Saturday, December 25, 2010

Bazi Daily - 26/12/2010

Removal of Gall Bladder (in the year of 1997)

戊    戊  乙    Female (1975)
辰  辰  寅  卯

43        33        23        13       3
癸  壬  辛  庚  己
未  午  巳  辰  卯

Pertaining to the suffering of mental & psychological issues, the posting on 16 Dec 2010 will provide you with a good explanation.
It was stated that :-
Wood  =  
Ethereal Soul (魂).  Its represents the ability to be resolute & to plan.  When the energy of Wood is out of balance, this becomes anger.
The subject could not control her emotion at all :(

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Self Discovery.....

Knowing yourself, knowing the peoples surrounding you ....