Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Bazi Daily - 24/02/2011

(Fu)   = Bend over,
(Yin) = crying

X   X   辛   辛
X   X   卯  卯

辛 辛 X   X
卯 卯 X   X 

If you are observant, from the above illustrations, we can also gathered that 'there is a REPETITION' of HS & EB.

The Chinese character '伏' (Fu) also sounds like the other Chinese character '复' (Fu).  Meaning, REPETITION.  

When there is a repetition of HS & EB, it means that something is 'EXTRA'.    What can you think of in term of applying it into our bazi analysis? 

Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have,
and only you can determine how it will be spent.
Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you.
- Carl Sandburg


LadyGaga said...

Hi Master Goh,

Let me guess.

If DM is strong Xin, Mao will be the wealth/father/GF. Since the 1st chart has this in the Year and Month, could be GFs prior to marriage or DM is born in a family that has status and is wealthy.! IF DM is weak DM, the opposite is true!

As for the 2nd chart, for Strong DM, wife is wealthy and pretty. Also may have GF and wealth at the end of his life. He may also involved in business/ventures that make money. If Xin DM is weak, the opposite is true.

Having Xins in both chart means alot of peers ?

Here wealth element does not protrude to HS for strong DM, does it mean hidden wealth/GF/ mistress?

For weak DM, if wealth element is very strong in chart and not appearing in LP, what does it mean? I noticed this: a combo like Ren Ding in Hai(transformed to wood?) is better wealth luck for weak Xin DM than solid element like Yi Mao LP. Yi will clash Xin DM. When a clash happens, both will get hurt!

Anonymous said...

This statement best describe the 'EXTRA'. '四柱逢伏吟之岁运,若为吉,则吉上加吉,;若为凶,则凶上加凶.'


Guan Leong, GOH said...

LadyGaga & BG,

Before I share my view, I would like to quote what Wei Kee had mentioned :- FuYin as photocopy.

FuYin means replication & repetitive. Hence, despites the general negative impressive on FuYin, I do hold the view points indicated by BG, that is :-

When the Repeating Element is Favorable to the DM, it would be desirable when meeting with REPLICATION in the luck cycle (为吉上加吉). The reverse is, however, true.

By saying so, there are things that we need to take note of during the luck cycle of FuYin.

FuYin means 'similar' element(s) is/are appearing.

Hence, if a DM (male) is still a single, the duplication of Wealth Star (FuYin) is consdiered as more romance.

However, if he is married, this may affect the marital relationship.

The examples and the analysis done by LadyGaga is a valid one :)

Anonymous said...

Hello Master Goh,

For a weak 癸亥 DM who is sitting on 羊刃 ~ Yang Ren ( Star of Aggression ), without any clashes to the chart, do you think it will still be good for the WEAK DM when undergoing 癸亥( 伏吟 ) Luck Pillar ? Thanks. BG

Anonymous said...

Master Goh

In order to classify as "fu yin" :-

1)Do the repetitive pillars need to be next to each other?

2) How about pillar in natal chart against repetitive pillar in 10 year luck pillar/annual pillar?

3) For eg Geng Chen pillar next to Xin Wei pillar, can this be classified as "fu yin"?

4) There is another type called "fan yin" - will you be discussing this in the near future?


Anonymous said...

Master Goh,

壬 癸 X X
戌 亥 午 X

Let's say the above-mentioned chart of a weak DM is presently undergoing 壬戌( 伏吟 ) Luck Pillar. The DM favorable element is Water and unfavorable element is Earth. Does that mean the first 5 years of the LP is good while the last 5 years is bad? Not to mention that 戌 and 午 is half combo of the Fire Structure. Thanks. BG

Guan Leong, GOH said...


The Repetition does not have to be side-by-side.

When Fu Yin appears in the luck pillar, it means that events likely to take place during that period of time.

As for the pointer 3, that is not Fu Yin.

Guan Leong, GOH said...


As a whole, your analysis of auspiciousness based on 1st & last 5 years is a valid one.

However, even though the 1st 5 years is considered to be more favorable than the last 5 years, the NET EFFECT of Ren water to DM is undermined by the Xu Earth sitting underneath it.

Self Discovery.....

Knowing yourself, knowing the peoples surrounding you ....