Friday, February 25, 2011

Bazi Daily - 26/02/2011

Different Types of Favorable Elements

When we first started learning Bazi, we knew that Principle of Moderation is the ESSENCE of bazi.    Maintaining its Balance is important. 

Accordingly, if the Day Master (say, Wood) is too strong, we need energy to control, to exhaust the Strong DM.  In this instance:-

STRONG WOOD DM   =    Fire, Earth & Metal are needed.

The converse is also true.   Hence, when the Wood DM is weak, the above THREE (3) elements are needed to restore to its balance state. 

Yet, do you notice that when the chart is too cold or too hot, we also need to restore it to Balance State.

This is known as Climatic Favorable Element (调候用神).

Wars and elections are both too big and too small to matter in the long run.
The daily work - that goes on, it adds up.
- Barbara Kingsolver


Anonymous said...

So is it "better" to be strong DM with 3 favorable elements as compared to only 2 for weak DM?


EL said...

How do we restore the balance, apart from waiting for the annual / luck pillar with our favorable elements?

Anonymous said...

Master Goh

Can the metal element cool down a hot natal chart? Thank you.


Guan Leong, GOH said...


Indeed, strong DM has more remedies, theroetically :)

Guan Leong, GOH said...


If water is needed, the person can consider to :-

- consume more water ;
- install water feature at home;
- use blue or black color to enhance water energy ;
- facing north to tap more water energy;
- engaging in water related activities...

Guan Leong, GOH said...


Without water, fire controls / attacks metal directly.

It is just like putting steel (metal) into the strong fire, metal melts.

If there is a presence of water, metal (in the natal chart) produces water. In turn, metal cool down fire (indirectly) through water :)

LadyGaga said...

hi Master Goh,

Is Climatic Favorable Element applicable to Spring and Autumn season (Month branch) charts?

I also have a question about the 4 earths Month Branch. Do we gauge their strength based on the season? For example, Ren DM born in Chou, is the DM also strong?

Thanks in advance for your replies.

Guan Leong, GOH said...


The Theory of Climate Element Adjustments (调候用神) is applicable to all the seasons. Of course, more readily applied in the season of Winter & Summer whereby the weather is obvious different from the rest of the seasons.

As for your 2nd question, I (personally) treat Earth months as Earth with careful consideration of their Pool (墓库) & Season at the same time.

For instance, Water DM born in the Xu & Wei month (Dry Earth) is definitely weaker as compared to the Water DM born in the month of Chou & Chen where there is water hidden underneath both the earth.

But, these 2 Earth (Chou & Chen) can't make the DM strong :(

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Knowing yourself, knowing the peoples surrounding you ....