Monday, February 28, 2011

Bazi Daily - 01/03/2011

4 Pillars & its Representations

4 Pillars of Destiny is formed by 4 different pillars, namely :-

Year, Month, Day & Hour Pillars.

Each of the different pillar can present different things.  For instance, 

Year Pillar      = Represents Age Range inbetween 1 - 16 year-old
Month Pillar   =  Represents Age Range inbetween 17 - 34 year-old
Day Pillar       = Represents Age Range inbetween 35 - 51 year-old & 
Hour Pillar      = Represents Age Range 52 year-old & above.  

Heavenly Stems   = represents Outer Behaviours
Earthly Branches  = represents Inner Self

The list goes on....

Appreciate if you want to share more....

The good life is inspired by love and guided by knowledge.
- Bertrand Russell

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Bazi Daily - 28/02/2011

After stopping for a number of years, finally managed to 'move myself' for a LONG distance jog today.

I started jogging at about 3.45 pm (申hour) and stopped at 5.05 pm (酉hour).    Amazingly, after analysing my day pillar with the current Month (庚寅) and Day Pillar (癸丑), below are some of my interesting observations :-

My Day Pillar                       Current Month & Day Pillar (27 Feb 2011)
        丁            癸  庚
        丑            丑  寅

-  癸 (Water) as  my DM Imposing Authority (七杀) forces me to MOVE or taking action.

-  丑丑 presents a minor clash.   Clashes imply Movement as well (ie Jogging).
-  As the clashes involve Spouse Palace, my wife was not at home today.  

-  Deep inside the 丑 Earth,  we have 己,辛 & 癸 as hidden heavenly stems.
   Together with Yin (Wood) month, I was surprise to notice that the place of jogging fits nicely
   to those stems & branches.

   That is a Reservoir with Trees &, of course, water.  Ji Earth represents the small path :)

-  I ended my jogging at 酉 hour which happen to be the Death Stage of Ding Fire.

Injustice can be eliminated,
but human conflicts and natural limitations cannot be removed.
The conflicts of social life and the limitations of nature
cannot be controlled or transcended.
They can, however, be endured and survived.
It is possible for there to be a dance with life,
a creative response to its intrinsic limits and challenges ...

- Sharon Welch

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Bazi Daily - 27/02/2011

Different Types of Favorable Elements ~ Mediator

We have touched on the importance of Climatic Favorable Element in 'balancing' the chart. 

Today, I am going to share with you on the role & importance of Mediating Agent in balancing the chart. 

More often than not, we have been introduced to the concept of balancing the relative strength of DM & the remaining elements in the chart. 

BUT, have you ever wonder WHAT IF there is a STRONG presence of TWO (2) OPPOSING ELEMENTS (simultaneously) in the chart, such as :-  

X   庚   庚   辛
X   寅   寅   卯

In the above instance, there is a presence of TWO (2) Opposing Elements (namely, Metal & Wood) in the natal chart and causes unnecessary distrubance.

To resolve such a conflicting relationship, WATER (as a Mediating Agent) is needed.

Love life and life will love you back.
Love people and they will love you back.
- Arthur Rubinstein

Friday, February 25, 2011

Bazi Daily - 26/02/2011

Different Types of Favorable Elements

When we first started learning Bazi, we knew that Principle of Moderation is the ESSENCE of bazi.    Maintaining its Balance is important. 

Accordingly, if the Day Master (say, Wood) is too strong, we need energy to control, to exhaust the Strong DM.  In this instance:-

STRONG WOOD DM   =    Fire, Earth & Metal are needed.

The converse is also true.   Hence, when the Wood DM is weak, the above THREE (3) elements are needed to restore to its balance state. 

Yet, do you notice that when the chart is too cold or too hot, we also need to restore it to Balance State.

This is known as Climatic Favorable Element (调候用神).

Wars and elections are both too big and too small to matter in the long run.
The daily work - that goes on, it adds up.
- Barbara Kingsolver

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Bazi Daily - 25/02/2011


Other than Repetition, Fu Yin implies 'SPLIT' as well.    Hence, according to classical theory, individual with bazi that is Fu Yin are normally the person that is competitive, or not easy to get alone.

