Saturday, February 19, 2011

Bazi Daily - 20/02/2011

Have you ever wonder or interested to find out what would likely take place in the year / month / day of Competitive or Amiable Deity?

Let us try to explore some of the probable events that might take place :-

-  social gathering with friends, colleagues or associates
-  making new friends or new colleagues
-  arguing (or even a fight) with colleagues or friends
-  intense argument with wife or girlfriends 

What everyone wants from life is continuous and genuine happiness.
- Baruch Spinoza


weikee said...

Hi Master Goh,

Year and Month usually represent something outside e.g. friends, colleagues, relatives.

Day and Hours usually represent inner family, self, spouse(s), son(s) and daughter(s).

But what to Luck Pillars and Annual Pillars represents?


Wei Kee

Guan Leong, GOH said...

Wei Kee,

If it is your favorable element, you can expect helps or more stable (if not better) relationship with your friends, siblings or colleagues during the LP and AP :)

The reverse is also true!

Anonymous said...

Master Goh

Do annual luck branch interact with the 10 year luck branch? For example this year is xin mao, will the mao clashes with eg you branch in the current 10-year luck pillar? If it does, how do we interpret it? Thank you


Guan Leong, GOH said...


Interaction between Annual Luck Cycle & 10 Year Luck Cycle does take place.

If the 10 year Luck Cycle is favorable to the chart, the clashes from the Annual Luck Cycle undermine such positive energy.

We can view both the annual & 10 year Luck Cycle as exterior energy. Accordingly, the influence is from outside-in and not inside-out :)

Anonymous said...

Master Goh

Thank you for your explanation but do not understand what is meant by "influence is from outstide-in and not inside-out". Could you give an example?


Anonymous said...

Master Goh

If the 10-year luck pillars are hai, zi & chou, yin, mao & chen : is the chou and chen considered as earth luck pillars or still considered as water luck period and wood luck period respectively? Thank you.


Guan Leong, GOH said...


Put it simply, it is due to external factor that influence the DM.

I would still regard both as Earth. However, if the natal chart has Zi, the Chen Earth (though still as Earth) can be very watering & muddy. In this instance, stomach & digestive system would still be affected unfavorably.

Self Discovery.....

Knowing yourself, knowing the peoples surrounding you ....