Sunday, April 18, 2010

Bazi Daily - 19/04/2010 – The ‘I’ Personality Types (Part 02)

Bazi & The Theory of Personality
The 'I' Personality Types of The DISC Behavioral Model (Part 02)

I have introduced some of the characteristics of I Personality Types. As you may have already answered it correctly, it is comparable to the concept of Talent Deity (specifically, to Explicit Talent Deity).

Individuals with I Personality Profiles (similar to Explicit Talent) can be energized by :-

• Working with people in a fast-paced, varied environment
• Being in the spotlight (not necessarily being in charge)
• Tackling new projects and learning new things
• Gaining public recognition
• Initiating change and being able to be creative

Hence, to be at your best you can...

• Communicate a vision, mission, or goal in a way that inspires others to adopt it and work toward achieving it.
• Be enthusiastic and creative.
• See the best in others and you help them believe in their abilities.

You can be a visionary, a motivator, a catalyst.



The amount of happiness that you have depends on the amount of freedom you have in your heart.

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Knowing yourself, knowing the peoples surrounding you ....