The word 'SPLIT' can also mean SEPARATION.   Hence, it could also attribute to unhappiness in marriages or interpersonal relationship.

People grow through experience if they meet life honestly and courageously.
This is how character is built.
- Eleanor Roosevelt

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Bazi Daily - 24/02/2011

(Fu)   = Bend over,
(Yin) = crying

X   X   辛   辛
X   X   卯  卯

辛 辛 X   X
卯 卯 X   X 

If you are observant, from the above illustrations, we can also gathered that 'there is a REPETITION' of HS & EB.

The Chinese character '伏' (Fu) also sounds like the other Chinese character '复' (Fu).  Meaning, REPETITION.  

When there is a repetition of HS & EB, it means that something is 'EXTRA'.    What can you think of in term of applying it into our bazi analysis? 

Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have,
and only you can determine how it will be spent.
Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you.
- Carl Sandburg

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Bazi Daily - 23/02/2011

伏 (Fu) = Bend over,
吟 (Yin)= crying

More often than not, Fu Yin refers to something that is unwanted, undesirable & mishaps.  

Below are some of the illustrations of Fu Yin :-

X     X     辛   辛                   
X     X     卯   卯            

辛 辛 X     X
卯 卯 X     X 

Theoretically, both the HS & EB must be identical. 

But, presently, most of us define it quite loosely.  As long as there is a repetition of either HS or EB, most of us tend to deem it as Fu Yin. 

In actual fact, it is not theoretically correct.

The great art of life is sensation, to feel that we exist, even in pain.
- Lord Byron


Monday, February 21, 2011

Bazi Daily - 22/02/2011


For those who do not read or understand Chinese, the caption of today posting is challenging.  

It is pronounced as 'Fu Yin'.  Literally, it is made up of TWO (2) Chinese characters : -

Fu) = Bend over,
Yin)= crying

Before I proceed further, what can you say about Fu Yin from the above 'translation'?

I think somehow we learn who we really are and then live with that decision.
- Eleanor Roosevelt

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Bazi Daily - 21/02/2011

Five Elements & its Industrial / Career Representation

Which element would you like to classify the Car Manufacturing Industry?

How about Doctor?

Gratefulness is the key to a happy life that we hold in our hands,
because if we are not grateful,
then no matter how much we have we will not be happy
-- because we will always want to have something else or something more.

- David Steindl-Rast

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Bazi Daily - 20/02/2011

Have you ever wonder or interested to find out what would likely take place in the year / month / day of Competitive or Amiable Deity?

Let us try to explore some of the probable events that might take place :-

-  social gathering with friends, colleagues or associates
-  making new friends or new colleagues
-  arguing (or even a fight) with colleagues or friends
-  intense argument with wife or girlfriends 

What everyone wants from life is continuous and genuine happiness.
- Baruch Spinoza

Friday, February 18, 2011

Bazi Daily - 19/02/2011

Identifying the prominent element(s) from our daily lives

Just read an interesting article on the above subject.   It was stated that :-

The most prominent element in our bazi influences our daily lives and behaviiours directly, but unknowingly.   

For instance :-

If the Earth is strong in your bazi chart, you may (unknowingly) affected by it such as prefer to walk or drive in the center lane or sit in the centre of the theater.  

Share with us if you have any interesting discoveries :)

Hope is both the earliest and the most indispensable virtue inherent
in the state of being alive.
If life is to be sustained hope must remain,
even where confidence is wounded, trust impaired.

- Erik H. Erikson

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Bazi Daily - 18/02/2011

Just bought a book titled : The DEJA VU Enigma (written by Marie D Jones & Larry Flaxman). 

As you may ask what exactly is DeJa Vu?

According to the authors, DeJa Vu is the eerie sensation of 'remembering' an experience or situation that never occurred. 

Can you tell from the bazi chart that which type of bazi configurations have the higher tendency of that 'eerie sensation' (ie DeJa Vu)?

Ninety-nine percent of the failures come from people
who have the habit of making excuses.
- George Washington Carver

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Bazi Daily - 17/02/2011

Decoding Classic - 五言独步


More often than not, we are worried about the clash between the opposing elements. Clash is often regarded as inauspicious as both the opposing energies are confronting with each other.

