Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Bazi Daily - 27/05/2010

Star of Aggression
(羊刃 ~ Yang Ren)

The Star of Aggression is actually the Peak phase in the 12 Natural Stages of Life (refer to Chapter 6). Akin to the forceful aura of an emperor, this compound star is just as fierce and powerful.

Connoting intensity and aggression, Yang comes from the yin and yang elements.

Ren on the other hand refers to a sharp blade that can inflict harm and damage.

Together, the Star of Aggression (Yang Ren) is a compelling compound star, which encompasses very resolute and destructive potential. Whether it is good or bad will have to bank on how other latent conflicts or unfavourable factors within the four-pillar chart shall affect it.

Star of Aggression favourable to weak day master:

Star of Aggression is symbol of power, initiative and vigour. A weak day master benefits from the compound star because the latter will lift his confidence to a large extent. As a result, he can charge full steam ahead and achieve his goal once he makes up his mind.

Star of Aggression unfavourable to strong day master:

The core nature of the Star of Aggression is already toughness and impatience. Therefore, a strong day master who holds the Star of Aggression can become even more edgy, impulsive, overbearing, self-centred, self-opinionated, disregardful of others and extreme. He is prone to pick quarrels and get into trouble.



Great ideas often receive violent opposition from mediocre minds.

- Albert Einstein


Anonymous said...


What happens if a DM has all the following:

1. Star of Aggression
2. Commanding Star
3. Hong Yan Sha (Red Demon)

within the same EB, and that EB governs the DM's season of birth, also it is favourable.

Does that mean the personality will be forceful, will it benefit career? Tx


Guan Leong, GOH said...


I don't feel the term 'Red Demon' is right for the Hong Yan Sha.

Every Compound Star (i.e. Shen Sha) has its own +ve & -ve characteristics. It is only when the Hong Yan Sha is unfavorable that 'Red Demon' is, then, best describe.
If not, when it is favorable, I would regard it as good human relation, especially to the opposite gender.

Hence, based on the scenario that you have described, I would say that the person maybe forceful & decisive. But, he/she would approach its subtlely & with due respect to others. Reason? Because Hong Yan Sha is favorable.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the above input, GGL. Seems the good human relations aspect is true, according to her.

She also has two Imposing Authority elements next to/on either side of that Mth EB(In season, with d mentioned triple shen shas)

Since either can combine with the Mth EB, would this potential interaction strengthen those shen shas favorably or otherwise?

Thks again.


Guan Leong, GOH said...


Based on your description (which I can't really visualized fully), I would think that those 'competition' for combination would render her mood swing easily :(

joey said...

What if one has two hon yan sha like me?
ding ding xin xin~
wei wei chou chou
looks like a fake follow shi shen


Self Discovery.....

Knowing yourself, knowing the peoples surrounding you ....