sometimes not. maybe it's favorable when it has combination of heaven and earth stem that weaken fire and help strengthen self to handle the wealth. reputation is there and career is challenging probably due to pig hour. no money wealth but other kind of wealth.

Samantha said...

Hi Master Goh,

What if the Self Element is a Very Strong Bing Fire, with many self in the day,month and year branch?

will the gui si in the hour pillar be favorable then ?(noting that there is a small yin water in the stem hour)

Anonymous said...

Gui Si -- Sunlight through cloudy skies.


Anonymous said...

hi samantha,
if you have many self element then that would make it extremely strong. i would assume more si in the hr would not make it better. gui might help a little but i think earth would be better to weaken the fire or metal to keep fire busy. i would think gui would be too weak to handle the fire. just my 2 cents.

Guan Leong, GOH said...


Definitely, given that the fire is 'very' strong, Gui is favorable to the DM.

However, the question is that does the fire have sufficient energy to cool down the entire chart. The answer is obvious :( It becomes water vapour....

As a guide, Wet Earth, metal & water would be the favorable elements to DM with strong fire.

Lugrey said...

Master Goh,
For a cold chart with strong Ren and Geng elements where Geng is probably a bit stronger due to an Autumn birth month, would you agree that Ding fire is better than Bing fire?

My thoughts is that Bing can warm up the chart, Ren but only Ding can forge Geng and make it useful. With Geng being used up, the chart should not be as cold. When Resource are being used, there is output to further help deplete the DM Ren.


Guan Leong, GOH said...


Traditionally, Geng, Ding & Jia are being viewed as the good friends. Ancient scholars deemed that Wood is being chopped by the axe (Geng) to produce Ding fire.

Therefore, to answer to your question, we need to have a Jia wood as well to complete to whole picture :)

Though the above combination is great in generating warm, but, according to the law of nature, the Sun (i.e. Bing fire) is still the best, relatively.

Collby said...

Dear Master Goh,

I'm really glad I came across your blog! Will definitely be flipping through for the reset of the week.

I do need some clarification with my chart. I am not sure what kind of chart I have, is it a normal weak chart or Follow chart? I've come across differing opinions.

Also, hour pillar is debatable... could be Yi Si if using EoT method and Bing Wu if local time (1120am, KL), not sure which school of though you follow.

This is the chart (male),
Yi Ren Geng Bing
Si Yin Yin Yin

I would appreciate it if you could shed some light on the useful gods and what elements are beneficial!

Gong Xi Fa Cai, all the best for the Tiger year!
Mr. C

Guan Leong, GOH said...

Mr Collby,

Personally, I am using the local time to erect the chart, hence, the chart (to me) would be as follow :-

丙 壬 庚 丙
午 寅 寅 寅

I would view it as weak water chart. Both the metal & water is needed.

Lugrey said...

Master Goh,

How do we know when to view it as Ding forge Geng making it an Axe to chop the Big Tree (Jia) so the wood can be burn creating Ding or am I missing something?

If Geng, Jia & Ding exist though the Ding is quite weak, how would we get Geng to chop the Wood?

If the DM is Gui instead of Ren, would Bing still be the best or would it dry up the Gui DM (ie Dew/Mist)?

Thank you,

Guan Leong, GOH said...


If there is a guideline to define when to use or when not to use Geng metal, life would be very much more easier.

However, in the study of metaphysics, it is quite impossible as there are at least 0.52 millions different set of bazi chart.

As simplie & useful guide would be the strength of the 3 stems have to be, more or less, the same.

As for your question on the effectiveness of Bing to Gui & Ren, I view is that do not go into such a minute details. If the water is strong, Bing fire can not do any harm to the Gui DM.


Collby said...

Master Goh,

Thank you for your quick quick reply. Initially, that's what I thought as well - weak water chart. But I have been looking back at past events and on this particular day.

