Liao-Fan: I have only explained the above ten categories in summary, now I will explain each in detail and example:
Liao-Fan: What is meant by "supporting the practice of kindness"? In the Yu Dynasty, there once was an emperor by the name of Shwun. One day, before he became emperor, Shwun was watching some fishermen on Lake Lei-ze. He noticed that all the younger and stronger fishermen took the spots where the water was deep and the fish were abundant, while the older and weaker fishermen were left with the rapids and shallow water, where there were very few fish. When Shwun saw this situation, he felt sympathy for the older and weaker fishermen, and thought of a way turn the situation around. He decided to join in the fishing party to set an example for the others. Whenever he saw fishermen plunder good fishing spots, he would conceal their faults and never even spoke of that their selfishness. When he saw those who were humble and yielding, he praised them everywhere he went and even followed their humble and polite ways. Shwun stayed and fished like this for a whole year until the other fishermen got into the habit of yielding good fishing spots to others.
Narrator: This story of Shwun is only an example to show how a person influences others through his actions, and not through his speech. It is not meant to encourage people to fish, because fishing is an act of killing. Please refrain from sports which take the lives of others.
Liao-Fan: A wise and intelligent man such as Shwun could have easily influenced others with a few words of advice. Why didn't he just say something instead of personally joining the gathering? You should understand that Shwun didn't want to use words, but preferred to set an example for others through his own actions. Shwun wanted those fishermen to feel ashamed of their own selfish behavior and change on their own accord. This really shows how deep and sincere Shwun's wish was for others to practice kindness.
Liao-Fan: In today's era of low morality, social breakdown, and loss of proper thinking, it is most difficult to find a good standard of behavior. Therefore, when those around us have shortcomings, we should not use our good points to highlight their deficiencies. When the other person is unkind, we should not use our kindness to measure or compare ourselves to them. When others are not as capable as we are, we should not purposely surpass them with our abilities. Even when we are intelligent and competent, these skills should be kept hidden and not boasted of Instead, we should behave even more humbly than ever. We should look upon our skills and abilities as unimportant, false, and unreal. When someone makes a mistake, we should tolerate it and conceal it, giving them a chance to reform without losing their self-respect. When we let the person keep his dignity, he will be even more careful of his actions in the future.
When we see strengths and kindness in others, we should learn from them, praise them, and make their goodness known to others. In daily life, we should refrain from speaking and acting with selfish intentions, but instead seek to benefit society and the public. We can make beneficial laws and regulations for the public to follow. These are the qualities of a great man, since he thinks of the public welfare as more important than his own.
Hi Master Goh,
Does this chart capable to be a multi-millionaire?
Geng Xin Ji Bing
Yin Wei Hai Wu
Master Goh,
What is the potential of the chart above, as said by Celeste?
Celeste & Pauline,
Before I share my view, I would like to ask you the same question, does the owner of the chart below capable to be a multi-millionaire?
If yes, why? Also, if no, why?
X 辛 戊 己
X 丑 辰 丑
Master Goh,
I say depends on the luck pillar.
The wealth element is rooted, but not at stem, hence the wealth will be not that great.
If luck pillar is favorable, with wealth elements, then he can succeed.
Robwealth is next to it, could be someone eyeing his wealth, therefore he needs to be careful?
Wouldn't you think that the information provided is seriously insufficient?
No gender, no country of birth,...
BTW, you have yet answer to my question on the case provided by me.
Before I share with you on my view, I would like to reveal the 'identity' of the DM that I have cited :-
X 辛 戊 己 Male
X 丑 辰 丑
He is the grandson of Hong Kong's Wealthiest/ Richest Businessman - Mr Li Ka Shing.
Theoretically, the above chart is far below the average. In actual fact, it is not a good chart.
However, despites the fact that it is not a good chart, he is going to be the multi-millionaire, agreed? That is for sure, or rather it is already pre-destined.
Hence, I am quite reserved in answering the question posted by you.
As for the chart you have quoted, the only explanation that I can furnish is Wei (the Wood Pool ~ the Wealth Pool) that is located in the Day Branch.
According to classical scholars, those with Xin Mao or Xin Wei as Day Pillar, it would be wealthy :)
Before I end this session, please bear in mind that :-
一命 (Most important is Bazi)
二运 (followed by LP)
三风水 (thirdly, fengshui)
四积德 (fouthly, Virtue)
五勤奋 (last but not least, hardwork)
From the above, we gather that Bazi or other metaphysical sciences or arts can only point to us the general directions or roads that we are going to encounter.
There are, yet, other invisible forces that would mend our path that couldn't be foretell by those sciences.
To me, it is a good news, OUR LIFE IS IN OUR HAND. We can create a better future by our own hand.
Master Goh
I read you mentioned that those with Xin Mao or Xin Wei Day pillars will be have the potential to be wealthy,
How about these two charts?
X Xin Xin Ji (Female)F
X Mao Wei Wei
X Xin Gui Ji (Female)IS
X Mao You Wei
Both are Xin Mao pillars, Potential?
Hi Master Goh,
You are correct. The chart that i put up belongs to someone related to Li Ka Shing, hong kong's wealthiest individual, but its not the grandson, it is the youngest son, Richard Li Tzar Kai.
From the chart, i do not see the month pillar being a wealth door, however the only wealth element available is the hour pillar, yet this man manage achieve billionaire status. I think he must be have had used his entrepreneur skills very well not to mention his father's influence on the deals.
I feel sometimes if bazi says you can only be so n so...but if you try really hard and work hard bazi can't hold the person back, what do you think? Isn't life about free will?
Yes, there is a will, there is a way.
Like other metaphysics, bazi (too) has its blindspot. It does not take into consideration the family background & the karmic effects of the individuals.
Therefore, I am quite reserve in answering to questions posted pertaining to attainment of Wealth :)
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