However, through years of studying The Book of Changes (易经), I realize that ‘Nothing is Absolute’ in this universe.

As quoted by this Classical Text, the Strong Wood DM must couple with STRONG metal energy in order for he/she to excel in his/her career.

You may, then, ask why is that so?

To find the answer, you may want to ask yourself (in term of 10 Deities) what is metal related to Wood DM.

All men have a sweetness in their life.
That is what helps them go on. It is towards that they turn when they feel too worn out.
- Albert Camus

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Bazi Daily - 16/02/2011

The Impact of Wealth Deity For a Strong DM (Cont'd)

01) With strong Resources, Strong output, and weak wealth element.

Scenario ONE (1) = Strong DM
Scenario TWO (2) = Weak DM

We have touched on the subject of Flow of Qi for both scenarios.  Now, we shall examine on the impact of the flow on the Wealth Element.

Strong Output   =>  Weak Wealth ElementImplication is that the person has a lot of ideas, but the OBJECTIVE is not clear & concrete.

Below Quotation does help the DM with this bazi configuration :-

Without some goals and some efforts to reach it,
no man can live.
- John Dewey

02) Coming to indirect output Luck Pillar for the above person (with above bazi configuration)

Since the energy flow is unsmooth in the natal chart, the addition of Indirect Output blocks the flow even more :)

Implication may be that can generate a lot of unique ideas, but no action! 

If that is the case, there is a need to constantly remind oneself on 'the importance of put plan into action'.    

Monday, February 14, 2011

Bazi Daily - 15/02/2011

Below is the request from one of the readers - Wei Kee.    As he is one of the most active members in this blog, I am going to elaborate further on his queires.     

The Impact of Wealth Deity For a Strong DM

01) With strong Resources, Strong output, and weak wealth element.

Based on the above descriptions, there are TWO (2) possible scenarios :-

Scenario ONE (1)  =  Strong DM

Scenario TWO (2) = Weak DM

In both the scenarios, the DM is quick witted & can be very expressive & talented (output - especially Explicit Talent Deity).   However, he/she can also be very temperamental & mood swing like roller coaster (strong output).

However, with the presence of strong resources (in the chart) simultaneously, the DM can also be a thinker and may, ended up, take no action at all.    The reason for no-action is simply of the Strong Self - Esteem that make him to be more risk aversion.   He/she can't afford to lose :(

You may, then, ask "what is the different between Scenario ONE & TWO"? 

Bazi, or Feng shui, is about flow of energy or vital forces or Qi (whatever names or terms that you may want to assign).

To be more specific, the SMOOTH FLOW of Qi.

In the First Scenario where there is a presence of Strong Resource, Strong DM & Strong Output, the flow of Qi is smooth. 

In contrast, in Scenario 2, the Qi flows in this manner :-
Strong Resource =>  Weak DM => Strong Output

It is unsmooth at all.   Hence, the person is even more temperamental as compared to Scenario 1.

(To be cont'd)


Life is a process. We are a process.
The universe is a process

- Anne Wilson Schaef -

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Bazi Daily - 14/02/2011

Decoding Classic - 五言独步


The topic of Wealth is most welcomed by the students and general public.

According to the above text, the mere presence of favorable Wealth Deity is insufficient in ‘making’ or explaining why a person is wealthy.

Based on my understanding of the ‘hidden’ implications, I do believe that there are more factors we need to take into consideration, such as :

- The Wealth Deity has to be favorable to the DM ;

- Even if the Wealth Deity is weak (though favorable), there is a presence of Output Deities to ‘strengthen’ the energy of the Wealth Deity.

- Even if the Wealth Deity is strong (and hence unfavorable), there is a presence of Authority Deities to ‘weaken’ such unfavorable energy of Wealth Deity.

There are two great rules of life: never tell everything at once.
- Ken Venturi

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Bazi Daily - 13/02/2011

Date Selection for Birth

I have received some comments pertaining to the above subject.  But not the information that I was looking for :)

First of all, the question that comes to my mind is to check with the parents on Gender of the baby. 

Secondly, I will request the bazi of the mother.   Not forgetting that it is also the day whereby the mother having operation.

Then, I will start to erect the Bazi Chart (with Year & Month Pillars). 