丙 壬 庚 丙 壬 丁 癸 辛 丙
午 寅 寅 寅 辰 亥 卯 酉 申

28 March 2008, late afternoon, evening.

From the looks of things, it should have been a good day, but instead I lost quite a significant amount of wealth (bag stolen) whilst travelling.

The day is flooded with water, and Bing combines with Xin to form water.

Just need further clarification as I want to change my name to make it my useful god.

Would appreciate your opinion on this. Thanks!


Collby said...

edit: date is March 2007, not 2008! Sorry for the miscommunication!

Lugrey said...

Master Goh,

Ding DM at work again! :)

Thank you, will make a mental note.


Guan Leong, GOH said...


First of all, your presentation of Annual Year chart is extremely misleading. It should be arranged from right (year pillar) to left (hour pillar) :(

Your Natal Chart (1986)

丙 壬 庚 丙
午 寅 寅 寅

Luck Cycle : 壬辰

Annual Chart (28 March 2007)

丙 辛 癸 丁
申 酉 卯 亥

You have mentioned that the day is flooded with water. I would, however, think otherwise.

There is a Seasonal Combination of 寅卯辰.

Also, in the month of Mao (the AP), the water is weak (水到卯中伤).

In your chart, Wealth is represented by the Fire. Do you, however, notice that the Fire is weak with the presence of strong metal (火忌西方酉).

When the fire (your wealth) is weak & is being combined, that is the representation of loss of wealth.

Collby said...

Master Goh,

Thank you for your time. I missed out on the seasonal combination.

I am currently in between of deciding careers. I am interested in banking and finance. However I read somewhere that the share markets are fire elements? But some say it is metal.

What is your view on this? Also as a weak DM, I should further my studies to enhance myself as well. Do u think that's a wise decision for a weak DM like me?

Warm regards.

Anonymous said...

Hi Master Goh,
what about my chart? anything that really stands out? I think it's not extremely weak or strong but it's still weak yet closer to the middle of balance between fire and water. i'm having a tough time with career having society's rule/laws limiting me to start my own business. I have support on those I work on(clients) but not from bosses or employers. Seems my chart says that i'll do good working by the hour with my talents but not likely by myself since i'm weak water. it also seems i have to share my wealth example being giving part of my wealth as commission to employer. I'm in metal 10 yr cycle so i hope that helps. relationship seems challenging in terms of romance but easily can find people that needs help with my skills. must be that weak water and no peach blossom animal in my chart. i'm a hypnotherpist/bodyworker/chi kung practitioner. currently pursuing nursing path waiting for approval to school and emergency medical technician training right now. i've followed my intuition to go into the health field before learning bazi. it seems those are good fit for me base on my chart. any comments much appreciated. thanks.

hr day month year
gui gui jia ding
hai Si Chen Si

Anonymous said...

i'm also curious about your next book on Bazi. what is it going to cover? any planned date for release date?

I have your beginning and intermediate bazi book. it's going to take some time to get it in my head so i don't have to keep referencing the book when i look at a chart. lots of info to get into long term memory.

Guan Leong, GOH said...

To Miss Anonymous with following chart :)

癸 癸 甲 丁
亥 巳 辰 巳

First of all, would appreciate if you (& the rest) could identify yourself when posting.

One correction on your LP, you should be in the 丁未, not the metal luck cycle.

As for your chart, there is a co-existence of Explicit Talent & Proper Authority which is known as '伤官见官' formation, traditionally.

Person with such as a formation are normally a person with DUAL Personality.

Explicit Talent represents freedom & creativity. Proper Authority represents law obliging. Co-existence of both means that the DM can sometimes disregard the rules, yet sometimes can be very obliging to the rules :(

Hence, disagreements & arguement with others can easily occurs :)

Guan Leong, GOH said...

As for my next bazi book, I am already started writing. Just completed 2 chapters :)

My plan is to write it first & propose to the publisher for publication.

