Saturday, February 26, 2011

Bazi Daily - 27/02/2011

Different Types of Favorable Elements ~ Mediator

We have touched on the importance of Climatic Favorable Element in 'balancing' the chart. 

Today, I am going to share with you on the role & importance of Mediating Agent in balancing the chart. 

More often than not, we have been introduced to the concept of balancing the relative strength of DM & the remaining elements in the chart. 

BUT, have you ever wonder WHAT IF there is a STRONG presence of TWO (2) OPPOSING ELEMENTS (simultaneously) in the chart, such as :-  

X   庚   庚   辛
X   寅   寅   卯

In the above instance, there is a presence of TWO (2) Opposing Elements (namely, Metal & Wood) in the natal chart and causes unnecessary distrubance.

To resolve such a conflicting relationship, WATER (as a Mediating Agent) is needed.

Love life and life will love you back.
Love people and they will love you back.
- Arthur Rubinstein


LadyGaga said...

Hi Master Goh,

Can we "mediate" 2 earth clashes (side by side)?


weikee said...

Hi Master Goh,

Your example is 2011 8z?


Wei Kee

Guan Leong, GOH said...


According to classical text, putting to Earth together can only make it even stronger.

In the event of strong earth, metal, water & wood are needed to weaken the Earth.

In this case, we don't mediate it :)

Guan Leong, GOH said...

Wei Kee,

Yes, it is the bazi for the Beginning of Sprng (立春) 2011.

Water is needed, therefore Water related industries will do well in the year of 2011.

Below is the FULL bazi :-

壬  庚  庚  辛
午  寅  寅  卯

Anonymous said...

Hello Master Goh,

Does that mean Metal related industries will NOT do well in 2011 since Metal is not needed in the chart? Thanks. BG

Guan Leong, GOH said...


To the contrary, Metal related industries will do well in the year of rabbit.

The Bazi chart is mainly full of strong Wood, which is the Wealth Deities. This is the coming year is full of opportunities.

However, the Metal is too weak to conquer the entire Wealth. Hence, Merger & Acquisition can be expected.

Metal represents technology and innovation. In order to acquire the strong wealth, more R & D and, therefore, breakthrough can be achieved.

There is a Chinese term that best describe the situation : 木旺金自缺 (Strong Wood makes Metal inadequate).

Due to such inadequacy, Metal and Metal related industries would be in great demand....

Anonymous said...

Master Goh
What happen if Geng Yin is in the hour and day pillar of a person.


Guan Leong, GOH said...


The Fu Yin in both the Hour & Day may mean the split or conflict between spouse & kids.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Master Goh

Now I know why the wife insist on not having children.


Self Discovery.....

Knowing yourself, knowing the peoples surrounding you ....