From there, I shall start my analysis and look for suitable 'Day Stem'.

Below is the chart :

X    X    辛     辛
X    X    卯     卯

Before we jump straigth to the selection of suitable Day Stem, it would be good to first analyze the above limited informaton.

What is your view point?

Don't strew me with roses after I'm dead.
When Death claims the light of my brow,
No flowers of life will cheer me: instead
You may give me my roses now!
- Thomas F. Healey

Friday, February 11, 2011

Bazi Daily - 12/02/2011

Just received a call from student.  He asked me to choose an auspicious birth date for his baby due to some medical reasons. 

Personally, I do believe in natural birth.  But after knowing some of the date(s) he had choosen (together with his close friend), I reluctantly gave him some guidelines and my preferred date for such purpose.  

More often than not, we (equipped with knowledge of bazi) frequently asked to give advice on such event.  It was shocking that most of us do not even know what to look for or what to consider when being approached by friends or relatives.

BEAR in mind that we (the person that so-called 'created' the bazi for the new life) owed a duty of care or responsibility to the person whereby we provided the advice (irregard whether or not we receive any form of remuneration).

For the next couple of days, depends on the response (ie participation rate for discussion), I am going to share with you on the step-to-step guidelines on selecting the 'suitable' date of birth. 

Please take note that I used the word 'suitable', not ideal.   Because, there are a lot of limitations when choosing a date for such occasion. The month & year pillars are fixed, isn't it? 

Below are the information provided to me:

The expected date of operation can be anytimes inbetween = mid-March 2011 to end of March 2011.

Who want to try by sharing with us what are the factors that we need to consider?

Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.
- Soren Kierkegaard

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Bazi Daily - 11/02/2011

Kidneys (肾)

Manifest in the head hair
Abundant Kidney Jing nourishes hair: hair then grows well and is healthy and shiny. Weak Kidney Jing: thin brittle, dull, or falling hair, premature graying.

NOTE: Liver Blood also has to do with hair color and shine, but Kidney Jing is instrumental in production of Liver Blood.

Controls the Two Lower Orifices

The Kidneys control the front orifice, which is the urethra (and spermatic duct in males), and the rear orifice, which is the anus.

These are functionally related to the Kidneys.

Urethra related because Kidney provides the Bladder with the Qi necessary to transform urine (weak Kidney Qi produces leaking of urinary incontinence).

Deficient Kidney Qi or Kidney Jing can cause spermatorrhea or nocturnal emissions.

Anus anatomically related to Large Intestine but functionally related to Kidney. If Kidney Qi is weak, there may be diarrhea or prolapsed anus.

Houses the Will Power

Will Power (Zhi), including concepts of staying power and motivation, depend on Kidneys.

Each person must live their life as a model for others.

- Rosa Parks

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Bazi Daily - 10/02/2011

Kidneys (肾)

Control inspiration and the grasping of Qi

While the Lungs govern respiration, the Kidneys play an important role in normal breathing. The Kidneys assist the Lungs during inhalation by "Grasping the Qi". In this relationship, the Lungs are called the "Foundation of Qi", and the Kidneys are called the "Root of Qi". When the Kidneys fail to Grasp the Qi, respiratory illnesses can occur, such as chronic asthma.

Opens into the Ears

Ears related to Kidneys: Kidney Jing nourishes ears and enables proper functioning. Weak Jing, weak hearing or tinnitus.

How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young,
compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving,
and tolerant of the weak and strong.
Because some day in life you will have been all of these.
- George Washington Carver

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Bazi Daily - 09/02/2011

Kidney (肾)

Kidneys Governs Water and Water Passageways

1. Kidneys belong to Water element

2. They govern the transformation and transportation of body fluids in many different ways. For example, the Kidneys control flow of Body Fluids in Lower Burner. The correct balance of Kidney Yin and Kidney Yang produces normal regulation of the opening and closing of the "gate" of urination.

In disease, Kidney Yin and Yang imbalanced (not enough Yang or not enough Yin). Where Yang is deficient, "gate" stays open: profuse and pale urination. Where Yin is deficient, "gate" stays closed: scanty and dark urination.