My next book would emphasize on case studies. Topics that I have in mind include :-

- Marriages & Romance ;
- Examining the bazi structure of homosexual ;
- Health issues ;
- Wealth & Career

My the other plan is to write it in the formation of ebook. However, my concern is the issue of illegal circulation :(

Guan Leong, GOH said...


This is not the first time emphasize it. But I am going to emphasize it again :)

Using of favorable element(s) (& its associated professions or industries) in searching the suitable career should not be the first priority.

One of the reasons is that different pple classify industries differently. See, now you are in such a dilemma (share market as fire or metal).

Based on the analysis of your characters to identify your intersts would be a better strategy.

You are a person with a lot of Talents Deities. Should go for a industries that provide you with freedom. Avoid jobs that are repetitive as that doesn't suit your characters :)

Use bazi as a tool to know yourself better. Do not ever rely it as a only source of reference. You need to consider the macro environment as well.

You are now 24 year old. If you are a Singaporean, I would suppose you just graduated. Don't over-price yourself by having too high a qualification.

Instead, work for 1 or 2 year in your preferred industry (such as share market). If that industry suit your characters (which I believe to be so), then go for further studies.

menging, said...

Hi master goh,

i'm the gui si anonymous person.
I'm a male so i would be in geng zi 10 yr cycle. sorry about not including my gender as that is a big part of bazi. i'm not too sure about the dual personality thing. I try to stay balance by meditating and doing tai chi. i'm pretty flexible in using many hats as I learn many thing from different fields and do what I can to fuse them in application. yea, i don't like laws or higher authority and I do have a problem breaking the law. I am pretty care free too. As for arguments, i don't have many of those. i tend to dislike them and avoid them if i could. i get many disagreements too. usually because of different belief system. many people i meet are materialistic, superficial, or so obsess with relationships and i don't believe in that. i'm more into quality, health and well being. maybe it's a cultural society thing. they believe one should be married by a certain age and that one should follow the crowd and do what everyone else is doing. i like to explore, learn and just live life simply enjoying nature. food, shelter and personal growth is all i ask. not too big on amassing material wealth that so many others focus on. i do understand that i need to focus on amassing money wealth as the world runs on it. i guess right now it's not priority since i'm supported by my parents right now and learning another career skill.

i'm the gui si anonymous person.


menging said...

do make a book version of your next book. people learn best with book as they can flip through pages, write notes, easily browse and compare pages back and forth. i think it's more productive then ebook. it's hard to flip through pages on ebook. it just isn't the same. i agree, illegal circulation of your book isn't good. it will degrade the value people put in learning the materials.

hopefully you have english version come out at same time as i can't read chinese.

Collby said...

Master Goh,

I'm Malaysian, but I do hope to work abroad (Singapore could be a possibility!)... I'm not very fond of the culture and politics back home. I graduated in 2008, but decided to do another course in Law which ends in June 2010. I completed my degree in Accounting and Finance. Problem with me is that I plan too far ahead and I have very high aspirations in life. I have to constantly tell myself to take each day as it comes.

Things have not worked out for me so far, been not very successful with job interviews - not good at selling myself and get too nervous at times. But I'm improving with each day and I keep my fingers crossed for the best! :)

On another note, I'm wondering about the flow of energy in my chart. Does the Earth in the Yins and in the Wu play a significant role in strengthening the Geng in my chart. Becos it is HHS, will it be useful still?

Can the Earth strengthen Metal? I hope it is not like Jia, not able to strengthen Bing.

Also, what happens in Dog years, which combine with Yin and Wu to form Fire San He? My last Dog year wasn't too bad, if I recall.

And Shen years where it clashes directly with the 3 Yins? I think it should be a good clash bcos it's metal?

Thanks for listening and giving me your views. I really appreciate it!


Anonymous said...

what do u think about this chart
10 december 1987 8:10 am

bing gui ren ding
chen si zi mao

Self Discovery.....

Knowing yourself, knowing the peoples surrounding you ....