Other than Repetition, Fu Yin implies 'SPLIT' as well. Hence, according to classical theory, individual with bazi that is Fu Yin are normally the person that is competitive, or not easy to get alone.
The word 'SPLIT' can also mean SEPARATION. Hence, it could also attribute to unhappiness in marriages or interpersonal relationship.
People grow through experience if they meet life honestly and courageously.
This is how character is built.
- Eleanor Roosevelt
Hi Master Goh,
"Separation" refers to lost of relationship which can also be termed as 'crying event for 伏吟
Yes :)
Hi Master Goh,
Can Fu Yin also refers to happy event, so happy tear flows. ;)
Master Goh,
Can you give us some examples of fu yin ? as in base on a bazi.
Thank you
Classical Text viewed Fu Yin as mishaps. I, personally, don't think it can be referred as happy tear flows.
Below is the bazi on the day of 23 Mar 2011 (wei hour) :-
丁 丁 辛 辛
未 丑 卯 卯
where month & year are fu yin :)
Master Goh,
I see your example you given to kathleen,
but if say someone has on the hour and day pillar as below
Geng Geng
Chen Xu
Stem is the same element, but the branch is different but element is the same? What does it mean
Is it also fu yin?
In a loose sense, some regard the repetition of either branch or stem as Fu Yin.
Personally, I don't think that make sense to me! If that is the case, we can have Fu Yin every now & then.
Fu Yin involves the repetition of entire Stem / Branch, be it Fu Yin within the natal chart or encounter it during the luck cycle.
Master Goh,
Sorry for being SLOW in understanding
...so is this chart fuyin?
Geng Geng
Chen Xu
I like your attitude in learning => Keep on ASKing.
It is not Fu Yin!
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