How do you define or judge whether a given bazi chart is good or bad?
According to common understanding & believe, the keyword is the chart has to be ‘BALANCE’ in order to be qualified or classified as good.
But, to our contrary, the author deemed that BALANCE is nothing special. The chart is considered desirable (or good) when there are ‘faults’ exist (ie unfavorable element[s]) within the chart.
In the case where there is an EXISTENCE of Favorable Element(s) to eliminate the existed faults within the chart, fame & wealth will come true.
I don't want to get to the end of my life and find that I lived just the length of it.
I want to have lived the width of it as well.
- Diane Ackerman
Hi Master Goh,
Merry X'mas!
I think a good bazi chart should have good chi flow and it should comprise very prominently all 5 elements.
What is your take of a good bazi chart? Do you agree with the author you've quoted?
I do agree with you that the smooth flow of Qi is one of the major factors.
However, all the 5 elements need not have to be present simultaneously to be qualified as a good chart. If there are only 3 elements in the chart and these elements (more or less equal in strength) are in generative relationship (eg fire, earth & metal), I would still classify it as a good chart.
I do agree with the author! He mentioned one important concept = Balance. Why I said that? Though there is a flaw in the bazi chart, there is also remedy (ie the favorable element).
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