Saturday, April 10, 2010

Bazi Daily - 11/04/2010 - The 'D' Personality Type (Part 02)

Bazi & The Theory of Personality
The 'D' Personality Types of The DISC Behavioral Model (Part 02)

Those with Imposing Authority Deity in the chart (i.e. the 'D' Personality Type) can be energized by :

• Working in a fast-paced, results oriented environment
• Being in charge
• Taking on new opportunities and challenges
• Having the authority to determine how things are done
• Being able to advance in your career

At their best they can...

• Get things done, either by yourself or as a group leader.
• Be bold and adventurous.
• Mobilize people to solve a problem, confront an enemy, or achieve a goal.

They are, effectively, a pioneer, a crusader, a leader.

The greatest part of our happiness depends on our dispositions, not our circumstances.


Andy said...

Master Goh,

People under the influence of which of the 10d will tend to dislike or clash with the above traits?

Personally, I tend NOT to work well with people of the above 'D' characteristics (people who like to assume leadership as if naturally; although they are not necessarily the most qualified, or before they have formally been acknowledged as leader).

I will tend to resist this type of overt leadership style and get my comrades/subordinates to oppose them too. This is because I feel they are very undemocratic and dictatorial. I can only yield to more subtle and wise leaders who have a more indirect approach.

This situation has occurred several times in my life from school days to workplace to social groupings. I feel it must not be a coincidence as it always repeats itself.

Any insight on what kind of configuration will heavily clash with people of strong Opposing Authority?

Guan Leong, GOH said...


Thanks for the thoughts posted. As far as I am concern, I do not come across the text describing such relationship.

I would, however, feel that all the 10 Deities (depends on the degree) are possible to have clashes with any of the deity.

For instance :-

- Primary Resource Deity (favorable) denotes stability & calmness. They may not like the ways 'D' / Imposing Authority Personality presenting himself or herself.

- DM with strong IA & Strong Competitive Deity (i.e. Jie Cai) posseses same traits. One mountain can't accomodate 2 Tigers (一山不能容二虎). How can they be controlled by others :(

BTW, what is your configuration of bazi?

Andy said...

Hi Master Goh,

Actually a few days ago i did use part of my own bazi as an example in one of my question to you regarding JieCai...

my full bazi is as follows:-

Gui Gui Ren Ren
Hai You Yin Xu

I found that it resemble strongly to an example in your intermediate book where the DM said to his father 'hit me if you dare!'.

But for myself, my relationship with my dad is not that bad. In fact, right now I work for him in the family business (might this be because of Proper Auth in Year Branch? - And since PA in year branch is attacked by ShangGuan, does it mean I won't do a good job here? - I'm really quite worried about this right now, because in real life, I am in fact having some restlessness and unfocused in my present position).

And regarding my opposition to IA style; personally I do not like to vie for leadership position... but i will fight to oppose an IA style leader and support a more moderate leader.

Anonymous said...

Hi Master goh,

I don't think I have imposing authority but I very much behave like a "D".

Is the 2 HO in my chart transformed to imposing authority too?

庚 丙 戊 己
寅 寅 辰 未

Hope to learn more from you.


Guan Leong, GOH said...


Thanks for sharing your bazi with us :)

癸 癸 壬 壬
亥 酉 寅 戌

First of all, let me share with you my thought on the fight with IA or D personality.

Explicit Talent Deity is known as Shang Guan (伤官) in Chinese. Literally, the word 伤官 denotes hurting authority or doesn't wish to be controlled or being instructed on what to do. Therefore, Shang Guan (& Shi Shen) is in opposing relationship with both the Proper & Imposing Authority deities. This explains why you fight against the restricting forces.

Shang Guan denotes freedom and it explains why you don't like to vie for leadership position.

As for the restlessness & unfocused behaviours, it is most obvious when the Shang Guan is strong in the natal chart. Also, you are currently in the luck cycle of 乙巳. The 巳 clashes with the only root to DM, ie 亥 in theh our branch. I would view it as under current that you can feel it, but other may not notice it. Meditation or exercise would help to reduce it to minimal.

At a glance, your bazi resemble the illustration cited in my book :-

癸 癸 壬 壬
丑 亥 寅 申

However, if we were to scrutinize it in greater details, it is different in significant way.

Fire, in both the cases, represents father & is hidden in the Yin (month branch). According to the Theory of 12 Life Stages of Heavenly Stems, Yin is the Growth Stage to fire as well.

In my illustrated case, the only fire is being clashed by the Shen metal. That is to say, the survival of the fire is questionable.

As for your case, Yin (instead) combines with Xu to produces invisible fire, which is needed in this cold chart. Hence, relationship is ok but not that close.

As Yin combines with Xu, I don't view it as Shang Guan meets Zheng Guan (伤官见官).

Guan Leong, GOH said...


庚 丙 戊 己
寅 寅 辰 未

In your chart, the energy of Talents Deity is strong. Though Imposing Authority Deity & Talent Deity are in the opposite polarity, there are however having some common traits :-

- impatient
- results oriented
- challenge the status quo

One of the distinct different between the 2 is that :-

Whether the result is achieveable or not, the DM with IA would still be very determined in trying his/her very best to accomplish it. Talent Deity, however, may give up easily if the thing doesn't turn out to be fruitful.

Luckily, the Yin (the Resource Deity) controls the Talent Deities in your natal chart, it may not be so obvious. BTW, Resource Deity also represent the power & authority :)

Guan Leong, GOH said...


Also, in your chart, it is a all YANG chart.

Guan Leong, GOH said...


Also, in your chart, it is a all YANG chart.

Anonymous said...