You learn about equality in history and civics, but you find out life is not really like that.
- Arthur Ashe

Monday, February 7, 2011

Bazi Daily - 08/02/2011

Kidney (肾)

Produces Marrow, Fill up the Brain (this is the reason why water represents wisdom) and Spinal Chord, and Control the Bones

Jing is also the organic foundation for production of marrow.

Marrow is the common substance of bones, bone marrow, brain ("sea of marrow") and spinal cord.

Kidney Jing produces Marrow, which generates spinal cord and "fills up" brain: therefore Kidney has relationship with brain. Strong Jing nourishes brain and memory/concentration, etc. will be good.  

Jing inadequate to nourish the brain: poor memory and concentration, dull thinking (this is especially so if the natal chart is full of 'hard' earth). Therefore Kidneys also govern bone marrow and bones (and teeth, which are said to be the outgrowth of bones).

I can very well do without God both in my life and in my painting,
but I cannot, suffering as I am, do without something
which is greater than I am, which is my life, the power to create.

- Vincent van Gogh

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Bazi Daily - 07/02/2011

Kidney (肾)

Store the Jing (精) and rule birth, development, and reproduction

Jing is the (material and immaterial) substance most intimately connected to life itself. It is the creator of life and is the foundation for differentiation into Yin and Yang. The Kidneys are sometimes referred to as the "Root of Life" (生命之根本) because Jing is the basis for reproduction, growth, and development.

It flourishes as we grow and develop, and wanes as we grow old. The Kidneys are said to govern these processes at it stores the Jing.

Jing (Essence) the precious substance has two types:

1. Prenatal Jing: Inherited from parents
2. Postnatal Jing: Partly replenished from food and fluids

Prenatal Jing determines our basic constitution, vitality, and strength. It is the basis of sexual life and the formation of sperm and egg. It is the foundation for differentiation into Yin and Yang. Insufficient Jing can cause infertility, impotence, problems relating to growth, reproduction, premature senility, etc.

Postnatal Jing is the refined essence extracted from the food by the internal Organs, particularly the Spleen.

Kidney Jing provides material basis for both Kidney Yin and Kidney Yang.

Keep love in your heart.
A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead.
The consciousness of loving and being loved
brings a warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring.
- Oscar Wilde

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Bazi Daily - 06/02/2011

Today, we shall begin our journey on exploring the last of our vital organ - Kidney (water)

Below are the functions of the kidney :-

1. Store the Jing (精) and rule birth, growth, development, reproduction, and sexuality

2. Produce Marrow (骨髓), fills up the Brain, and rule the Bones

3. Rule Water and Water Metabolism (新陈代谢) 

4. Control inspiration and the grasping of Qi (气)

5. Open into the Ears

6. Manifest in the head hair

7. Control the two lower orifices

8. Residence of the Zhi (Will Power)

    a. Kidney Yin and Kidney Yang are the foundation of the Yin and Yang of the whole body.

    b. Kidney Yin and Kidney Yang rely on each other for their existence. Kidney Yin provides material basis for Kidney Yang. Kidney Yang provides necessary Heat for all Kidney functions.

Life's challenges are not supposed to paralyze you,
they're supposed to help you discover who you are.
- Bernice Johnson Reagon

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Bazi Daily - 03/02/2011

Happy Chinese New Year!

Wish all your dreams come true :-

Wealthy, Healthy, Promotions, Good Salary Increment with no added responsbility....

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Bazi Daily - 02/02/2011



This is an interesting one. Common sense tells us that strong Fire can only be balanced by the Water. However, to the contrary, according to this ancient text, when the fire is strong and is ‘rooted’, it would be disastrous to have Water in the natal chart or Luck Cycle.

Please do not worry or, even confuse by such a statement. In Chinese Metaphysics, the most important concept is to maintain the Stage of “BALANCE”.

In the event where the Fire is EXTREMELY strong, miserable (i.e. weak) water is insignificant in subsiding the Fire.

It is just like a timid or refined individual (i.e. weak Water) cannot afford to offend the aggressive individual (i.e. Strong Fire). In Chinese, we use the term ‘犯旺’ (offending the bullied or strong individual).

We can apply the same concept to other elements.

Life is relationships; the rest is just details.
- Gary Smalley

Self Discovery.....

Knowing yourself, knowing the peoples surrounding you ....