Thursday, May 19, 2011

Bazi Daily - 19/05/2011



To examine whether an individual will leave his home town, we have to investigate is the Day Master connected & rooted with Earthly Branches.

In the event where the DM is not rooted or connected with the Earthly Branches, it is quite possible that he/she may leave the hometown.

Creativity is a type of learning process where the teacher and pupil
are located in the same individual.
- Arthur Koestler


kk said...


if the year eb clashes with the month eb
will the person leave his/her hometown??

i had been told that it is better that i go somewhere else........

Guan Leong, GOH said...


Clashes means leaving hometown is only one of the possibilities. It can also mean not staying with parents :)

If the clashes is favorable (eg diminishing the negative effect of unfav element), the leaving of hometown is encouraged.

Anonymous said...

Dear Master Goh

I am a weak BING fire Day Master and it's rooted
with the Year Pillar EB Xu ( hidden stem ding)

Xu EB ... Hidden Stem = xin WU ding

however, the Xu EB (year pillar) clashes with Chen EB (month pillar)

Does that mean that I am encouraged to leave my hometown ?

Many thanks



Anonymous said...

i myself have my roots sewverely weakened in clash,i wonder if this is enough to move
ding ding xin xin
wei wei chou chou
a neighbour of mine has his roots in clash and he always appeared to me somewhat uprooted
wu jia jia
wu xu chen 5 nov 1964


Anonymous said...

Since weak root means lack of self esteem or confidence, i wonder why they say its good to leave hometwon.Will the person be different away from hometown?


Self Discovery.....

Knowing yourself, knowing the peoples surrounding you ....