Hi Master Goh,

Thank you for your teaching and explanation. You're spot on about me giving up if I don't see results. I need to know what I can achieve before putting in effort.

Does a all yang chart signify anything in particular?


Guan Leong, GOH said...


You may want to re-visit the theory & implications on Yin & Yang.

With that, you should be able to learn more if I tell you directly :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Master Goh,

Fro my limited understanding of a all yang chart is that the person tends to be more extroverted but if too much will become a little of the opposite, like lonesome.

All yang chart for girls also mean they do not get along so well with their mothers.

But what I don't understand here is my year pillar are both yin. So it's not an all yang chart right?


Guan Leong, GOH said...


Perhaps I have to rephrase my statement :)

Your bazi chart is mainly formed by Yang Stems & Branches. It is without doubt that Ji Chou is yin by nature, but it is the Shang Guan to the chart that I would consider it as Yang nature as well.

Anonymous said...

Hi Master Goh,

Thank for the explanation.

I'm still a little clueless about the yang implications of my chart but hope to learn more from your upcoming posts!

Cheers! =)

Andy said...

Master Goh,

Thanks a lot for your thoughts. I might have gone in a wrong direction without your guidance.

I have done some work on my own Bazi for some time. I hope that maybe you can give some pointers on my analysis? :)

My reading is from 10d point of view (I am more familiar with 10d theory, and really weak in earthly branch theory and animal combos... must work harder at this aspect...) I also included some questions at points where I am a little lost.

Anyway, as they say, 旁观者清, so i guess my self-reading may lead to mistakes...

Here goes:-

癸 癸 壬 壬
亥 酉 寅 戌

DM strength
DM is in the season of rest, therefore by itself quite weak. However, as it is sitting on Resource and surrounded by Amiable and Competitive, it becomes strong.
(But, did the Resource and Amiable over-compensate to make it TOO strong? Is Resource, Amiable and Competitive favorable or have they become unfavorable?)

Secondary Resource is right beneath DM, but its power is diluted by too many Water elements. Influence of this 10d may be apparent in certain aspects (for instance, enjoy studying Bazi?), but it's not the one that is the primary influence in DM's life.

Explicit Talent
Being in the month branch, this 10d is naturally strong, creating a ShangGuan structure for this chart.
(But, did the numerous water float the wood?)

Proper Auth
Sitting at the bottom corner, can this 10d be the 'cornerstone' that holds the chart together? It serves to restrain the numerous JieCai and resist the aggressive ShangGuan.
(Without this Proper Auth, would all chaos break loose due to aggression of JieCai and ShangGuan? Or is this 'holding-back' DM instead of 'holding-together'? I have a suspicion that this PA may be the most crucial aspect of the chart that balances it out, and DM may be in trouble if a luck or year pillar comes along to combo it away.)

Hidden Wealth
Wealth in the form of fire is a favorable element for warmth and balance; but not strong enough for the DM to be showing any strong Direct Wealth personality traits.

Some real-life snippets from my background:

-When young I was the classic 乖乖仔 with good results, but became more 'worldly' after higher secondary.
(Due to PA in year pillar which signifies orderly childhood?)

-After college I chose a career in a conventional and traditional field, but until now have not settled comfortably into this field. Yet, I can't manage to leave it either; continuing into this field by joining the family business.
(Indecision due to multiple clashes?)

-A few years ago, out of the blue, I wrote a book that beyond my expectations was published and sold in bookstores (written in Bing Xu year, published in Ding Hai year). Topic is wealth management.
(Ding represents Indirect Wealth of Royalty income? And why monetary topic, since wealth in chart is weak? Is Writing a dimension of Jia Wood ShangGuan which managed to find expression in Fire years?)

-I got married earlier than all my friends, in Bing Xu year.
(For DM, Bing represents wife and marriage - therefore high chance of marriage in that year? My wife's DM is Geng - thus double probability?)

Anyway, the above is the total sum of my Bazi knowledge applied on my own chart. Most of what i know about Bazi and 10d is garnered from your book. But my poor analysis is due to my own limitations, definitely not any fault of your excellent book :)

Guan Leong, GOH said...


Thanks for such a long analysis :) BTW, it is not an easy task to conduct a self-analysis based on bazi.

I am interested in the book that you have written, may I have the title of the book? Was you that one that received the interview from radio station after the published of your book?

Andy said...

haha, sorry for such a long-winded story.

no, i dun think i am the one you mention, because i have never given interviews on radio.

it's just a humble book, not really No.1 bestseller :)

i have sent the title to your email.

Andy said...

Master Goh,

I just realized that all this while I did my reading based on birth time 10.55pm.

I never gave much thought to it as it is the recorded time on the document. But then one day i thought, what if the time is a little off; maybe by a few minutes.

Of course, the result is that from 11pm onwards, it will be a new day, with new day stem. And everything I did so far will be totally wrong.

I checked your book and found that there are two systems.

1. 11pm considered the next day.

2. 11-12, 'late Zi', still considered current day.

I really dunno how to go on, now that the day stem is in question.

If I can't resolve this question with confidence, any further work on it is futile.

Any insight on how usually to overcome this situation?


Guan Leong, GOH said...


It is about the personal choice : to consider it as current day or the next day.

If you wish, you may start to compile your own database. Personally, I am using Early/Late Zi system. So far so good.

In the process of learning & reading bazi, try to minimise unnecessary thought, especially to the theory that is contradictory.

Instead of wondering which approach to take, my advice is to take a stand & try it out. If it is proven ok, continue using it. If not, then, consider using the other approach.

Self Discovery.....

Knowing yourself, knowing the peoples surrounding you ....